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Flag of Toremal
Motto: I am the State
[None available ]
Region South Pacific
Capital Torembourg
Official Language(s) Toran
Leader HRH Maria Toremal
Population 366 Million
Currency Wenaha 
NS Sunset XML


Toremal is a nation of 366 Million people, nearly all whom are of Tormalin descent. They are led by the Grand Duke or Grand Duchess. It is counted as a Moralistic Deomcaracy, though it often swings between this and an Authoritarian Democracy.

Geography & Geology

A hot nation, Toremal is world-famous for its 'lush rainforests' which tourist flock in their thousands to see - from a distance. The people are aware of their duty to the environment, and protect almost all their remaining real estate, rainforests etc. The country suffers from a lack of modern developments as a result, but the population, on the whole, do not mind. In Toremal is found one of the greatest abundancies of rare species on the planet, with over 1,780,457 species of bird, 563,345,879,511 species of other land animals, and the Zebra. It is illegal to eat, or genetically modify the Zebra, which is the national animal. It is pronounced in the British way, as Zehbra, not Zeebrah. The country consists of uncounted tiny, tropical islands, many of which are 'green belts' and/or nature reserves. Volcanic acticity is highly rare, as is seismographic activity - however, one notorious volcano is TorVol, which has erupted over 100 times in the last 150 years- by law, no-one is now allowed to live within a 400 mile radius of it.

Government and Politics

The country is ruled by a parliament, which is almost always Conservative, and the Grand Duchess Maria, who has Supreme command of the Military and Environment. The 'Deuxieme' is the Tormalin equivalent of a Prime Minster, and one or two people (one for a party, two for a union) can hold this position. The last 18 'Deuxieme's have been from the Conservative Union (Toremal). They are elcted via the Great and Good Council, which is the parlimanet, and the Good Speaker (the MP's) are elected by the people. Grand Duchess Maria has the Government 'in the palm of her hand', due to the fact that she owns nearly every estate in the country, and can therfore enforce her will with or without the Government's permission. however, this is more a benevolent than corrupt rule, and, for the last month, the economy has prospered. The people are currently voting on a Maria Day to celebrate their ruler. the House of Toremal has ruled since 1650. The government is devided into ministeries and departments:
The following are answerable to the 'Deuxieme'
The Ministry of Humanitarian and Defense Affairs - Civilian led
The Ministry for Intelligence and Espionage - Civilian Led
The Department of Trade and Overseas Commerce - Proffessionaly led.
The following are answerable to the Great and Good Council
The Home Office
The Academy for Diplomatic Training & Diplomatic Corps offices.
The Office of the Budget
At the moment the Government, newly appointed in July 2006, is meeting to discuss how to end the compensation culture of the nation. According ot some statistics, the Government's priority is law and order.


The people are all highly devout Tor Christians and attend church at least once a week.


Toremal is justly unfamous for its cultural life, as the most exciting event of a Tormalin's evening is not party-ing, but going to a restaurant - there has been a recent trend for high up, revolving restaurants. The most popular singer in Toremal is Sandi Thom, but Top of the Pops is only showed once a month. Artists are not much appreciated in Toremal if they are makers of abstracts or landscapes. however, portraits are one of the best-selling commodities on the nation. A 'culture' of the nation is the trend for compensation - but the government is looking at stamping this out.


The nation's principal industry is trout farming. Most heavy industry is based around Alsokun - Torembourg is mainly services and other tertiary jobs.


The Government spends: 0% on administration, 0% on welfare, 5% on healthcare, 17& on education, 23% on religion, 1& on defense, 24% on law and order, 0 on commerce, 7& on public transport, and 16& on the environment, with social equality recieving 8%.

Children in Toremal

Children in Toremal, and, indeed, until a month go, are given a very sheltered, protected life. the most risque program shown in Toremal is Rupert Bear.