Vuhifellian Empire

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A Nation on the continent of Vuhifell, in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and North America.


The Vuhifellian Federation is based on a strong Federal Constitution, which breaks down the powers of government into four main bodies. (Note: sometimes these may be grouped as three, since the Supreme Council and President do the same duties)

The Presidency

The President is the Head of Government and Head of State for the nation. He/she is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Vuhifell's military. (The other CIC's are the Generals on the Military Council).

The President can use his/her veto power against Congressional legislation, the veto applied to both divisions, and in both divisions, there needs to be a 70 percent majority to override a Presidential Veto.

Presidential approval is also needed on most government documents. Also, the President is the only one, besides the High Court and the Supreme Council, who can approve the dismissal of high-ranking government officials (e.g. Supreme Councilors, High Court Judges, Supreme Delegate & Senator, etc.)

The President is elected through a popular vote in each province. If the candidate gains a majority of votes from a certain province, he/she is awarded a number of points. A candidate needs only a majority of the points to become President, however, it should be noted that certain provinces have many more points associated with them than others. (e.g. Winning the election in Osea will earn a candidate 4 points, while winning the election in South Belka would award the candidate 9 points.)

For full information on the Vuhifellian election system, visit: Vuhifellian Election Procedure

Supreme Council

The Supreme Council acts as the President's cabinet. It is headed by the Supreme Councilor of each council. The Supreme Council can carry out every Presidential duty, such as approve the dismissal of governmental officials, approve legislation, etc. However, to do this, the Supreme Council needs a unanimous vote from all its members, and a vote from the Vice-President.

Federational Congress

The Federational Congress is a bicameral legislature. Featuring both the Congressional Delegation and the Senate. There is a fixed number of 3 senators per province (one senator for the refugee divisions of North Osea and Daijima).

A province recieves one Delegate to the Congressional Delegation for every 10 Million citizens. (Any provinces under 10 million are not represented, and the refugee divisions of Daijima and North Osea, although having tens of millions of citizens, only hold a maximum of 2 delegates)

Congress holds the power to vote on new laws, vote on Federal Warrants for public officials (any Federal Government worker cannot be arrested or brought to trial without a warrant issued by Congress, and the High Court's approval of arrest). It controls funding for the different Councils, controls the tax rate, can declare war/surrender (the latter only being possible with approval from the Council of War), and approves referendums (when voting on specifically controversial issues)

Congressional Delegation

The Congressional Delegation is made up of over 360 Delegates from around the continent. It is the upper-division of Congress, and it needs a simple majority of votes to pass any law. It is headed by the Supreme Delegate (the Supreme Delegate can veto anything passed in the Delegation, a simple majority is needed to override the veto).


The Senate is made up of 44 Senators from across the continent. It is the lower division of the Congress, and it needs a 65 percent majority to pass any legislation or issue in the Senate. It is headed by the Supreme Senator (who can veto anything passed in the Senate, a 65 percent majority is needed to override the veto).

High Court

The High Court consists of one Head Judge representing each province and district of Vuhifell. The High Judges are elected by their province's legislature, however, only the Federational Congress can elect a Supreme Judge. A High Court judge's term may not end until:

  • The judge dies
  • The judge resigns
  • A Provincial Administrator calls for new elections (the President can also call new elections for a Supreme Judge; this power may only be used once every term, however, the election calling power is not cumulative.)

A Head Judge's vote counts once, the Supreme Judge's vote counts twice. There are currently 16 Head Judges and 1 Supreme Judge (a second Supreme Judge may be nominated in times of war)

The High Court directly handles cases between provinces, cases involving high-ranking government officials, and they hear any case brought to them that is not resolved by a lesser court (The Court of Appeals has to approve a lesser-court case before it is presented to the High Court).

The High Court can declare Vuhifellian diplomatic immunity null and void (along with the President and Supreme Council), dismiss high-ranking government officials, can declare Federal or Provincial laws null and void if they conflict with the Federal Constitution (or if Provincial laws conflict with Federal laws, town laws conflict with Provincial laws, etc.), and the High Court is also the middle point of Martial Law. If the Military Council submits a request for martial law in a specific town, province, or the entire nation, the High Court must vote to approve the request. After this, either the President, or the Supreme Council must approve the request in order to declare Martial Law.


Each council consists of five members, the five members vote on the policies of their respective councils. Councils are broken down into sub-divisions of Ministries (e.g. Council of War, Ministry of Defense); these sub-divisions are further broken down into sub-sub-divisions of Departments (e.g. Council of War, Ministry of Defense, Department of the Defense of North Belka)

A simple majority is needed to pass decisions in each council, when a tie is declared, the Supreme Councilor's vote counts twice. A Supreme Councilor may only vote YEA or NAY in his/her council (however in the Supreme Council they may also ABSTAIN). There are three High Councilors, one Vice-Councilor, and one Supreme Councilor on every council.

List of councils in the Vuhifellian Federation

Federal Law Review

If a petition of at least 100,000,000 citizens signatures (4 refugee signatures count as 1 citizen signature, all signatures must be from a citizen/refugee at least 17 years of age) is presented to the High Court, it may then hold a Federal Law Review, allowing the Federal government, Provincial governments, city governments, and the common man, to all discuss revisions to the Federal Constitution.

Once several revisions are agreed on, they are put up on referendum to the populace (again, 4 refugee votes count as 1 citizen vote). A 70 percent majority is needed to pass each revision, so far, the Federal Constitution has been edited by the former (Federal government only) way, 4 times. It has been edited via Federal Law Review about 16

Domestic History

I improvised on my last version, this version will be complete, and will be true

Foreign history

A new version is being prepared: COMING SOON

Culture & Society

Modern Vuhifellian Society is very complex, much more complicated than the society of the indinginous peoples before the settlers arrived. Because Vuhifell lies on an island continent, Vuhifellians see themselves as isolated, when actually, Alaska is just 230 miles away from the northernmost coast.

Ancient Culture

Soon to be revamped

A Time of Religion

Soon to be revamped

Modern Times

This is obsolete, it will be replaced in time.


With strict guidelines from the Federal government, each settlement is broken down into districts, led by an elected administrator. The administrator not only controls education, but health, police, firefighters, et cetera. The advised federal curriculum is as follows (although districts may follow their own curriculum, only those that follow the federal curriculum may recieve federal funding)

Elementary School

-Grade 0-5

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Basic Science
  • Basic and Complex Grammer
  • Physical Education
  • A choice of an Arts class, music class, cooking class, sewing class, foreign language, computer skills, or craftsmanship class.
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class

Middle School

-Grade 6-8

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Advanced Science
  • Complex Grammer
  • Physical Education
  • Basic Physics
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class
  • Basic Economics

High School

-Grade 9-12

  • Foreign and Domestic History
  • Post-Advanced Mathematics
  • Post-Advanced Science
  • Post-Advanced Grammer
  • Advanced Physics
  • Advanced Chemistry
  • Physical Training (sub-military grade)
  • Health Class
  • Environment Class
  • Post-High School Preperation
  • Advanced Economics


Soon to be revamped


The Vuhifellian economy can only be described as extremely complex. Several specialized industries develop around certain areas of the continent. For expample, the northern regions are very rich in minerals and natural resources, so almost all of the nation's industrial output is located there; the eastern peninsula has very rich soil, and has very adequate conditions neccessary to make high-quality liquor.

Vuhifellian Federation
Law before Justice
RegionCnC Universe
Population±3.86 Billion
Official LanguageJapanese, Russian, English
CapitalNew Hivez
Largest ReligionKazachitism
Tech LevelPost Modern Tech
Independence(From all colonial powers)July 10, 1700
LeaderPresident Alicia Daniels
National AnthemAdmirable Beauty
National AnimalData Angel
Internet TLD .vuh
MapMap of Vuhifell
Stats: Vuhifellian States NSEconomy Vuhifellian States XML