MUSA Warriors

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MUSA Warriors
Flag of MUSA Warriors
Motto: Mik skortir afl (I do not lack power)
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Pye
Capital Böskr
Official Language(s) Nörse (primary language), English, German, Chinese, Bushman Clicks
Leader Æsir (Council of the Norse Gods)
Population 200 - 300 Million
Currency silfr 
NS Sunset XML


A long long time ago, during the dark period of Europe (about 600 A.D.), an armada of longships, sailed by the strongest of Vikings, lost their way on the dreadfully cold north sea. Cold and hungry, they continued sailing in hopes of coming across land. Eventually, after months at sea they landed on the coast of a warm pleasant island. Lacking food they nicely asked for some provisions. When they were served salted cod and hard biscuits they were overcome by an urge to pillage, so pillage they did. In desperate hope of saving themselves, the villagers banded together and created a mighty fortress, then they called upon the great knights from the west to stop the terror that fell upon them.

The next week the Vikings returned to the village for more silver and hogs meat on which to feed. Upon their arrival they went around the fortress, through the back door, and slaughtered the defenders. That night, after a great feast, Odin, the god of wisdom and war, was called upon for advise. He himself appeared before the warriors and gave a message: "Far to the south is an island on which you are destined to settle, along the way you are to pillage...a lot". So with wise words said, thats what they did. It took a thousand years to reach the island but along the way they increased in size and technology. They developed cannons and pirate ships, then Nukes and other Weapons of Mass Destruction. When they reached a peninsula on a coast of a large Australia sized island, Odin came to them once more. "Welcome to Pye he" said... enjoy your stay, and that was how the Peninsula of Warriors was created. The armada separated and settled. Most of the vikings stayed on the peninsula but a smaller group settled on the nearby island of Pyeraeus.

Over the years other settlers crammed into the small island on which the vikings had lived peacefully with the natives to the point the island was splint into different sectors and named the region of Pye. During this time the Vikings officially splint into three colonies, MUSA warriors (Warriors and Musa were already official nations) the largest and most powerful of the colonies, Deziree the most successful and richest, and ADHD, the hyperactive islanders to the south. Baltrion, a small, undefended, weak nation, is sandwiched on the peninsula between Deziree (on the landlocked side) and Musa warriors ((desperately wishing they could change their name)on the tip of the peninsula). They were soon challenging Musa warriors in their basic unintelligent ways...It all started with the words..."You Suck". Viking are completely 1337 and better than ninjas AND a little better than pirates (actually pirates are vikings in disguise), and to show this they nuked the hell out of Baltrion. To the dismay of the warriors, before the defeated nation of Baltrion could be taken regional disapproval ended the war. Public relations broke down and had to be quickly reestablished. All troops were extracted and funding was redirected to make a better place for the people.

Current Information


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