Ainu Discordians

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The largest group of both Discordians and Ainu in Japan to this day.


The Ainu Discordian movement was founded by Rera Yupo (literally, Wind Lover), a student of the Discordian Malaclypse the Elder while the future Erisiyans made their last stopover in Hokkaido. After the departure of Malaclypse the Elder, Rera Yupo and the other Ainu who had learned of Eris began to spread the word throughout the Ainu population of Hokkaido and northern Honshu. By 1555 B.C.E. over ten thousand Ainu had joined the Discordian movement. Under the leadership of Rera Yupo, the Discordian Ainu founded a remote commune where they could live in peace away from those who would destroy them.

Ainu as Cartographers

Most of what the outside world knows of Erisiya Montanya comes from the Ainu. After five hundred years of existence, the Ainu Discordians had developed far enough to sail sail sucessfully to the coastline of Erisiya Montanya and map its location. Returning to Hokkaido without contacting the Erisiyans, the Ainu cartographers busily began to work on creating an easily copyable map showing the precise location of Erisiya Montanya. In 1024 B.C.E. the Great Discordian Map was completed and in 978 B.C.E. legendary Ainu Cikap Po (literally, Bird Son) set flight from the Discordian Commune in Hokkaido to spread the knowlege of the Ainu far and wide, for Rera Yupo had passed down tales from Malaclypse the Elder of the Erisiyans time exploring the world. 60 years later, Chikap Po returned an old and grizzled man on the flagship of a small fleet of Discordians from Africa, travelling on an exodus to Erisiya Montanya. Po had been sucessful; many more peoples soon followed in the Africans footsteps, with the Ainu Discordian Commune on Hokkaido often their last stop before making the long and often dangerous journey to the Woe Unto Us region.

Golden Age

The Discordian Ainus blossomed into a civilization that some historians (notably Robert O'Putin) claim rivalled Erisiya Montanya at the time. This golden age lasted nearly a thousand years, finally coming to decline with the further expansion of the Japanese people from southern Honshu. The Discordian Ainu commune by necessity shrunk in size and notability, gaining the reputation of being a cult among the uninitiated and uninterested. By the time Wang'Bawt visited the Ainu Commune in 1689 C.E., all traces of it in the minds of the outside world had vanished.

Hidden Sect

To the present day, the Ainu Discordians are viewed as an ultra secretive, mystical sect of Ainu in Hokkaido. Many consider their very existence a myth and generally a falsehood. This is a lie spread by the Ainu Discordians themselves in order to keep their existence secret. Why they do not go on the exodus to Erisiya Montanya they saw so many travel, only the Ainu know.