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The United States Of Schultler

Flag of Schultler
Motto: {{{motto}}}
Region {{{region}}}
Capital {{{capital}}}
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Population {{{population}}}
Currency {{{currency}}} 
NS Sunset XML

region=The Sovereign Nations Of Quagmire | motto=Siempre Fideles (or suffer the consequences...) | map=No Map Available Yet | language=Rapping, Kanak Sprak | capital=Ebergötzen (official), Lil Freak Moscow (de facto) | population=686 million | currency=AmericanFreedom Dollar (plural "Dollarez", not "Dollars") | leader=Matta Schultler (President), Martinovikh "The Last Division" (Executive Control) }}

Stats: Contents [hide]

The United States of Schultler is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate population of 686 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Education. The average income tax rate is 19%, but much higher for the wealthy. A substantial private sector is led by the Retail industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Basket Weaving.

The alarmingly racist TV show 'Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things' is a hit, citizens select which government department gets their income tax AmericanFreedom Dollars each year, parents are held criminally responsible for their children's crimes, and gambling is outlawed. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Schultler's national animal is the american eagle, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the AmericanFreedom Dollar.

Schultler is ranked 14th in the region and 78,436th in the world for Largest Gambling Industries.

The United States Of Schultler were founded in mid 2005. President Schultler in the beginning was fanatic about all aspects of Schulterian life to be as close as possible to the life in the United States Of America, but soon lost interest in the affairs of his nation and the country is now under effective control of Martinovikh "The Last Division", a high-ranking military official from The Leninist Dynasty, to whom the President has also handed his authorisation code. After the government remained inactive for some time due to the lack of orders coming from President Matta Schultler, Martinovikh took control, the country was revived, and, as a first step, he moved it from the North Pacific to the Sovereign Nations Of Quagmire, as to have a location with greater potential by means of developing relations with other countries, after the President had stubbornly stuck to his position in the North Pacific. The economy has since imploded, although the government is trying to fix this with various pro-business administrative decisions especially beneficial for Schultler's heavy industries and a recent drop in income tax height from 24% to 19% to boost retail - the latter measure was quite successful. The implosion of Schultler's economy had led to a growing racism in the country, as the citizens blame workers from eastern Europe to take their jobs, and China to take the industry. Civil rights and political freedom, after a period of freedom and democracy under the rule of President Schultler, have dropped, although there are still free elections being held every 5 years. The The only thing the new government did not lay hands on was the environmental protection system, that had been developed during the last days of the old government. Schultler - though still veinly - attempts to build up a reasonable military force. Though the old government had spent lots of AmericanFreedom Dollarez on the military, the 'Marines' - another US-american reference -, and the the military forces were made being considered as proud heroes and brave defenders of the people by goverment propaganda, the only unit ever to be made use of was the 53rd and 58th Motorized Rifle Divisions.

It is believed, that after the completion of Schultler's armamant plan, the country will be amongst the first nations to found The Leninist Dynasty region.

The Schultler military has recently claimed the development of a range of military technology, including anti-psionic armor known as "Fourth Wall", the Viper Anti-Torpedo Cannon and equipment for urban theatre warfare. The first two are apparently developments taken over from other potential Leninist Dynasty members, as the V-ATC was already fielded as equipment for the Anti-Goddess Unit super-robot, and the Fourth Wall is a MetropolisZero design. As for the claimed urban warfare equipment, no specifications have been released on them.