Simtropolis Canal Zones

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Within the Simtropolis region, there are two canals. Both of these canals lie on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Simtropolis. The canals are located on the two narrow isthmuses connecting the three main landmasses of the region.

North Canal

The North Canal, also referred to as the Rover Gulf Canal, lies on an isthmus between the nations of Simtropolia and New Rover. The canal and the area around it are controlled by Metropolitan Houston.

The canal was built from 1840 to 1841 by the (RL) United States. The canal was given to Metropolitan Houston following the Mid-Simtropolis War. The canal was originally much smaller than the Panama Canal, but was expanded in 1933. It can now handle Panamax ships.

South Canal

The South Canal, also known as the Newton Canal, lies on an isthmus between the nations of The Digital Network and _. The canal and the area around it are controlled by Kedalfax by way of the Kedalfaxian Commonwealth.

The canal was built from 1931 to 1933. The land was acquired from the (RL) Dutch in September of 1929, with the intent of building a canal. The depression hit shortly thereafter, and plans were temporarily canceled. Then inventor and entrepreneur Marlon Newton proposed that the nation send unemployed people from Giotizia and Kedalfax to work on the canal. The government approved. Workers were payed the equivalent of $1 current USD per hour. The canal was built at an intended slow pace, to keep the workers employed. The project employed over fifty thousand people through its two years of construction. 73 people died in the construction.

The South Canal has multiple advantages over the North. First, the South can handle larger ships. The South Canal can handle ships up to 1350 feet long and 175 feet wide, with a draft of up to 65 feet. Second, there is less change in elevation, meaning less time in the locks. Third, the risk of landslides on the North Canal is not as prominent on the South Canal, due to the shallower slopes on the sides. Thus, there is less dredging needed.

Simtropolis on NSwiki
Main article: Simtropolis
Nation pages: Audland, Batheia Thalassa, Metropolitan Houston, Rhodesia Newydd, Rorysville, Schnabo, The Digital Network
Geography: Rio Seguín, Hamilton River, Maps
See Also: Simoleon, Simtropolis Canal Zones, Mid-Simtropolis War, List of Major Airports, The SCJU,
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:Simtropolis Region.