Social-Democratic Party of Niploma

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This article refers to a party in Niploma

Social-Democratic Party
Established 2006
21st Yale Way, Failegn
Political ideology Social-Democracy
Colours Red or Orange
Party leader Odhrán Torin
Party president Kanya Lawson
Motto New Niploma. New Politics.

The Social-Democratic Party of Niploma (Social-Democratic Party, Social-Democrats or SDP) is the principal left-wing party in Niploma. Understanding that the SDP is the official continuation of the Socialist Internationalist Party (SIP) the SDP has never been out of government. Although SIP was a socialist party the Social Democrats adhere to a more centrist pltaform taking most inspiration from social democracy although a minority of the party have begun pushing for centrist policies. The party (and its previous incarnations) have long stood as left-wing. Yet, in light of recent policiy changes the Labour Party has been seen by some as the 'left wing party' whilst the Social Democrats are, to some, the 'centre-left party'

The party is currently in Opposition holding 180 seats out of some 700. This is its lowest record to date. Nonetheless, the party is expected to win the next election (with some 250 seats) and form a left-wing coalition. Such a win would place Odhran Torin, party leader, as Prime Minister for the second time.


Early Days

Prominent trade unions and pressure groups such as The Worker's Board of Representation and the Confederation for Socialism advanced the labour movement in Niploma throughout the 19th century. However, under royalist rule, no labour party gained political representation. With such difficulties the labour movement turned violent and began strikes and riots in several cities - such as Rhorn and Failegn. This mass movement became the stimulus behind the civil war.

The Civil War caused the labour movement to support the Socialist Resistance (SR) (authortarians and exterior communists supported the Niplomian Communist Army whilst upper-class men supported the Royalists). Trade unionists and political activists played a serious role in ensuring the SR was admired by the public. The SR won the civil war in 1936 and created the Social Democratic Republic of Niploma.The SR went on to rule until 1958 as a Provisional Government. In 1958 a democratic election was held and the SR stood under 'Socialist Internationalist Party'. SIP won 670 of 750 seats in one of few 'hyper-majorities' in the Democratic House - Niploma's lower chamber.

Socialist Internationalist Party

SIP continued to govern alone for 57 years returning Alsandair Healey, Fitzgerald, Hughes, Moore, Robert and Torin as Prime Ministers. The general theme of government mixed liberal values alongside socialist economics.Such themes were changed by Adrain Robert in the 1990's whom shifted the party's outlook to a more central and social-democratic approach. Such a move ended the traditional democratic socialist approach of the party. The unconvential move - which was foward thinking for the time - caused SIP to lose a minority of it's left-wing support base to the Communists and, later, to Labour. Odhran Torin took over the party in the late 1990's and created the People's Coalition.

People's Coalition

The People's Coalition was created by Odhran Torin to ensure control of the Democratic House. The Coalition brought together SIP with the Ecological Foundation Party (now Greens) and absorbed numerous small parties.

The Coalition pushed enviromental spending higher and continued, yet slowed down the pace of, Robert's economics. Tax's were heavily dropped (to about 65% from 80% on average) and many nationalised businesses were floated and sold. The economy began to thrive under Torin who pushed GDP even further. The Coalition soon fell prey to criticism. Numerous SIP-party-members criticised the economical policies of the party and some went as far as to change membership to Labour

The Coalition caused trouble as Torin became more and more known for simply dismissing the other parties ideas. This caused the split which created the following parties out of the Coaliton:


In 2006 the short lived People's Coalition collapsed and SIP moved all funds and papers to the newly created Social-Democratic Party. Torin apologised 'for the turmoil' yet believed 'SDP and our allies have the strongest set of policies'. None the less, the SDP lost the election to long-term-rivals the Libertarian Reform Party (LRP) who formed a broad Coalition. The LRP soon inherited a strong economy and took the benefit for it. Recent critics of the LRP have noted the work of Torin (and Robert before) who are beginning to receive praise for their work. Niploma's economy has expanded and grown and when the LRP's Coalition crashed in the summer of 2006 the SDP chose to keep Torin as leader of the SDP in light of his recent approval. Furthermore, the SDP are expected to win a strong bloc of seats in the election and has promised a 'New Niploma with New Politics' - a phrase which now forms the SDP's motto.

Ideology & Politics

The Social-Democrats believe in social democracy