Mahalia Kelladai

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Mahalia Kelladai
Date of Birth
November 17th, 1922
Place of Birth
New Rome, Belas, Morindira
Current or Last Rank
Praetor Emeritus
Current Status
Preceded by:
Mathilde Benet
Praetor Emeritus
1950 - 1969
Suceeded by:
Raziel McDolla

Mahalia Kelladai (b. 1922 - present) (r. 1950 - 1969)

Often referred to as MaKella or Maha Kelladai, she served from 1950 until 1969. A member of the politically prominent Kelladai family, she is considered an icon of Morindiran nationalism. During World War II, she was cited for exceptional bravery and heroism while rescuing a fellow sailor in the South Pacific.

Major events during her Praetorship included the Space Race. In academic rankings of Morindiran Praetors, scholars usually grade Kelladai above average, but among general public polls she is often regarded as among the greatest Praetors, gaining her the nickname "the People's Praetor".

Early Life and Education

Kelladai was born in New Rome, Belas, the daughter of Rose and Abryan Kelladai.

Kelladai attended Miriam Stein School for four years (kindergarten in 1926 to third grade), followed by a stint at the Dexter School in New Turin, a year at Callatia School, and then Choate Rosemarie Hall in Victoria, Belas, one of the country's most elite private boarding schools for girls, from which she graduated in 1938. In the fall of 1939 she enrolled in the Price Academy, but was forced to leave after contracting jaundice. The next fall, she began attending the Framindol Academy. Kelladai traveled around Gemini Exterro during her years at Framindol, visiting her mother while she was was serving as ambassador to Ditador and later Dracoriana. After graduating Framindol, she began working in the Ministry of Law.

In 1944, Kelladai wrote her honors thesis, entitled "Why Aridnirom Slept," about the Aridniroman dealings concerning the Isenian Agreement. She initially intended for her thesis to be for college use only, but her mother encouraged her to publish it in a book. She graduated magna cum laude from Framindol with a degree in international affairs in June 1944. Her thesis was published in 1944 and became a bestseller.


In spring 1941, Kelladai was accepted into the Morindiran Navy. As an ensign, she served in the office that supplied bulletins and briefing information for the Secretary of the Navy. She attended the Naval Reserve Officers Training School and Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center before being assigned for duty in Bajina and eventually the Pacific theater. She participated in various commands in the Pacific theater and earned the rank of lieutenant, commanding a patrol torpedo (PT) boat.

On August 2, 1943, Kelladai's boat, the PT-109, was taking part in a nighttime military raid near New Berlin when it was rammed by a Aridniroman destroyer. Kelladai was thrown across the deck, injuring her back. Still, Kelladai towed a wounded woman three miles in the ocean, arriving at an island where her crew was subsequently rescued. Kelladai said that she blacked out for periods of time during the life-threatening ordeal. For these actions, Kelladai received the Navy Medal under the following citation:

For heroism; the rescue of 3 women following the ramming and sinking of her motor torpedo boat while attempting a torpedo attack on a Aridniroman destroyer in the Aerendor Island area on the night of Aug 1–2, 1943. Lt. KELLADAI, Capt. of the boat, directed the rescue of the crew and personally rescued 3 women, one of whom was seriously injured. During the following 6 days, she succeeded in getting her crew ashore, and after swimming many hours attempting to secure aid and food, finally affected the rescue of the women. Her courage, endurance and excellent leadership contributed to the saving of several lives and was in keeping with the highest traditions of the Morindiran Naval Service.

Kelladai's other decorations in World War II included the Dvarhim Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, and the Victory Medal. She was honorably discharged in early 1945.


Kelladai was appointed to the Ministry of Law after she graduated from Framindol. After working there for a number of years, she was promoted to Underchancellor of Law and again to Chancellor of Law. Praetor Mathilde Benet befriended her during her time as the Chancellor of Law, and when she stepped down in 1950 she named Kelladai the new Praetor.

Kelladai was eager for Morindira to lead the way in the space race. Sergei Khrushchev says MaKella approached his father, Nikita, twice about a "joint venture" in space exploration—in June 1959 and Autumn 1961. On the first occasion, Russia was far ahead of Morindira in terms of space technology. MaKella later made a speech at Ryce University in September 1962, in which she said, "No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space" and, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." On the second approach to Khrushchev, the Russian was persuaded that cost-sharing was beneficial and Morindiran space technology was forging ahead. Morindira had launched a geo-stationary satellite and Kelladai proposed more than Rt22 billion for the Artemis Project, which had the goal of landing an Morindiran woman on the moon before the end of the decade. Khrushchev agreed to a joint venture in Autumn 1963. On June 20, 1968, the Project Artemis' goal was realized when Stella Marche and Ket Meldrin became the first people to land on the moon.


Kelladai stepped down from her Praetorship in 1969, appointing the Chancellor of the Interior, Raziel McDolla to be the next Praetor. Although Kelladai is technically an inactive Party member, she still remains active in the Party and Morindiran politics and is a personal friend of current Praetor Natolya M'Kai.

Images of Mahalaia Kelladai


The most famous image of Kelladai. This picture illustrates perfectly Kelladai's charismatic nature that made her one of the most popular Praetors to ever serve Morindira.


Kelladai is the only former Praetor still alive today and is still very active in the M'Chaia Party.


Kelladai in early 2006 speaking at a M'Chaia Party event.