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Naming conventions
Flag of Naming conventions
Motto: The world is not black and white, only shades of grey
No Map Available Yet
Region Cave
Capital Grathmoras
Official Language(s) English
Leader Tribunal Director: Jade Allenson President: Jon Anerton
Population 3.807 billion
Currency Electronic Tappeen 
NS Sunset XML

Tappee Fact Book Volume One (History)

The Tribes

Over a thousand years ago in the area now know as Tappee it was occupied by a number of Nomadic Tribes. For the most part all the tribes were able to co-exist; there was the occasional conflict between two tribes. Out of the large number of Tribes five had the most power, in either size or skill. The Williams tribe, which was the Warrior tribe. The Allenson Tribe, which was the Naval Power. The Adeptus Tribe, which was the most technologically advanced. The Griffon Tribe, Which was the largest of all the Tribes. Last was the Clancey Tribe, who where known as the Horsemen.

A number of war occurred between these tribes, but none could gain the upper hand on the other. So for a number of years a cold war existed with none one moving against the other.

The Tribunal

In an attempt to create peace the Griffons created Tribunal was created. The Tribunal was originally created as a forum in which the five great powers could work out their difference diplomatically.

There was five seats, one for the leader of every tribe. In order for war to be declared on another member one would have to have support of the other three members. If support could not be gain then the use of military force was not authorized. If a tribe went against the will of the Tribunal then they risked the retaliation of the other members.

Almost over night fighting between the great tribes ended, every one was tiered of the years of war. It was not long until the five where working as a single unit.

The Unification of Tappee

With the new found friendship of the great Tribes came progress, where one Tribe failed the other succeeded, it didn’t take long for the members of the Tribunal to realize the with cooperation came power.

The Tribunal first act as a united organization was to unite all the other clans under a single banner. Most of the smaller tribes where more then willing to join such a group, and then there were those who resisted. Under the combined might of the Tribunal they stood little chance those who did not joined where destroyed.

With no more opposition in area a small country was formed. It’s name was Tappee, name after the Griffon god of Prosperity.

The Plague

And for nearly 150 years Tappee did indeed prosper. A large number of urban centres were formed; they were the symbol of Tappee’s industrial strength. However, these symbols would prove to be Tappee’s greatest danger.

As Tappee grew in size it began making contact with countries. These contact brought new technology, new ideas, and new disease. With the over crowding of the cities disease spread like wild fire, some where completely destroyed before the cure could found.

Isolation and Curiosity

In an attempt to solve the problem the Tribunal closed Tappee off to the rest of the world. It was believed that cutting off contact would stop other diseases from entering the country. Border patrols were sent out killing anyone caught trying to leave, or enter Tappee.

They’re were those on the Tribunal that felt that there was still a need to have knowledge of what was occurring in the outside world. It was hoped that one day that the border would again be open, and they wanted to know as much as they could.

The New Tribunal

A Special group of individual was created to explore the outside world. The plague had cause a large amount of children to become orphans, they where immune to the disease. It was decide that cause they had no family and were immune that they would be specially trained in combat, as well how to interact with the outside world. They became know as the Expeditionary Force, and it answered only to the tribunal. Their objective was to quietly observe the activities of other countries.

Over the years the great tribe had become a single unit, and since the Tribunal was the only organization that had contact with the outside word, only member of the Expeditionary Force could sit a member of the Tribunal. Instead of five seats there was now seven. Because of work that it was now doing it became know as the Intelligence Tribunal.

The End of Isolation

For over 780 years Tappee remained in isolation from the outside world, relaying on the Expeditionary Force for information. 780 was a long time, and the Intelligence Tribunal finally decide to move out of its policy of Isolation.

A massive restructuring was done. The border patrol that had keep the country became the countries standing military, it was Commanded by the joint chiefs, which where the highest-ranking officer from each military division. The Expeditionary Force, was split in to two groups know as the First and Second X. As well the position of President was created.

First and Second X

Like in the early days of the Expeditionary Force member where orphans taken in by the state, they were trained from an early age in all types of combat. There were to become Tappee’s elite forces.

The Second X would be the starting point for every one. All those in the Second X received training in close combat as well as SWAT tactics; they are Tappee’s Special Forces. Those who showed exceptional skill and intelligence are transferred to the First X and can attend the academy where they receive more advance training. First X acts Tappee Intelligence Service.


Again there where problems. After about 20 years there where traditionalists who claimed that Foreigners that had came to Tappee where challenging Tappee’s way of life. When the Intelligence Tribunal refused to move from its position, the traditionalists went on murderous rampage killing many of those who where not native to Tappee.

Tappee was on the brink of a civil war, so in attempt to avoid war the Tribunal again closed it’s border.

The Children of Tappee

The borders remained closed for an additional 30 years until under the leadership of then President Baddarron they were open.

War begun in the surrounding countries, but Tappee was able to stay out of those conflicts. However, there where those on the Tribunal that Believed the Baddarron had started the conflict by planting evidence, and framing other countries.

Civil war quickly erupted. There was a month of fierce fight until a stale mate occurred. This situation remained until Baddarrons in the Bison war, and the death of the C.O.T leaders.

Again Tappee fell into Isolation

The Blast that Rocked a Nation

During a President address to the nation, a terrorist country group know as Iaceo detonated a small nuclear bomb in Tappee’s capital.

President Allenson took control, and the Intelligence Tribunal granted him full military control. Until that time the Tribunal had maintained complete military control. President Allenson had no choice but to respond with military force. There was brief war between the two countries, but Iaceo soon fell to Tappee’s larger military force.

A New Direction

The Tribunal has granted President Allenson unprecedented power. Slowly easing the people of Tappee out of Isolation Allenson has joined a number of different alliances. As well as went to great length to bring foreign businesses to Tappee. One of Corporation in particular has found the environment in Tappee quite favourable is the NiMbus Corporation, which has been helping the military upgrade some its equipment. NiMbus has up to this date exclusive right on all contracts.

A Change of Hands

After being kidnapped by terrorist forces President Allenson stepped down as President of Tappee, passing the mantel on to a younger President. Jon Anerton takes over the position of President.

NiMbus’s betrayal

In an attempt to cover up the illegal research the company was conducting in Tappee, NiMbus technology destroys the City of Tatania. In an attempt to discover the reasons for Tatania, the government dispatches a special force team to the site. Upon the discovering the truth behind the attack, the Rapid Response to deal with the NiMbus threat, only to find that NiMbus was being protected by the Government of Steel Butterfly. Not want to fight a war with one it’s allies, the fleet was recalled. However, after the assassination of Chair Woman’s Jade Allenson husband a full-scale war between Steel Butterfly and Tappee erupted.

Aid of a Rebellion

War between to the put both governments in a tight question, since both were members of the Orders of Order of the Seraphim neither could request aid from their allies. In an act of desperation the government pledge its support to a group of rebels. Find that their goals were the same; a sort of friendship was formed between the two.

War in the Orion Sector

Launching a series of well-organized attacks, both Tappee and the Rebels gained a lot of ground against the Imperial forces of Steel Butterfly. However, with the rapid expansion came the complications of it was well. With a large area to defend the allied force were spread thin, and logical supply issue became a problem. As a result a stand still was reached, along with an unofficial ceasefire.

A Final Push

After nearly a year in stalemate, the allied forces decided to make a surprise attack on the Capital of Steel. With the Combined forces of the Rebels, Clairmont and Tappee an attack is launched. After a few days of fight the planet finally falls. However, Dr. Ackerman CEO if NiMbus technology flees to the planet of Steel Moon. Not wanting their quarry to escape Admiral Dodalla orders the fleet to pursue. A brief battle ensues on the planet, until the planet itself is destroyed.

Unknown Enemy

A terrorist named Dylan Phobo, lead a series of terrorist attacks. Most deadly was the bombing at Grathmoras, killing an estimated 5,000 people. In addition Chair Woman Jade Allenson was injured in a terrorist attack in Calnuxia.

Government/Military Structure

The Government of Tappee is a broken into two organizations, the President, and the Tribunal. Each group has it own role, those that work under them, and their own powers.


Created at the very foundation of Tappee the Tribunal, has served as the very core of the Governmental structure. However, over the year the Tribunal a changed and developed according to the time. Today the Tribunal has relinquished some of its power to the President, and other organizations. Although most of the organization that it has given power to still operate under the direct supervision of the Tribunal. Military Command is the only shared organization, in which command is shared with both the Tribunal and the president. The Tribunal still has the authority to revoke all the authority it has given out.

Organizations that operate under the direct supervision are. First and Second X, The Tappee research Commission, and Sentinel Program. Most of the operations that these organizations take part are covert.

The Tribunal operates out of facility known as the Tribunal Chamber, is also shares this facility with the First X.

There are seven members that sit on the Tribunal. In order to qualify to be a member of the Tribunal, one must have been a member of the First X, or a one of the Joint chiefs. All decision that the Tribunal make is put to a vote, and must receive at least a 4 to 3 vote for to pass.

First X

This is Tappee’s most shadowy organization, as it serves as Tappee intelligence agency. With the exception of the Tribunal, it is the ultimate authority in Tappee. Operating directly under the Tribunal it enforces the Tribunal will, and serves as Tappee’s silent protector. It has been authorized to take whatever steps it feel is necessary in protecting Tappee as a whole, It’s methods are unquestioned. Members of the First X are selected from Tappee’s special force unit know as the Second X

Second X

The Second X serves as Tappee’s Special Forces unit. Unlike the special forces of other nations that select their occupant from their standing military, members of the Second X are Orphans that have been taken in by the state. As a result they begin their training at a very young age, beginning with specialized physiological training. Those that show exceptional mental and physical prowess are transferred the First X were they receive additional training.

The Tappee Research Commission

The Tappee Research Commission is responsible for providing new technology for the Military, Sentinel Program, First and Second X. As such, all the work that it does is shrouded in secrecy. This is an immense responsibility as to protect it’s sovereignty Tappee does not buy any military equipment or technology from other nations.

Sentinel Program


The primary role of the organization is to provide protection against perceived biological threats both nationally and internationally. The highest priority being stopping a biological outbreak from actually occurring, by whatever means are deemed necessary in the situation. Taking a second priority is containing a known outbreak, and preventing further contamination, again by whatever means are necessary. The S.P shall be given the same constitutional power as that of the First Expeditionary Force (1st X).

Should an outbreak of an unknown biological agent occur it is the Secondary Objective of the S.P to secure a living sample so that protocols, and anti biological agents can be created.

To see the S.P can fulfil it role it shall be broken up into several sub organizations. These sub organizations shall operate under the S.P guideline, and regulations. Sub organization of the S.P are:

1. Sentinel Advanced Response Team 2. Sentinel Biological Recovery Team 3. Sentinel Biological Containment Force 4. Sentinel Biological Neutralization Force 5. Sentinel Biological Counter Measure Force


Unlike the other Core agency that operate under the Tribunal the S.P can choose personal from the Intelligence, Military, and Civilian fields. However, due to the power that has been given to the S.P, it is required that all field Command roles are filled by an active member of the 1st X. Personal for each sub organization, will be based on each individual organization and the role that it play with in the S.P

Sentinel Advanced Response Team (S.A.R.T)


To investigate, and asses biological threats. In addition to take whatever measures are required in preventing containing, or eliminating a perceived Biological threat. Should a threat be identified the S.A.R.T commander can fully utilize the full resources of the other S.P organization.


Team size will vary depending in the mission requirement, with a minimum of three (Field commander, Mission specialist, and Science officer), and maximum of ten. The Field Commander must be a member of the 1st X, all other position must be filled with an officer from at least the 2nd X.

Training: All members of the S.A.R.T shall receive specialized training in Counter Terrorism, Close combat, and Biological/Nuclear warfare. Some shall receive further training in advanced molecular Biology/Genetics.


Members of the S.A.R.T shall receive the latest in Biological warfare equipment, including Environmental Protection Combat Suit (E.P.C.S), an assortment Environmental Protected Vehicles (E.P.V’s), and full access to Tappee’s nuclear arsenal.

Sentinel Biological Recovery Team (S.B.R.T)


To recover either natural/ created biological agents. The S.B.R.T shall operate as an independed organization from the rest S.P. However, can be called into action by the S.A.R.T.


Team size will vary depending in the mission requirement, with a minimum of three (Field commander, Mission specialist, and Science officer), and maximum of ten. The Field Commander must be a member of the 1st X, all other position must be filled with an officer from at least the 2nd X.

Training: All members of the S.B.R.T shall receive specialized training in Counter Terrorism, Close combat, and Biological/Nuclear warfare. Some shall receive further training in advanced molecular Biology/Genetics.


Members of the S.B.R.T shall receive the equipment in Biological warfare equipment, including Environmental Protection Combat Suit (E.P.C.S), an assortment Environmental Protected Vehicles (E.P.V’s).

Sentinel Biological Containment Force (S.B.C.F)


To take measures are necessary in containing a perceived/actual biological threat. However, their role will be containment, and only containment. Under no circumstance shall they take steps in either investigation or elimination.


S.B.C.F shall consist of Intelligence, Military, and Civilian personal. Commander of the S.B.C.F shall be an active member of the 1st, with a civilian science advisor. All other members of the S.C.F shall be chosen from the standard military ranks. The force shall consist of 10,000, no more or no less.


All members of the S.C.F shall receive basic training in Biological war, crowd suppression, and biological containment


Members of the S.B.C.F shall receive the latest in Biological warfare equipment, including Environmental Protection Combat Suit (E.P.C.S), an assortment Environmental Protected Vehicles (E.P.V’s).

Sentinel Biological Neutralization Force (S.B.N.F)


Prevent any perceived/actual biological threat from spreading from a containment zone by whatever means are felt to be necessary.


S.B.N.F shall consist of Intelligence, Military, and Civilian personal. Commander of the S.B.N.F shall be an active member of the 1st, with a civilian science advisor. All other members of the S.C.F shall be chosen from the standard military ranks. The force shall consist of 6,000, no more or no less.


All members of the S.C.F shall receive basic training in Biological war, crowd suppression, and biological containment


Members of the S.B.N.F shall receive the latest in Biological warfare equipment, including Environmental Protection Combat Suit (E.P.C.S), an assortment Environmental Protected Vehicles (E.P.V’s). In addition the S.B.N.F shall have full access to Tappee’s nuclear arsenal

Sentinel Biological Counter Measure Force (S.B.C.M.F)


To protect Tappee from perceived Biological threats from either Terrorist organization, or that of rouge governments, by any mean thought to be necessary. Will work in conjunction S.A.R.T, and S.B.R.T.


Team size will vary depending in the mission requirement, with a minimum of three (Field commander, Mission specialist, and Science officer), and maximum of ten. The Field Commander must be a member of the 1st X, all other position must be filled with an officer from at least the 2nd X.

Training: All members of the S.B.R.T shall receive specialized training in Counter Terrorism, Close combat, and Biological/Nuclear warfare. Some shall receive further training in advanced molecular Biology/Genetics.


Members of the S.B.C.M.F shall receive the equipment in Biological warfare equipment, including Environmental Protection Combat Suit (E.P.C.S), an assortment Environmental Protected Vehicles (E.P.V’s). However, unlike the S.A.R.T the equipment the S.B.R.T uses is equipment that can be found on the common black market, and can in no way be traced.


Tappee’s Military is broken down into to three Branches. Army, Air force, and Space Navy. Each has it own role in meeting Tappee’s military demands.


Tappee’s Army is the smallest of the three branches. It has a single role, defending Tappee’s soil, and nothing else. Army forces must remain on Tappee territory at all time; under no circumstances can they be deployed on foreign soil. It works in conjunction with Tappee’s air force in defending Tappee.

Air Force

The job of defending the Tappee air space, as well the deep of the Sol system fails to the Air force. Armed with an assortment of fighters and bomber, the Air Force provides support for the Army, and Navy operations in the Sol system. But like the Army its role is for defence and defence only.

Space Navy

The Space Navy acts as the backbone of Tappee’s military operations. The Rapid Response Division as the first military to enter any conflict. However, unlike the others branches, the Space Navy is a multi role branch. It has more combat fighter/bombers then that of the Air Force, and it’s marine division is three time larger then that of the entire Army. As such the Space Navy receives most of the defence budge.


The President serves mostly as Tappee’s statesmen/ambassador. However, over the past few years has been given more and more power. Recently the President has been put in charge of the following areas: Diplomacy, Economic, and Military operations (Joint Command with Tribunal).

For each area that the President looks after he appoints a minister to handle most of the Day to day affairs. For the military there are the Joint Chiefs, with two members from each branch, and a chairman, for a total of seven members.

In order to become president, one must have sat as a member of the Tibunal.