The Battle Of The Aralonian Straits

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The Battle Of The Aralonian Straits
Date: 1/5/07-Present
Locations: The Aralonian-Barkozian Straits
Cassus Belli: Burnsian Incursions Into Northeastern Haven
Outcome: NSAF Victory
Main Participants
Miniflagwm1.png Velkya

Willink.GIF Willink
Spaceflag.png Space Union
The Silver Sky

The Burnsian Desert
Strength (approx.)
26,000 naval vessels and unspecified amounts of coastal defenses and aircraft 8,000 naval vessels
Southern Defense Command Grand General Khan
Casualties (approx.)
Military dead: 5
Military wounded: Unknown
Civilian dead: N/A
Military dead: 955,192
Military wounded: 2,918,177
Civilian dead: N/A
Total: 3,873,374

The Battle Of The Aralonian Straits was an extremely one sided naval battle between an ad hoc fleet under the command of the Northern Strategic Allied Force and an invasion force from the Burnsian Desert. The battle was fought in the vicinity of the Omz Straits, with most combat taking place within the Northern Aralonian Straits. Among other things, the battle demonstrated the pure power of the defensive systems of northern Haven, with the vast majority of naval kills scored by air and land launched anti shipping weapons.


The Battle Of The Aralonian Straits is held by virtually all historians to be a byproduct of Operation Hallowed Saber, a multinational effort to destroy the EVIL alliance after the deaths of a Whyatican diplomat sent to negotiate with EVIL leaders at their headquarters on Afghan Isle. The first major operation of the war was undertaken by the Allied Union Defense Forces and their Skyian counterparts, dubbed Operation Dustbow, a combined arms assault on the supposed seat of EVIL power. In the opening hours of the operation, the then Queen of The Burnsian Desert, Sabrina, authorized an attack on Velkya herself, because of said nation's leading role in Operation Dustbowl. Ordering the mobilization of a eight thousand vessel strong armada, the Queen and her charges quickly attracted the attention of NSAF intelligence agencies. Soon alerted to the course and mission of this fleet, NSAF military commanders began to mobilize defensive fleets, along with supporting land based defenses. The stage was set for one of the largest naval engagements in human history.

Opening Shots

On a cold winter morning, the Burnsian Fleet under High General Khan entered the range of Haven's array of nuclear pulse batteries. Allanean cannons were the first to fire, scoring three direct hits on the Burnsian flagship, Enduring Hellfire. These weapons were quickly followed by volleys from Skyian and Velkyan batteries, sinking several more capital vessels. In addition, the nuclear pulse cannons on the northern Arx Dei fortress opened fire, finishing off the Hellfire, as well as annihilating nearby escort vessels. Burnsian response was nonexistant, as the cannons were firing from far beyond the range of any conventional weapons systems. The nuclear pulse attacks are credited with breaking the morale of the Burnsian fleet, cherry picking targets and then utterly destroying them without warning.

Temporary Reprieve

With inhuman courage (and some would say, stupidity), the Burnsian fleet continued it's advance into Haven waters, crossing the gap between the range of nuclear pulse artillery and long range anti-shipping missile systems. This gave the NSAF forces time to mobilize naval strike aircraft, and massive waves of bombers soon lifted into the air from all around the NSAF sphere of influence. Forming a wall of iron and steel behind the bomber waves was a gargantuan joint naval fleet comprised of Velkyan, Willinkian, Questarian, Skyian, and Whyatican vessels, as well as a small (comparatively) force from Hamptonshire. The fleet's constituent parts, having been in theater since the opening of hostilities, began to form a large battle line in the southern Omz Strait, blocking any potential advance of enemy naval forces into the home waters of eastern Haven.

Final Overture

At 7:23 PM, local time, the first Burnsian vessel, a picket escort, crossed into range of Allied Union Navy Maritime Patrol Sixty Four,