The Second Cool Guy of Sherylannia

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Robert Willis: The Second Cool Guy of Sherylannia
34 years (30/10/74 - 9/3/07)
Years in Office
2/2/2007 - 9/3/2007
Greener Ofred Party
Carolyn Johnson

Early Life

Robert Willis was born in Ling Wong on the 30th of October, 1974. He was a troublemaker in his teenage years, and ended up delinquency halls on an almost weekly basis. He reformed after his marriage to Carolyn Johnson in 1994. He was a long time supporter of David Oneill, and attended all of his pre-election speeches with great enthusiasm.

Political Career

Willis' election was far from normal. After the assassination of Oneill, Willis, who was sitting just behind the shooter, stood up and murdered the assassin. He was immediately taken into custody. The media however were praising him as a hero. The murder charges were mysteriously dropped. Seeing their opportunity to seize power, the Greener Ofred Party quickly made Willis their electoral candidate. He won by a landslide, thanks to the people's ever-growing love for their new vigilante. Soon after, Willis' wife, Carolyn, gave birth to their first child, a girl named Kathleen.

Presidential Career

In his first act as the Sherylannian Cool Guy, Willis attended the G6 Summit, along with representation from Oldham Road, White-Rose, I Know Better Than You, Calumnius and Nintenduu 64. Together, they came to a decision that most troops would be pulled out of Ediroth, with only IKBTY forces and Oldham Road forces staying to keep peace. Willis' was instantly adored by the Sherylannian people, as thousands of troops came home to their families. He recently passed an Environmental Act, in order to improve Sherylannia's ever-worsening landscape.

His most recent act was to guarantee Mushy Pea safe access to wage war on O Re Sa Ma, as he felt that she shared the same ambitions.


After only a month in power, Willis was gunned down at his home on March 9th 2007. The reasoning was believed to be the nation's change in motto. He was survived by his wife and child.

Preceded by:
David Oneill
The Second Cool Guy of Sherylannia
2/2/2007 – present
Succeeded by:
Samuel L. Jackson