Tasha Norland

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Tasha Norland
17 December 1837
Brigadier General
Marital Status
Married to Tucker Norland

Tasha Norland is a Trollish Brigadier General in the Excalbian Imperial Marines. She is a Danaan by birth who became an Excalbian national through her marriage to Admiral Tucker Norland. Because of her Fae background she is known to have a tendency to become involved in non-human affairs in Excalbia.


Officer Exchange Program

Tasha was raised as a warrior and took her place in the Danaan Royal Army upon coming of age. Over many decades, she rose to the rank of captain and obtained a coveted posting within the Marble City itself in 1949. She performed her duties well but without any serious incident until first contact between the Resurgent Dream and Excalbia. Tasha was invited to a dinner for the visiting Excalbian dignitaries, primarily to ensure that everyone had a dinner party of the opposite sex in accordance with Danaan conventions for formal dining. Tasha was partnered with her future husband, Tucker Norland.

As part of the opening of relations between Excalbia and the Resurgent Dream, an officer exchange program was agreed to and Tasha was assigned to be the first Danaan officer to do a tour of duty in the Excalbian armed forces. It was here that she first obtained experience with modern weaponry and aircraft. It was also on this assignment that she met DAIN, a recently created Excalbian AI. Tasha and DAIN became friends and it was at Tasha's urging and with her support that DAIN sought recognition of his sentience and autonomoy from the Excalbians, recognition which was granted in relatively short order. It was also on this first tour that a romantic attachment first developed between Tasha and Tucker.

Excalbian service

After her marriage to Tucker Norland, Tasha became an Excalbian national. She resigned her Danaan commission and entered the Excalbian Imperial Marine Corps. Because of her long experience in the Danaan military, Tasha soon found herself promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. She and her husband were each stationed by their respective branches of the Excalbian Armed Forces in Citadel Excalbia where they live in a large home specially designed to accomodate Tasha's special needs.

While stationed in Citadel Excalbia, Tasha was assaulted by a strange Troll named Maans. Her assailant was freakishly strong even for a Troll and proved more than a match for Tasha. Special, high-tech Excalbian military and law enforcement equipment had to be used to subdue him. The reason for the assault was never made clear.

After Sebben ap Balor launched an attack on the town of St. Alexandra in Laneria, Tasha and Tucker, who were both on leaved, offerred to assist the Order of the Falcon and the Order of Steel in apprehending him. Their help has been accepted but so far little to no progress has been made.