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Flag of Cobranation
Motto: Cobra Will Coil The World
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Europa
Official Language(s) English
Leader Cobra Commander
Population 5-10 Million
Currency Universal Credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Origin Of "Cobra Nation" The Cobra organization had its beginnings when the man who would become Cobra Commander settled in a town called Springfield. Bringing his hate of the government whom he blames as among the causes of his misfortunes, he recruited other people who were in the same situation as he was. Springfield was a perfect place to start the organization as the town itself had fallen on hard times and the population was disillusioned. Soon, the organization was growing with the entry of like-minded individuals from all over the country. Much of Cobra’s early funding came from pyramid schemes initiated by Cobra Commander.In a very short time, it became more like a military organization. Motivated by greed and power, the group soon expanded all over the country and operating in secret. Soon, they were engaging in terrorism to achieve their objectives.

Main Cities And Bases Of Cobra Nation Broca Beach - After the destruction of Springfield, Cobra created another town as their secret base of operations in America. This one was transformed from an abandoned seaside town. Former residents of the destroyed Springfield town were relocated here. Castle Destro - Destro's fortress in Scotland. Training ground for the Iron Grenadiers. Cobra Citadel also known as the Silent Castle - Cobra's base of operations in Eastern Europe. It is located in Trans-Carpathia. Destro was one of its designers and for a brief period, it became the second Castle Destro. Cobra Consulate - A high-rise in Serpent City used by Cobra as an embassy and base of operations after Cobra Island was declared a sovereign nation. Cobra Island - The primary base of Cobra operations. It was created after a massive earthquake set by Cobra Commander.

Military Leaders Madame Anastasia DeCobray - The daughter of European aristocrats, she serves as Cobra's Director of Intelligence, and is romantically involved with Destro. Cobra Commander - The leader and founder of Cobra. His disfigured face is always obscured either by a hood with only his eyes visible or by a high tech battle helmet with various security features integrated into it. He is regarded as the most dangerous man on Earth, because he can draw followers to him. He is hatred personified, a madman with the drive of a fanatic. Only Madam DeCobray and Destro have seen his face. Destro or James McCullen Destro XXIV - A Scotsman who always wears a metal mask (in the cartoon the mouth of his mask moves, explained by a form of nanotech/liquid metal in later comics). He has often tried to take over leadership of Cobra. Destro is an arms dealer and his number one client is Cobra. He is the hereditary leader of M.A.R.S. (Military Armaments Research Syndicate) and uses his personal army, the Iron Grenadiers, to start conflicts in order to sell weapons to all of the combatants' parties. Destro has a warped sense of honor and a grudging respect for his G.I. Joe foes. Dr. Knox - Dr. Cassandra Knox originally worked for COBRA, improving on the B.A.T design. After her prototype was destroyed, she began to work for Destro. Dr. Knox replaced Dr. Mindbender after his defection to The Coil. General Thomas "Tommy" Arashikage - A ninja who trained in martial arts and military service. He joined Cobra with the intention of finding the man who killed his uncle, the leader of his clan. It was later revealed that General Zartan and General Firefly were in fact responsible, but Storm Shadow was never able to avenge his master's death. He eventually was brainwashed and began working for Cobra in earnest. General Tomax - Along with his mirror twin brother Xamot, he is the leader of the Crimson Guard and the respectable corporate face of Cobra. When not engaged in dangerous field missions, he and Xamot are in shirt and tie, managing Cobra's business affairs. Tomax and his twin brother share an empathic connection. While this is often useful, as it allows them to communicate wordlessly and finish each others sentences, it is also a liability, as they feel each other's pain during fights. General Xamot - Mirror twin brother of Tomax and leader of the Crimson Guard. Xamot looks identical to Tomax except for the fact Xamot has a scar on the right side of his face. Also, one twin has the Cobra insignia on the right side of his body, and the other has it on the left. The twins run a corporation called Extensive Enterprises and are known more for their skills in the boardroom than on the battlefield. General Firefly - The world's greatest saboteur, Firefly's background is a mystery. A mercenary and assassin, Firefly offers no guarantees or refunds. He is an expert in all types of explosive ordnance and demolition materials. He is the Faceless Master of the Arashikage ninja clan. General Kwinn - An Inuit mercenary who only appeared in the first year of the comic book. A mercenary with a strong code of honor. General Bludd - General Sebastian Bludd is a mercenary with extensive combat experience who worked for Cobra from time to time. He is a master tactician, expert in all known weapons, and writes very bad poetry. He is usually portrayed as Cobra's infantry commander. General Bludd's is best known for the assassination of General Flagg who tried to overthrow Cobra for own personal gain. General Halifax-Who specializes in eliminations, espionage and covert ops. He wears a high tech suit with hidden weapons and a cloaking device. He is hired by M.A.R.S. to free General Bludd from jail and serve as Destro's enforcer.. General Zartan - The leader of the Dreadnoks, as well as a master spy and assassin. He is a master of disguise, able to be anyone anytime he wishes. Thanks to genetic experimentation, Zartan is also capable of changing his skin color to blend in with his background. This special ability is disrupted by sunlight.