Tijuana Colony

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Tijuana Colony
Flag of Tijuana Colony
Motto: To save one soul is to save the entire world.
Region Torn Elkandu
Capital Tijuana Colony
Official Language(s) English
Leader Emily Jordan
Currency credit 
NS Sunset XML

Tijuana Colony is a remote planet on the galactic fringe currently in the process of being terraformed. The planet had originally been uninhabitable, but thanks to recent innovations in atmospheric conversion technology, it has become a burgeoning success.


Originally, Tijuana Colony was a small base underneath an atmosphere dome primarily run by pirates and smugglers. It possessed a heavy trade in illicit recreational substances outside the reach of the Empire of Karzan-Terra.

That was until Emily Jordan came. She took over the colony by force, ousting its former drug lords, and proceeding to institute new law and order. After a significant donation of credits from Sharra Silverhair, Emily proceeded to get the terraforming project underway, with the hopes of creating a safe and peaceful utopia for people to live and raise their families.


Tijuana Colony's current administrator is Emily Jordan. Voting is free and open, the only restriction on who is allowed to vote not being age, race, or gender, but whether the being in question is cognizant enough to figure out how to work the voting terminals. There are no formal elections, all offices being open for replacement and change at any time as people are able to change their votes when they like. Nearly every major system of the colony is government-run, from the genetic engineering of plants and animals to adapt them to the planet, to the food replicators in the public cafeterias.


As well as being the colony administrator, Emily Jordan is also the High Priestess of Sheniro, god of life, pleasure, and happiness. Most people at the colony only worship Sheniro nominally if at all. The colony boasts a single moderately-sized temple, which is surprisingly empty most of the time. It does, however, see the occasional wedding ceremony or the blessing of a newborn.