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Flag of Europolis
Motto: Luctor et emergo
Federal Sisgarian Fiefdoms
Region Sisgardia
Capital <will fill in later>
Official Language(s) Native Taraskovyan, Russian (official) and Dutch (native language)
Leader Josef van der Voort, Lord of the Municipality of Europolis
Population <will fill in later>
Currency Taraskovyan Frank 
NS Sunset XML

The name Europolis either refers to the two islands in the northernmost tip of the Sisgardia region belonging to the Taraskovyan Federation, to the Knootian military base on those islands or to the small city which services said base.

The two thinly populated islands are mostly devoted to agrarian use with tall white windmills dotting the landscape. Little canals for draining the land and large farmhouses by the waterside remind the visitor of some parts of rural Knootoss as it used to be. A tourist industry is being set up, using empty nuclear missile silos as sites for hotels for example. Most of the population are Dutch-speaking Knootian immigrants. As of today, the two islands form the Municipality of Europolis that is part of the Northern Fiefdom of the Taraskovyan Federation.

Major-General Couzy is the commanding officer of the Knootian military base on Europolis Island. The extensive military complex has an airbase, a naval facility and barracs capable of handling strategic deployments of the Knootian Defence Force.

A short history

Europolis was established on the (unpopulated and until then unnamed) islands after the so-called “Dutch Roleplay Army”, an international force of nations from Nederland which was dispatched to Sisgardia in order to defend the allied Vortex Corporation from an impending attack by Ardan forces. The attack never came and the troops were assigned to command a permanent military structure in Sisgardia that became Europolis military base. Hans Couzy was made civilian governor-general of the island in addition to being the commander of the military base and after other Dutch nations withdrew the islands were incorporated into the Knootian Federation.

As part of the agreement resolving the Shadow War Knootoss was not allowed to have nuclear weapons in Knootoss proper for 100 RL days. In order to keep the military capacity up ICBM silos were built in Europolis (amongst other locations).

The islands were later sold to Tarasovka as part of the Taraskovyan-Knootian Frame Convention on Cooperation but the base itself was allowed to remain and is now in Taraskovyan territory. The nuclear weapons have been removed from the island but the emptied silos remain as hotels for tourists. Many originally Knootian citizens remain and now have Taraskovyan citizenship.