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National motto: Compassion is for the weak.
Region Gemini Exterro
Official language Hebrew
Capital Valinskya
UN Category Psychotic Dictatorship
Political Freedoms Outlawed
Civil Rights Unheard of
Major Industry (Government Controlled)
Largest Religion (Forbidden)
Sovereign (None)
Praetor Emeritus Natolya M'Kai

 - Total (2004)
 - Density

Ranked 3rd


Currency Rak-tir (RT:)
National Animal Raven
Time zone GMT 1
Internet TLD .MOR

Morindiran Provinces and their Capitals

  • Remistlin - New Turin
  • Belas - Victoria
  • Mestya - Valinskya
  • Vendarra - Havlislin
  • Thalan - H'darra
  • Jaeda - Ram

Morindira: A History

In mideval times, before our modern borders, the land now known as Morindira was made up of several small, sparsely populated nations, each ruled by a theocratic monarchy and each monarchy related to each other. The three main tribes that made up the area now known as Morindira -- the Jaia in the cental region, the Belini in the south and the Franns in the north -- were constantly at war. This constant conflict between the tribes concealed something even worse -- the corrupt leadership of the monarchy. The Kings and Queens of Morindira were self-interested opportunists, imposing unlivable taxation on their subjects just to pacify their own greed. Revolution was on the minds of many, and unsuccessful revolutions were attempted many times. The deep schism between the tribes made it impossible to unseat the monarchy.

It wasn't until 1789 that Natolya Valin, from the central Jaia tribe, worked to unite the tribes in opposition of the monarchy. Over the next ten years Valin and her army of revolutionaries overthrew the monarchies of each and every one of their nations. The nation's citizens were allowed their lives and possesions if they pled alliegance to the new power; the monarchs weren't so lucky. Every monarch met their end at the hand of a public execution, which added fuel to the fire beneath the revolutionaries. The only exception is the fable of the young princess Aisatsiana. Rumor has it that the princess ran from her captors and escaped into neighboring Greater Tomania. So far, the story is seen only as a tale, as there is no factual evidence to back it up.

With the monarchs dead and the tribes united, the new borders of Morindira were drawn. The capital, Valinskya, was established and the new government was set down. Natolya Valin established the ruling political party, the M'Chaia Party, and appointed herself Praetor Emeritus. She implemented new socialist economic policies and stricter crime laws. Gone were the days of heretical religious views; now all would be seen under the equal eye of the law. Valin reigned over an economically and socially rich Morindira for eleven years, when she stepped down and a new Praetor was appointed.

Since the reign of Praetor Valin Morindira has been relatively peaceful and prosperous. Major advancements in the last 200 years have included the annexation of the former Kingdom of Thalan under Praetor Murtakk in 1832, the construction of the Great Morindiran Wall under Praetor Chindall in 1870, the first male member of the M'Chaia party, Abryan Oldahl, in 1912, Morindira's first sattelite launched under Praetor Kelladai in 1964, a mutual arms agreement signed with Aridnirom under Praetor McDolla in 1983, the "Iron Alliance" signed with Tomania under Praetor M'Kai in 2004 and the occupation and assimilation of the former Kingdom of Malialand under Praetor M'Kai in 2004.

The current Praetor is Natolya M'Kai, appointed in 1997. She has been Praetor for 8 years.

Morindira Facts

Morindira has the third largest population in all of Gemini Exterro and is known to be the most matriarchal of all the Exterran nations. Free education is provided to all children until the age of fourteen, when the government decides whether or not the students will progress with their teachings. Those who don't are put to work or, more likely, enter the Morindiran Armed Forces. Those that continue with their education will most likely later become party members.

The leading party in Morindira is the M'Chaia Party. The party believes that the young have the resilience and eagerness that it takes to lead a country, and as such there are very few active party members over the age of forty. Retired party members are still cared for by the government, but are no longer allowed to enforce or create law.

Over the years Morindira has allied itself with some of her fellow Exterran nations. Morindira's greatest ally is Greater Tomania, as well as her northern border nation. Morindira is also allied with Dracoriana, Ditador, Veneficus-Lamia, and Azraeon.

One of Morindira's greatest secrets is her secret police force. Only a rumor among the people, the secret police are the backbone of Morindira's security. Only the top four members of the M'Chaia party know details about the secret police. In addition, Morindira boasts a 166-person protection squad called The Praetorian Guard of Morindira (PGM). This protection squad is in charge of guarding the party headquarters and the party leaders themselves. The most secret of all, though, is Morindira's ultra-elite fighting force known as the J’aia Chai. There are six members of this squad, all of whom only take on the most important, most dangerous missions. Often these missions require complete secrecy. The J’aia Chai agents have no name other than their codename and have all identifying marks removed from their bodies. These agents are all willing to die for their nation. The leader of all three of these fighting forces is known as the Madame Director. She reports directly to the Praetor Emeritus. The Madame Director herself is a secret to the outside world, only she and the other top three members of the M'Chaia party know of her existence.

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