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Flag of Eyster
Motto: Guns don't kill people, people kill people
No Map Available
Region Zurich
Official Language(s)
Population Over 3 Billion
NS Sunset XML

Early Days

When Eyster was Founded, he knew very little about NationStates. He was quickly recruited into the brand new (but now non-existant) region of The Armed Nations of Society. Some of his many accomplishments in the region included: holding the regional delegacy for over 100 days, making sure that the region would not become a raiding region, and being prime recruiter (causing the region to reach over 110 nations at one point). Later on, however, the region started to fall apart. Many left the region due to what was seen as oppression of the region by its founder. Eyster decided to create his own region as a result. With Kaetoria, Xyrax, Skjolden, and many more following, Zurich was born!

Building Zurich

Eyster had to seek out his companions to make Zurich into a strong, democratic region, unlike that which had formerly been their home. Eyster immediately became the first President of Zurich. Eventually, Zurich became a strong region with many residents. Zurich needed a bit of luck, however, to reach its full potential, and this luck came when the almighty nation of SwissPeace entered Zurich. SwissPeace proceeded to create an excellent military, as well as a well thought-out constitution. Zurich entered its golden age of strength and bravery.

Eyster's Thoughts

Eyster holds many controversial views. His most well-known include the following:

  • Terrorists: Eyster hates terrorists. When nations band together to destroy innocent regions filled by peace-loving nations, Eyster feels as though the invading terrorists are a bunch of S.O.B.s. With SwissPeace, he works to ensure that terrorists are kept in line.
  • Free Speech: Eyster holds free speech dear, mainly because of his former region. Rarely ejecting naions for what they say on the regional message board, he has been criticized by many, including Checkhovian Learning, who believes that he has, in past, allowed free speech to "go too far". Eyster, however, embraces free speech, and holds strong to his belief in the face of nay-sayers.
  • Mass Pandamonium (AKA Checkhovian Learning, Peaceful Slumber, and many more): In the beginning, Eyster highly respected Mass and thought of her as a positive influence on the region of Zurich. He gladly voted for her to become President, and backed up the idea of her promotion to head of the Zurich Air Force.
  • These views changed quickly, however, when Mass posted her resignation from the Presidency, in which she stated that she owned many other nations, and had invaded twice prior to coming into the region. Eyster felt betrayed, and believes that Mass' actions in the region were merely a facade. She admits that she originally came to Zurich to protect her own interests and own region.
  • Eyster does not respect Mass because he feels that she lied about her use of multiple (non-UN) nations. In her resignation, she stated that she would henceforth use only one Mass nation, and Checkhovian. Eyster, however, soon realized that BOTH Mass nations were in use, as were Checkhovian and PeacefulSlumber. Eyster's feelings for Mass changed from those respect to those of disgust. Eyster regards Mass as nothing more than scum on earth.