The Black Hand of Nod.

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The Black Hand of Nod.
Flag of The Black Hand of Nod.
Motto: Peace through Power
None,Terrorist Orginzation
Region CnC Universe
Capital None
Official Language(s) English,German, Arabic
Leader Anton Slavik
Population Unknown believed to be in the billions
Currency credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Black Hand of Nod is a terrorist organization located in the CnC Universe Region. They are made up of Members of the Nod Faith. A fanatical group, they will take any advantage of a nation's instability for their own reasons. They are equipped with the most powerful of their region's weapons. Recently they have begun taking actions against enemies under funding from an unknown nation.

-Military Connections-

-The Lone Alliance

-The Torontian Socialist Union



-The People's Republic of Hurtful Thoughts

-Imperial Nod

-Nations with hidden Black Hand Strongholds-




-The Lone Alliance

-Southeast Asia



-Secret Weapons of the Black Hand-

V.I.R.U.S. Viral, Immune, Radiation Unaffected, Soldier.

A project of the Nod Genome project, this soldier, usually female, is immune to almost everything, heat, cold, NBCs. Possessing rapid reflexes and with the ability to ignore all sense of self preservation, this is a very dangerous shock trooper of the Black Hand.


-Combat Cyborg-

  1. When a soldier in the Black Hand dies his body is used to produce a new Supersoldier, a hybrid of Man and Machine, this heavily armed and Armored being, is powered by the Local plant life Tiberium, but can be fueled by alternate Resources. Able to take even being blown in half by gunfire, this thing will fight to it's 'death.'

Armed with a heavy ChainGun usually.

-Cyborg V2-


3-Cyborg Reaper-


-Military Involvement- The Hataria West Canadian Union War: The Black Hand did a secret investigation on Hataria during the war using a hidden mini sub, In attempting to sink the sub, the Hatarians went to Active Sonar, which resulted in revealing their positions to their enemies, damaging their fleet, As the orginal intent of the Sub was to sink a Hatarian ship, their mission was successful by Proxy.

Imperial Nod's Destruction: The nation of Imperial Nod arose by the Self Proclaimed leader of Nod and the head figure of their faith Kane. Slavik, who had been waiting years for his return, quickly declared support. Imperial Nod began putting their allies in place by selling weapons and inventing new Technologies. This attracted negative attention by many nations. Many Imperialists demanded that Imperial Nod step down from their Nuclear program, Before they were able to declare war the nation of Bretton stepped in and prevented it, however this turned out to be an attempt to be the sole buyer of Nod's Uranium sales, when Imperial Nod refused, Bretton declared War quickly overwhemling all Defenses that Imperial Nod had using Numbers, With the nation's defenses in Tatters, Imperial Nod's Fate was sealed. The Black Hand intervened, setting up Mobile Radar Units to bring some sense of Early warning to the nation, At about this point Kane faded from View and Seth, Imperial Nod's second in command, seized power and attempted to declare peace, Bretton refused to accept this and continued their Campagin against Imperial Nod. With Imperial Nod facing destruction, Kane contacted Slavik and gave him full access to what was left of Nod's Aresnal, The Black Hand, using underground tunnel networks, too control of Nod's Missile silos and converted them into a Launch system of their own. At the same time shipments of Depleted Uranium Fuel Rods were delivered to be buried in the nation to make the land useless. Activating Kane's override codes, Slavik launched space bound Rockets, which deployed a weapon known as a Sky Hammer, hundreds of miniature Rods of Steel that are used as man-made Meteorites. Bretton, thinking that they were ICBMs but then becoming confused by their path, responded with 10 Nuclear Missiles for each Rocket. Nod responded by sending the Rods into the Bretton silos used in the attack, Bretton then sent more Nuclear missiles towards Nod's Major cities, The Black Hand, after sucessfully evacuating the True Nod loyalists, beat Bretton to the punch by launching a full Chemical Missile attack on Imperial Nod's capital City. At the same time they launched the rest of Imperial Nod's Missiles, which were shot down quickly. In the end, Imperial Nod was hit by a Biological Weapon and everything organic in the nation was destroyed, The Black Hand used what was left of the Missile Silos to Launch their last load of Sky Hammers securing future uses for the Superweapon.

-The End of Hataria- Years after the statement of Revenge a suprising Bounty was set up by a group calling themselves "The People's of Freedom". The Bounty stated that whoever captured the Empress of Hataria would recieve an astronomical amount of 1 Trillion Dollars as a reward. While this mainly was in jest it did anger the Hatarians, as planned.

However with the destruction of the Hatarian Capital by a Questerian Nuclear Strike. The Bounty was completed and Questers recieved the Now 2.5 Trillion bounty. (Another Trillion was donated by Hyperspatial Travel and 500 Billion was donated by Animarnia