Atlantian Outcasts

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Atlantian Outcasts
Flag of Atlantian Outcasts
Motto: For the Federation!
Region The Federated Klatchian Coast
Capital Posidopolis
Official Language(s) Atlantian, English
Leader Empress Atlantia, the Atlantian Senate
Population 7.8 Billion
Currency Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Note: The official title of this country is "The Imperial Federation of Atlantis"(Ignore Outcasts...the name is of an outdated direction I was going with AO...and since I can't edit my country's name...).

page construction is still underway...I'll get to it when I have time.


Atlantis is one of the oldest surviving civilizations in the galaxy, stretching back to way before Terrans began to develop out of the Stone Age. However, their civilizations have a nasty way of being overrun one way or another, and so they are equal in technology to that of heavy sci-fi countries.

The Federation is situated in a star cluster of about 20 systems (all of which are claimed) with around 10 colonized worlds. Its vessels travel via “jump nodes”, or pseudo wormholes that can be opened to different systems with special engines, as well as low-level warp engines (warp 2) for inner system travel.

The government consists of two branches, a senate with 10 members (each from one of the top most powerful houses at the time) and a constitutional “Imperial” monarchy. Under them, smaller senates control various houses and so forth. Atlantis is a democratic socialist state, where small businesses are accepted and usually prosper.

Atlantis is a “sleeping giant”. It looks quiet, and usually is because of its isolationist policy, but when provoked can easily turn deadly, as it is one of the biggest space powers in existence.


  • Posidopolis, the Capital city of Atlantis, located on the planet Cirrus.


  • Arkun, a major Metropolis located on the planet Uxal


  • A shot of New Xois, an underwater city located on the planet Allos.

NationStates Overview

  • UN Category: Democratic Socialists
  • Civil Rights: Good
  • Economy: Frightning
  • Political Freedoms: Few
  • Regional Influence: Instigator
  • "Location" (As in, affiliation. Atlantis is not actually on Earth, minus a few Earth tribes): Gholgoth
  • UN: No

The Imperial Federation of Atlantian Outcasts is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 7.088 billion are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Commerce, and Social Equality. The average income tax rate is 100%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry.

Thousands of cute furry kittens are trampling everything in their path (Atlantian Outcasts has found 1 easter eggs), billions of Credits are being blown on orbital weapons development, military spending recently hit a new high, and students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas. Crime is well under control, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Atlantian Outcasts's national animal is the Pegasus, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Credit.

Atlantian Outcasts is ranked 12th in the region and 95,091st in the world for Most Cultured.

Timeline of Atlantis

Ancient History (Note…all dates are at best guess)

10,000 BZ (Before Zoir): The first major Atlantian political entities arise in on the planet of Atlantis in the Sentinel system, following a very similar pattern of development of Earth’s river valley civilizations.

6,000 BZ: Atlantis’s first world state is established, as the Tirkona war ends, putting the Tirkona Empire firmly in control of the entire planet. The technology level is about that of the Roman Empire.

5,500 BZ: The Tirkona empire collapses after several attempts at reforms, a civil war, and many rebellions. The world is plunged into a dark age.

2,000 BZ: 10 nations have firmly placed themselves as the sole powers on the planet, calling themselves “houses”. This will later be reflected as the 10 kings of Atlantis, and even later as how the senate is divided up. The technology is equal to that of 1800s Europe.

1,500 BZ: The House of Zeus has no heir, and the two biggest powers, Poseidon and Ra, both claim the house’s territory as their own. A full scale World War begins as the other houses all join in, supporting one side or the other. The technology level is that of WWII Earth.

1,400 BZ: After about a century of conflict, Ra’s major cities are obliterated by a storm of newly-developed Nuclear Missiles. Technology level is that of 80’s Earth. The fallout created by the missile strike ends with the climate of the planet being permanently changed. In addition, the economy collapses from the 100 year war. Angered, many joined a new movement that had taken control of the remains of the Osirus house; the Optimum Movement.

1,300 BZ: The Optimum Movement has control over most of the planet, only remains of Poseidon, Horus, and Thor manage to stem the flow of the Optimum’s advance. During the Optimum’s reign, a “survival of the fittest” design is implemented. Hospitals and homeless shelters are banned, as is science not directly controlled by the government. Thus, Libraries and Universities are also banned.

1000 BZ: The movement is overthrown after a 400 year reign partly thanks to rebel space instillations, illegally put up in orbit, as well as a general uprising.

950 BZ: Space technology advancement hits a peak, as the dying climate continues to degrade and people look for a way to escape. Atlantis is unified as the different houses all ally themselves under a Federation.

700 BZ: The first Atlantian FTL ship leaves orbit and makes it to the next planet in the system through a jump node. The government is re-organized into an empire, with 10 “kings”.

600 BZ: Expansion begins, as the new Atlantian Empire begins to colonize other systems in an attempt to flee their dying homeworld.

550 BZ: First contact with an alien species. They are of a lesser technological level then the Atlantians, and are easily eliminated.

400 BZ: Zoir expansion begins. They beat back an attacking Demon fleet from the Omega Centauri cluster on the edge of the Galaxy and seal them in a pocket dimension. Knowing the Demons are still out there, they begin to build up their fleets, and begin expanding their empire to support it.

450 BZ: Atlantis enters into “Pax Atlantica”, a time of relative peace where expansion has slowed. They encounter many nearby alien species of the same technological level as they. After initial skirmishes with them, the Atlantians help create a united alliance with the others. This period of peace lasts for several centuries.

100 BZ: The Zoir encounter the alliance, and begin their attack. Several of the early battles are in the alliance’s favor.

50 BZ: Things begin to go badly for the alliance as the war becomes more intense. Several species have been eliminated by this time. Others surrender.

10 BZ: The Atlantians stand as the only member of the alliance still standing, and the Zoir are slowly encroaching on their inner colonies. The government begins to construct massive “cloaking” devices around planets in the home system, in an attempt to hide from the Zoir.

5 BZ: Realizing the war is lost, the government focuses all remaining resources on constructing massive colony vessels that can carry billions of people.

1 BZ: The home system is laid under siege by the Zoir.

0: The Atlantian homeworld is destroyed. Several massive colony ships manage to escape during the final battle, although most don’t make it. One lands on Earth in an island chain in the mid-Atlantic. They struggle to rebuild their lost civilization alone.

200 AZ (After Zoir): The Atlantian colony on Earth begins to spread its influence on both sides of the Atlantic; both in Meso-America and the Mediterranean, helping to advance Earth’s culture.

500 AZ (10,000 BC): Atlantis begins to become power-hungry, taking control of Mexico, south-west US, Egypt, Mesopotamia, North Africa, Spain, and much of southern Europe. Only Greece manages to hold off Atlantis, led by Athens. Everntually, during the battle for Athens, Athenian terrorists manage to break into Atlantis and hijack a doomsday weapon, the “Thermal Bomb”. It is activated, ending the Earth’s last Ice Age and sinking Atlantis. The survivors flee to the territories once held by Atlantis. Over the ages, they advance Earth’s culture, trying to make life better for themselves.

Modern Era

12,500 AZ: Atlantis is re-established as a modern country in a chain of islands in the Pacific, near the APTO mainland. Atlantians and Centaurs migrate there after millennia of being scattered across the globe. The 10 houses are re-formed and a senate is put in charge.

12,510 AZ: Atlantis engages in several wars during its early days. Both Rukemian Wars, the Elarian Civil War, and Atlantis’s own Civil War. The only defeat comes at the Elarian Civil War. They also form an alliance with several other smaller countries. The Morning Star is created.

12,520 AZ: After a period of isolation, Atlantis joins the APTO and makes amends with Elara. They have begun to build a fleet of spaceships and begin to look to the stars. A star cluster near the location of old Atlantian space is found to be a decent home for Atlantis.

12,540 AZ: The transfer of the population from Earth to the new Atlantian Star Cluster is complete. They re-establish relations with the Zoir (who have recently regrouped from millennia of civil war and dark ages).

12,544 AZ: The Poseidon’s Fury; a colony ship, is discovered adrift in space. At the same time, demon ships are sighted, and a religious terrorist group called the Loki Loyalists rise, proclaiming the Demons to be the saviors that will rid the galaxy of all that is unclean.

12,545 AZ: The Demon War begins, as the demon fleet sealed away by the Zoir breaks free and attacks the Orion arm of the galaxy. After several costly battles, the Demons attack the Sol system and are ultimately defeated by a coalition of forces including Atlantis, Zoir, LRR, Phalanix, and Xanthal.

12,547 AZ: The rebel house of Isis and the Loki Loyalists conspire to take out the government. The capitol on the planet Cirrus is destroyed, although the senate survives. The second Atlantian Civil War begins.

12,548 AZ: After a brutal civil war, the senate manages to take out the rebels with the help of foreign intervention.

12,550 AZ: An expedition opens up a long-closed Jump Node to the old Atlantian home system. The planets cloaked to hide from the Zoir turn out to have survived, and are ready to take out both modern Atlantis and Zoir. What ensues is a series of brief skirmishes.

12,555 AZ: The Drovian war begins, as Elara wages a war of survival against the Drovians. Several of its allies, including Atlantis, join in. However, the Neo-Atlantians also join in and steal Elarian technology. Enraged, Elara engages in a cold war with Atlantis. Almost on the verge of war, the senate (with help from the LRR fleet) manages to convince Elara that the Atlantians and Neo-Atlantians are separate entities.

12,556 AZ: The Neo-Atlantians unleash a planet destroying weapon on the galaxy, the Typhon, during an APTO conference. The confrontation between the Typhon and the Atlantian fleet ends with the death of Senator Orion, and the destruction of the entire Neo-Atlantian system by a run-away Typhon.

12,559 AZ: Atlantis leaves the APTO, along with at least 11 other countries to form the short-lived Guardian Council. The shipyard Starchaser 2 in Sol’s Kuiper belt is bought from LRR and renamed Hope Shipyards.

12,560 AZ: Atlantis ups its military by expanding its fleet while removing most of its land army…with the exception of a genetic project, giving birth to the Anubite species as a means of shock troops.

12,561 AZ: Atlantis enters into a more isolationist policy. The Elarian and Zoir empires fall apart something in between this period and 12,590 AZ.

12,590 AZ: The little known 3rd gender of the Atlantian species begin a general riot. In response, several members of the fleet and senate devise a genocide plan to launch the rioters into stars. Word eventually gets out about this, crippling Atlantian ego.

12,593 AZ: Most the senate is killed in a raid by a rival faction, the Acendency. They assume control of the entire cluster. The rebellion, led by the remains of the Senate and the flagship, the Olympia, starts out holding only a few planets and Hope Shipyards.

12,595 AZ: The Acendency probes the defenses of the war-torn Phalanix, invoking the wrath of both Phalanix and the Crimmond pirate fleet.

12,596 AZ: The Atlantian civil war reaches a climax with the rebel victories at Tekara, Gree, and Dopa; as well as the intervention of Phalanix. One of the inhabited worlds in the Dopa system is cleansed of all life by the Ascendency-controlled Morning Star. The Omega is destroyed soon after by rebel forces.

12,597 AZ: The war ends on a down note, the last battles being mere footnotes compared to the massive sieges of Allos and Cirrus. Atlantis becomes an “Imperial Federation” with the Senate and a new imperial monarchy being the two branches of the government. As the country is slowly rebuilt, plans are made for a new class of Super Battleship, smaller then the now-defunct Omega class, meant to battle the Phalanixian vessels.

Major Species


The vast majority of the Federation’s population is its namesake; the Atlantians, consisting of about 75% of the population and controlling most aspects of the government. They are ancient, stretching back thousands of years as a (mostly) unified people and culture, having survived the destruction of landmasses and whole planets.

A warrior race at heart, the Atlantians have been tempered over the years due to bad karma. Thousands of years ago they controlled a vast empire stretching over a lot of this area of space, and ruled it with an iron fist. However, another empire known as the Zoir moved in and destroyed the Atlantian empire and all of its allies in a long and bloody war. In the final battle, the Atlantian homeworld was destroyed by the Zoir fleet, but not before several colony ships were shot into space. The only known successful one ended up on an island chain in the mid-Atlantic on Earth.

From there the Atlantians attempted to rebuild their society, by first taking control of the planet they were on. This backfired however, when they underestimated the cunningness and determination of the local species—homo sapiens. After an almost uneventful march across the Mediterranean area, the nations of Greece and Egypt of that time fought back, and in a desperate maneuver, used an Atlantian doomsday weapon against them, ending the current Ice Age and sinking most of the island chain.

Atlantians have dark-tanned skin, and white hair due to lack of pigment. They stand between six and seven feet in height, and can live for over 300 years (some have been known to live for a full half a century).

As their culture is ancient, they are a very tradition based society, with rituals and superstitions that persist to this day. While there is no longer a standing army, every Atlantian is trained in at least one form of martial arts or weapons combat. This is usually with an Atlantian Trident (both a long range and short range weapon), but others may be used instead. As a traditional warrior species, they all have a very strong sense of honor.

However, as much warriors that they are, as they live for so long they also gain a vast amount of knowledge during their lifetime. And politicly, they are isolationist, not willing to get involved in affairs that do not concern them.

The Atlantian religion is very complex. It hints at being influenced by Hinduism (or perhaps vice-versa) in the fact that there is in truth only one “reality”, which is simply shown through various facets in all life. Most notably in their vast pantheon of gods, of which there is an almost infinite amoute. The major ones are well known on Earth as those from Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Meso-American, and Mesopotamian mythologies.

There is a once little-known fact about Atlantians, which is that they have a third gender. They produce an enzyme that the female in most species has already inside her. While cross-species breeding IS possible with Atlantians, it might be trickier then with most other humanoid species. It was previously believed that the third gender was non-sentient or semi-sentient, although it seems as though that rumor was unfounded, and they simply were not given the same chances as other people at education or lives. Many reforms are now happening to change this.


Before the onset of the Zoir war, the Atlantian Empire had helped formed a large alliance with most of its rival states in the area, as a defense against such an invasion like the Zoir. One of the closest allies with Atlantis were the Centaurs, a half-humanoid/half-horse species who could live for a millennia. When their homeworld was destroyed, many of them wound up on the Atlantian homeworld before it was destroyed. Many of those that did ended up being put onto the colony ships that were meant to preserve the Atlantian people.

While Greek myths usually portrayed them as vicious beasts with no sense of law and order, that was actually a misconception. It is true that Centaurs prefer wild areas with vast amount of land, but they only attack when provoked, and are actually a very shy species of people.

They are very much a nomadic culture, and tend to travel in small herds through mountain ranges.

Centaurs make up about 15% of the Federation’s population.


Unlike the Centaurs and Atlantians, the third major species in the Federation is not very old. Less then a century, in fact. Anubites were the successful result of a large-scale genetic project in the hopes of creating the perfect shock trooper for the Federation; otherwise known as Project: Anubis. But however successful, it didn’t see a very long service. Soon after the Federation cut back on its army drastically in order to focus on its fleet. A few decades later, the army had been completely disbanded. The Anubites have been integrated into society and are now coexisting peacefully. They, unlike the other two species, are specificly bred for war, and are even more of a warrior race then even the Atlantians.

Anubites look much like their namesake. Humanoid black jackals with lightning-quick reflexes and the ability to jump several feet into the air, as well as run insanely fast. One should be careful never to get on an Anubite’s bad side.

They only live to be about 20 to 50 years of age, thus giving aid to the phrase “what burns shortest burns brightest”. Anubites consist of about 9% of the population.


The Zoir are a bearlike species, who at one point controlled a massive space empire on this side of the galactic core. In order to defeat an extra-galactic threat known only as “The Demons”, they built a vast fleet. However, such power had a price to pay. The economic burden from building and maintaining so many ships prompted the Zoir to begin expanding the empire further, subjugating smaller powers. Those that surrendered peacefully were left to exist, while serving the Zoir with whatever resources they needed. Those that resisted were trampled over. The Atlantians and their allies were prime examples of what happened to those who fought to the bitter end.

However, the Zoir were eventually done in by another species who engineered a virus that killed the majority of the Zoir in the empire, causing it to collapse. For millennia, the surviving Zoir were too weak to re-establish control. Even after the Zoir Empire once again became a political entity, it was much smaller and unable to power and man its larger ships. In fact, it wasn’t even united, as many war lords still fought amongst themselves.

At some point recently, the revived empire fell apart again, prompting several species to enter Atlantian space. This included a small amount of Zoir, who have taken up residence in the Turi system. They make up less then one percent of the population.


Terrans are by far the dominant species in the galaxy, with their home system Sol consisting of 99% of the Milky Way’s population, and many other stars under the control of Terran empires. They are about 5 to six foot in height, live about 100 to 120 years in age, and are one of the more genetically diverse known species…which has been known to cause problems within their own ranks.

The Terran population in Atlantis is less then one percent of the total population.

Systems and holdings in the Atlantian Star Cluster

Planet Class list

(Note: Planet classes are those according to the "Star Trek: Star Charts" atlas, with a few modifications, such as the adding of classes U, V, and W)

  • A: Geothermal (Early planetoid, partially molten. Cools to become class C)
  • B: Geomorteus (Located in hot zone. Ex: Mercury)
  • C: Geoinactive (Frozen, inactive planet or planetoid. Ex: Pluto)
  • D: Asteroid/Moon (Inactive, Barren and cratered. Usually in orbit of planets or asteroid belt)
  • E: Geoplastic (Early planet, Molten. Cools to become class F)
  • F: Geometallic (Young planet. Large volcanic activity. Cools to become class G)
  • G: Geocrystalline (Adolescent planet. Surface is still crystalizing. Cools to become classes K, L, M, N, O, or P)
  • H: Desert (Desert planet)
  • I: Gas Supergiant (Very large Gas Giant. May have rings. Ex: Jupiter)
  • J: Gas Giant (Standard sized Gas Giant. May have rings. Ex: Saturn)
  • K: Adaptable (Barren, inactive class M. Ex: Mars)
  • L: Marginal (Rocky and barren, little water. Dying class M)
  • M: Terrestrial (Large amount of water, ideal for carbon based life. Ex: Earth)
  • N: Reducing (Runaway greenhouse effect, high surface temperature. Ex: Venus)
  • O: Pelagic (Class M planet that has more then 80% of its surface underwater)
  • P: Glaciated (Class M with ice that covers more then 80% of its surface. Ex: Europa)
  • Q: Variable (Surface changes rapidly from eccentric orbit or variable output from star)
  • R: Rogue (Not affiliated with any star. Intersteller world)
  • S: Ultragiant (Very large Gas Giant, may radiate large amounts of heat)
  • T: Brown Dwarf (Largest known type of Gas Giant. Not massive enough to start its own nuclear reactions)
  • U: Minor Giant (Small gas giant)
  • V: Ice Giant (A small gas giant who's chemical makeup differs greatly from other giants. Ex: Uranus and Neptune)
  • W: Artificial (Man-made planet or planetoid. Ex: Death Star)
  • X: Demon A (Hostile to humanoid life)
  • Y: Demon B (Hostile to humanoid life)
  • Z: Demon C (Hostile to humanoid life)

List of Star Systems

(Note: Atlantis also holds a small section of Sol's Kuiper Belt, most notibly "Hope Shipyards", a former LRR shipyard once known as "Starchaser 2")

  • Star 1: Kora
    • Planet 1: Gron (Class B)
    • Planet 2: Vega (Class B)
    • Planet 3: Neka (Class N)
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 4: Cirrus (Class O; pop: 1.2 Billion)
        • Citadel 1 battlestation; 6 Prometheus Shipyards; 3 Harpy Turret spheres
      • Uxau (Class D)
      • Erabus (Class M; pop: 400 Million)
        • 1 Harpy Turret sphere
      • Uxual (Class Y)
    • Planet 5: Watcha (Class J)
      • Rings: 6
      • Haxal (Class D)
      • Orga (Class D)
      • Went (Class L)
      • Mantal (Class K)
    • Planet 6: Neku (Class P; pop: 5,000)
      • Boron (Class P)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Inka (Class C)
      • Jara (Class C)
      • Kolura (Class P)
      • Vashnu (Class C)
      • Shora (Class C)
      • Voruna (Class H)
  • Star 2: Vitar
    • Planet 1: Kal (Class B)
    • Planet 2: Bron (Class C)
    • Planet 3: Xal (Class G)
    • Planet 4: Jululth (Class O; pop: 200 Million)
        • 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 5: Palta (Class I)
      • Rings: 18
      • Rona (Class B)
      • Roga (Class M)
      • Thal (Class P)
    • Planet 6: Pelga (Class P, pop: 300 Million)
        • Citadel 2 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Terja (Class D)
      • Graja (Class C)
      • Kerag (Class C)
      • Questa (Class D)
      • Kornaj (Class P)
      • Jurna (Class H)
  • Star 3: Lazon A
  • Lazon B
  • Lazon C
    • Planet 1: Ralla (Class F)
    • Planet 2: Valla (Class K; pop: 3,000)
      • Brotha (Class D)
    • Planet 3: Exo (Class P; pop: 100 Million)
        • 1 Harpy Turret sphere
  • Star 4: Dopa
    • Planet 1: Rolka (Class F)
    • Planet 2: Allos (Class O, pop: 800 Million)
        • Citadel 3 battlestation; 3 Harpy Turret spheres
      • Mislen (Class D)
      • Brotha (Class L)
    • Planet 3: Meridian (Class J)
      • Druoda (Class Z)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Shaka (Class C)
      • Vernushera (Class C)
      • Keilnu (Class P)
      • Karnag (Class C)
      • Vishnan (Class C)
  • Star 5: Avenal A
  • Avenal B
    • Planet 1: Triza (Class H)
    • Planet 2: Yama {Class H)
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet3: Tizza (Class K)
    • Planet4: Pant (Class L)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Cerna (Class C)
      • Eros (Class C)
      • Aronu (Class C)
      • Buthri (Class C)
      • Intinga (Class C)
  • Star 6: Portas
    • Planet 1: Vanderos (Class G)
      • Moon:
      • Maldor (Class O; pop: 300 Million)
        • Citadel 7 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Planet 2: Pela (Class N)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Felsh (Class C)
      • Gernuath (Class D)
  • Star 7: Mempa A
    • Planet 1: Mempa B (Class T)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Menith (Class D)
      • Xero (Class D)
      • Uranu (Class C)
      • Quan (Class H)
      • Cerna (Class C)
      • Avan (Class C)
      • Kerab (Class C)
      • Weighj (Class C)
      • Louno (Class C)
      • Deruno (Class D)
      • Exeli (Class D)
      • Zen (Class C)
  • Star 8: Oblissa A
  • Oblissa B
    • Planet 1: Marno (Class K)
      • Rathma (Class D)
    • Planet 2: Vena (Class I)
      • Sharakin (Class P)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Mentu (Class C)
      • Keldon (Class C)
      • Peloth (Class D)
      • Genji (Class P)

  • Star 9: Gree
    • Planet 1: Metha (Class B)
    • Planet 2: Tholia (Class H; pop: 400 Million)
        • Citadel 6 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Planet 3: Psi (Class C)
      • Yathma (Class C)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Jeran (Class C)
  • Star 10: Keloda
    • Planet 1: Orthia (Class M, pop: 400 Million)
        • Citadel 5 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
      • Ethera (Class D)
    • Planet 2: Thera (Class Y)
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 3: Nathica (Class N)
    • Planet 4: Lathica (Class F)
    • Kuiper Belt:
      • Delios (Class C)
        • Havenal (Class C)
      • Inkaja (Class C)
      • Vern (Class P)
  • Star 11: Trabe A
  • Trabe B
  • Trabe C
  • Trabe D
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 1: Meni (Class D)
    • Planet 2: Isaros (Class P)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Cedon (Class D)
      • Hearshna (Class H)
      • Veginshu (Class C)
      • Kingha (Class H)
  • Star 12: Argala
    • Planet 1: Vernar (Class M; pop: 1 Billion)
        • Citadel 4 battlestation; 3 Prometheus Shipyards; 3 Harpy Turret spheres
    • Planet 2: Uxal (Class M; pop:1 Billion)
        • Citadel 8 battlestation; 2 Prometheus Shipyards; 3 Harpy Turret spheres
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Euno (Class C)
      • Anathi (Class H)
      • Uridon (Class C)
      • Akamis (Class H)

  • Star 13: Takar
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Patag (Class C)
      • Keraj (Class C)
  • Star 14: Trakia
    • Planet 1: Bertha (Class Y)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Lu (Class X)
      • Cer (Class C)
      • Ul (Class C)
      • Et (Class H)
  • Star 15: Seros
    • Kuiper Belt
  • Star 16: Tekara
    • Planet 1: Ven (Class B)
    • Planet 2: Zalkon (Class M, pop: 400 Million)
        • Citadel 9 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
      • Geratha (Class D)
      • Bentha (Class O)
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 3: Hurcon (Class C)
      • Thalamas (Class M; 300 Million)
        • 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Isari (Class C)
      • Vesh (Class C)
      • Ikarina (Class C)
      • Classa (Class C)
      • Orion (Class C)
  • Star 17: Hazari
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Genga (Class C)
      • Caldona (Class H)
      • Burun (Class H)
      • Androma (Class C)
  • Star 18: Turi
    • Planet 1: Ul (Class O)
    • Planet 2: Litha (Class M)
    • Planet 3: Rola (Class H; pop: 5,000)
      • Rolba (Class O; 300 Million)
        • Citadel 10 battlestation; 1 Harpy Turret sphere
    • Planet 4: Yera (Class K)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Resh (Class C)
      • Ovinah (Class C)
      • Opeka (Class H)
      • Shuu (Class C)
      • Opin (Class C)
      • Dus (Class C)
  • Star 19: Malador A
  • Malador B
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Nut (Class C)
      • Anut (Class C)
      • Shanut (Class C)
      • Kanut(Class C)
  • Star 20: Ubea
    • Planet 1: Gratha (Class H)
    • Asteroid Belt
    • Planet 2: Vika (Class J)
      • Mintha (Class M)
      • Boro (Class D)
      • Denta (Class D)
    • Planet 3: Wek (Class J)
      • Kil (Class K)
    • Kuiper Belt
      • Rolong (Class C)
      • Yaiba (Class P)
      • Jernak (Class C)
      • Nephti (Class H)
      • Soybek(Class H)
      • Resphu (Class C)
      • Naphtet (Class D)
      • Wedjru (Class C)
      • Kiti(Class P)

A quick condensed list of Populated Worlds


  • Cirrus: 1.2 Billion
  • Jululth: 200 Million
  • Pelga: 300 Million
  • Allos: 800 Million
  • Neku: 5,000
  • Valla: 3,000
  • Exo: 100 Million
  • Orthia: 400 Million
  • Tholia: 400 Million
  • Uxal: 1 Billion
  • Zalkon: 300 Million
  • Rola: 5,000
  • Vernar: 1 Billion


  • Erabus: 400 Million
  • Maldor: 300 Million
  • Bentha: 100 Million
  • Rolba: 300 Million
  • Thalamas: 300 Million

Atlantian Forces

There are five Atlantian fleets. Four of them are usually mothballed and held in reserve, while the first fleet is active (with the exception of the Titan, which is mothballed as well, due to its size). In times of war however, more fleets are put into service as needed.

There are rumors of a sixth special ops fleet, with upgraded and new ship designs only used in it. However, these claims have been denied by both the Fleet and the Government.

  • Each fleet includes:
    • 1 Titan Class Super Battleship
    • 5 Leviathan Class Dreadnoughts
    • 15 Orion Class Class Battle Cruisers
    • 15 Nemesis Class Assault Cruisers
    • 35 Oceanus Class Heavy Cruisers
    • 62 Gemini Class Light Cruisers
    • 110 Jaguar Class Destroyers
    • 157 Barracuda Class Scouts
  • 300 ships total in one fleet
  • 2000 ships full total

Atlantian Ship Stats

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