Sunrise Union

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Group of Five
Headquarters: Lucidare
Members: 5 members
Type: Political
Forum: {{{forum}}}

The Beginning

The Group of Five (G5) was founded in January of 2006 for the purpose of having an Inter-National group that friends could be in with out being in a small region or a massive alliance like ACCEL.They modeled it after the Group of Eight, its activites, and jobs. So the five nation christented it The G5. Those five were The Constitutional Monarchy of Cookborough(CB), The Kingdom of North Moon Island(NMI), The Empire of Aurania-Shifre(A-S), The Queendom of Anna Rox Ur Sox(ARUS), and The Republic of ----Kenny----(-K-)


during the early days the alliance was mostly on forums and little stuff outside of the virtual world. A forum was set up by them so that they could use it to RP, calcualte their nations and just chat.The first major military action that occured in NationStates was a combined coalition force to annex the now defunct region of The Allied Empires of Oprah. It was a major success with the complete takeover of the region but it was a rather phyrric one. Becasue they had all used the same computer at Cookborough's house the U.N. deemed CB, NMI, and ARUS in breach of the rules all three were thrown out of the UN permanently. In addition Kingdom never got around to annex in the region due to other pressing matters. ARUS never returned hme to Kingdom and migrated to The Subcontinent of Glee with the nation of Hilder. Meanwhile back at the home front A-S who was left unmarked by the tragedy became the recruier for the region and later UN delegate. NMI and CB became increasingly unactive while -K- started to build up smaller puppet regions.

04:11, 11 November 2006 (GMT)~to be continued04:11, 11 November 2006 (GMT)~

The Symbol of the G5 [[1]]