Validus Foedus

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Validus Foedus is a military alliance in The Lexicon. Founded out of the ashes of the LSP it was re-structured to cope with the departure of founding member Saint Oz. It was seen in many eyes as The Lexicon's premier military alliance, and takes a very pro-Capitalist, pro-imperialist and anti-commmunist view of Lexiconian affairs.

Founding charter

The Validus Foedus alliance

We the members of the Validus Foedus alliance, vow to mutually protect each one another from Imperialism, Revolution, Civil War, Tensions, and War. We the members vow superior alliance and will support each other no matter the cost. Our purpose is to keep our nationhood alive. To remain healthy and run our Governments as we wish. We vow to help those wishing to be allies of VF nations and will protect them from injustice.

Pact Regulations

   * Member nations vow to keep each other supported from War and Tensions.
   * If a blockade is placed on a member nation, Validus Foedus member nations shall do everything in their power to try and break it.
   * If land is lost to any Validus Foedus nation, Validus Foedus member nations will do everything in their power to bring it back to normal.
   * Any nation wanting to be a member shall have to disregard their former Alliance if had one.
   * Any member nation will not be part of another Military Alliance.
   * The representative from the country that has the most seniority acts as Chairman of the alliance. 
<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">VFalliance19.png
The VF banner, showing current alliance member nations
   * Member Nations will stay loyal to themselves and other nations of the Validus Foedus
   * Member Nations should be flexable to all different national Rules
   * The language used between nations of the Validus Foedus alliance shall be Inglish
   * Regulations may be added and edited by a simple majority. 
   * Regulations being debated are temporarly disregarded until further notice
   * Prisoners of War will be treated by the VF nation that holds them
   * If a nation with no military is in an Alliance and war is made between the two. That(those) nation(s) shall not be harmed unless Alliance military goes within their borders. Then said nation may be invaded.
   * The flag of the Validus Foedus alliance shall feature a white globe ontop of a white sword, oulined in dark navy. This is placed apon a red background.

The above are only for the protection of the Validus Foedus members and the protection of Lexicon. We are here together to form a mutual protection pact to rival others.

Current Members

Former Members


Born out of the ashes of the LSP the VF could easily have suffered the same fate as the MDP. However more cross alliance unity has kept it together and it has been involved in several international operations since, although nothing on the scale of The Great Lexicon War.

<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">smallLSPflag.png
The VF flag, used to represent the Alliance

The Utopia Crisis

Main Article:The Utopia Crisis

The Utopia crisis thrust into the lime light the staunchly anti-communist nature of the Validus Foedus pact. Following the foundation of the Socialist Axis, a grouping of Lexiconian socialist nations, the capitalist ACN, consisting of several VF members along with other capitalistic nations such as Squerrelly and Stellaris was formed. Eventually the ACN merged with the VF and it's members were amongst the most outspoken proponents of taking up arms to deter the SA's Utopia project, a project to construct a base for SA operations with joint sovereignity. The VF accused the SA of building a military base from which to support revoloutions against capitalistic nations, this was countered by the SA by the statement that the military there was only for defense. Fleets, including nuclear missiles, were deployed to the theatre and war was avoided by only a hair's breadth. Eventually the situation cooled due to other international issues, however the issue itself has not gone away.