The Trodonio-Atholon Wars

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The 1st Trodonio-Atholon War
Date: June 2006
Locations: Atholon/Atholon (Later), Trodenhiem, Otan, Gevon, Italia Liberia
Outcome: Trodonian Federation Victory/IA Victory
Deaths (approx.)
Military: 25.34 Million Soldiers
Civilian: 11.44 Million People
Total: 36.78 Million People
Main Participants
Trodonian Federation Atholonian Alliance
Northern Trodenhiem
The Valician Union
The IA
Promethius Prime

The 1st Trodonio-Atholon War

The 1st Trodonio-Atholon War started on the 4th of June, and ended on the 11th. It was the bloodiest conflict in the history of the Federation of Allied Nations with far more casualties than any other yet seen in FAN. The military numbers were also immense, but feasable.

The Atholonian-Gevon War

1st of June

Atholon declares war on the small district of southern Gevon, and mobilises troops to the area. The intitial invasion is successful, however Trodenhiem declares war on Atholon for this unprovoked attack on a small and peaceful nation.

A campaign of bombings of military and infrastructure targets througout Atholon begins.

This war is still called The Atholonian-Gevon War, and is regarded as a seperate war, though it sparked the 1st Trodonio Atholon War.

2nd of June

The Atholonian Government demands that Trodenhiem steps down, and pulls its forces out of Gevon.

Trodenhiem breaks its own record, and fires the largest single launch of missles in FAN's history at Atholon, while the peacekeepers left over from the Atholonion Civil War engage the Atholonian military, catching them largely by surprise, and masacres of Atholonian soldiers begin all over Atholon.

The Atholonian forces heading home, find themselves cut off, and take severe casualties.

Following the launch Trodenhiem demands that Atholon Surrenders.

The 1st Trodonio-Atholon War Begins

4th of June

The Missles hit Tamia, and totally destroy the city while the rest of Atholon takes severe hits. Atholon replies with its own hail of missles, that seriously damage the cities of Geddon and Spartan.

The cut of troops from Gevon are forced to retreat and land in former Italia Liberia where they begin to invade.

Troops are dropped into Atholon and a full scale invasion takes place, cities are destroyed, and thousands of soldiers die. Trodenhiem now has total control of Atholonian Airspace.

Loslakia announces that it will enter the war, and Atholon welcomes the aid.

Otan also enters the war.

5th of June

The IA enters the war, capturing the ETF representatives in Halbergravia and detaining them, while it mobilises to Atholon.

Atholon is declared and Enemy of FAN, and its capital comes under siege by Trodonian Forces.

Loslakia announces that it will no longer participate in the war.

New Caldari tries to broker peace.

6th of June

New Caldari's attempt comes on deaf ears, and Atholon refuses Trodenhiem's repeated demands for it to surrender.

Forces from Imperial Atholon come to try and rebuff the Trodonian soldiers.

The forces in Italia Liberia continue to sieze land.

Ares comes under siege and the re-inforcements intended to break the seige of the ruins of Tamia, are forced to engage in the defence of the city.

A western thrust be the Trodonian Military cuts of supplies to Italia Liberia and destroys the command centres co-ordinating the assault.

Yet another demand of surrender was issued to the almost destroyed Atholon.

All non-Trodonian ships in the harbours of Atholon[ are destroyed, as are the harbours.

Atholon agrees to discuss a peace deal, however change thier mind when Otan attacks Trodenhiem.

7th of June

One of Trodenhiem's major cities is destroyed by an Otan weapon.

Tamia falls to Trodonian Troops and the remaining Atholonian soldiers there are executed. A vast Atmos Fleet assaults that of thje Otan and a large battle begins.

Otan and Atholonian personell etc are removed from Novus Island by force.

The forces in Italia Liberia are now surrounded and starving, they are picked off by IA and Trodonian forces.

Trodonian forces enter Ares itself and exectute all soldiers that refuse to surrender, the government building itself is besieged.

The remaining Atholonian held lands in Atholon itself are assaulted by the Trodonian forces.

Southern Gevon is taken by Trodonian forces.

9th of June

The Atholonians make a desperate move, which splits the invading forces in two. But because of this the are forced to concede the territory they were defending

The split was quickly closed and the Atholonian soldiers defeated. All of the Atholonian forces were now cut off from supplies and would not last long.

Trodenhiem once more demands the surrender of Atholon and Otan.

Loslakia threatens to declare war on Trodenhiem.

Promethius Prime enters the war on Trodenhiem's side, and begins to invade Otan

The remaining Atholonian forces in Atholon surrender, this news doesn't reach their forces in Italia Liberia however, and they continued to starve and be massacre, still refusing to surrender.

A defencive force is rased in Trodenhiem and a further 25 million troops are called to service for the invasion of Otan and Loslakia

Monte Guerro puts a C500,000,000 bounty on the heads of each of Atholon's leadership.

Otan's capital is bombed heavily, and its ports are blockaded by IA and Promethiun forces.

Loslakia leaves the war and asks Atholon to surrender.

Atholon Defeated

10th of June

Atholon formally ceases to exist as an indebendant state and is ceded to Trodenhiem (See Atholon (Later)) under IA administration, the force in Italia Liberia fought to the last man and were all killed.

Southern Gevon is Ceded to Trodenhiem however is soon returned to New Caldari.

Southern Coastal Otan is under Promethiun, IA and Trodonian control.

Trodenhiem requests that Otan stands down.

Otan accepts, and the invading forces pull out.

11th of June

Peace is formally signed between Otan, Promethius Prime and Trodenhiem. Otan is removed from the Enemies of FAN list.

The 2nd Trodonio-Atholon War


Trodenhiem and Federal Trodenhiem on NSwiki
Main articles: Trodenhiem
Nation pages: Federal Trodenhiem, Trodonian Atholon, Trodenhiem, Promethius Prime, North Cadia
Historical info: Trodenhiem, Trodoneo-Cadian War, Promethiun Wars, Promethiun Rebels, The People's Army, Silas II
Leader Related: Monte Guerro, Silas II, Conrad Kruschev, Seno Hann, Bolbo Niltani
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Trodenhiem.