Father Johan Vince

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Father Johan Vince
For the People We Fight
Political Party
The People's Army of Promethius Prime

Father Johan Vince is regarded as one of Promethius Prime's foremost religious leaders. He is the head of the Promethiun Church, and has long sought for a peaceful answer to the Federal Trodonian occupation of Promethius Prime. It wasn't until his son died after a riot between Promethiun Nationalists and Federal Police that he began to lead any sort of armed group.


Born in the Promethiun City of Ligonza on the 12th August 1942, he grew up in a deeply religious family and went to a private school for Religious Young men. He exceled himself in Theology, Religious Interpretation, Religious Writings, Religious Teaching, Religious History, Social Harmony and Religious Politics, and graduated a Brother to the Abbey of Ligonza, his parents were immensely proud, however the both died in the Imperial Revolution, in which the old line of Kings attempted to retake power from the Plutocratic Council.

This did little however to dent Johan's religious piety, in fact it lead him to swift promotion from Brother to Priest and then on the Father Johan Vince. In 1996 he was elected to be head of the Promethiun Church, and has since been an advocate for peace and unity.

Though he stood against the Trodonian Occupation of Promethius Prime following the death of Bolbo Niltani he never rose in arms until the 16th of October, when his son was killed by Federal Police in Ligonza, he along with other religious leaders condemned the actions of Federal Trodenhiem and gathered massive support in the space of a day, and by the 18th they had expelled the force of Federal Trodenhiem from Promethius Prime.

Trodenhiem and Federal Trodenhiem on NSwiki
Main articles: Trodenhiem
Nation pages: Federal Trodenhiem, Trodonian Atholon, Trodenhiem, Promethius Prime, North Cadia
Historical info: Trodenhiem, Trodoneo-Cadian War, Promethiun Wars, Promethiun Rebels, Silas II
Leader Related: Monte Guerro, Silas II, Conrad Kruschev, Seno Hann, Bolbo Niltani
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Trodenhiem.