New Fort Boston Accord

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The New Fort Boston Accord is an agreement signed in New Fort Boston, Outer Bostopia (Former Chikoo), by Bostopia and Vladmiristak. The agreement deals with the partitioning of Outer Sygon and her territories upon the country's dissolution.


International Changes

It was agreed that;

  • Bostopia & Vladmiristak would keep their existing territorial gains in Chikoo as set previously
  • The New London to New Fort Boston motorway would be used as the southernmost border of the 'Bostopian Corridor' which had previously given Bostopia a land border with Outer Sygon
  • The New London to Sygon City motorway would be used as the westernmost border of Bostopia, and Bostopia would also gain the half of Sygon City on the south-eastern side of the River Sygon, with the River then being used as the border to the north-east of Sygon City.
  • The two aforementioned motorways would become a no-mans-land, under the jurisdiction of the Sygon City - New London - New Fort Boston Motorway Transport Administration, who are neutral to both Bostopia & Vladmiristak.
  • Bostopia would gain 95% of the northern half of Deweyland (not shown on map), while the remaining 5% (including one half of Sygon City) would goto Vladmiristak. Vladmiristak would take the whole of Deweyland's southern island. This gave Bostopia almost overall control of the Rental Save/Deweyland peninsula.

Internal Changes

Bostopia then divided Deweyland into 26 administrative areas (Regions), which then came under the rule of Poundland, in former Rental Save. Rental Save stayed as one Region.

Bostopia also then divided the former Outer Sygon into 3 administrative areas. These 3 Regions were then amalgamated with the rest of Outer Bostopia.

Outer Bostopia was then split in half, with the lands formerly belonging to Chikoo coming under rule from New Port Flamerty, and the former Outer Sygonian lands coming under Sygon City jurisdiction. New Fort Boston was placed as the Federal capital of Outer Bostopia, acting under powers granted to it from Fort Boston.