Religion in Uhuh-Topia and Uhuh-Ropa

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Ever since the foundation of the Uhuh-Topian Empire, the governments of Uhuh-Topia and Uhuh-Ropa (after the latter gained independence) have been strictly secular. About half of the population in both nations are atheists, and a majority of those Ropa-Topians who do practice religion often consider that to be more a cultural matter than a spiritual one.

The main religion among religious Ropa-Topians is Christianity (19% of the total population), followed closely by Ropatopianism (17%). Other religions include Judaism (5%), Islam (4%) and several others.


To be added


To be added

Uhuh-Topia and Uhuh-Ropa combined

Religion in Uhuh-Topia and Uhuh-Ropa
Name  %  
Atheism 49%
Christianity 19%
Protestantism 9%
Roman Catholicism 7%
Eastern Orthodoxy 2%
Ropatopianism 17%
Zootism 8%
Ekkinism 7%
Niism 2%
Judaism 5%
Liberal Judaism 3%
Islam 4%
Other religions 6%
Buddhism 2%
Hinduism 1%
Sikhism 1%

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