America of Tomorrow

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America of Tomorrow
Flag of America of Tomorrow
Motto: "Hard work pays off later, but laziness pays off now."
Not Available
Region The Moon
Capital Wasnothing, C.D.
Official Language(s) 1337, American English
Leader Geoge Shrub
Population We'll count later
Currency Money (Money
NS Sunset XML


The 'Nited States of America of Tomorrow (sometimes unofficially abbreviated as A.T. or, when speaking, simply pronounced Murica Tomorra) is probably the laziest, greediest, and richest nation in all of the future of nations, aside from today's Murica - er, America. The large nation is an expansion of the United States of America and is continuing to grow & develop as more residents from Earth move in and more structures and features are created.

America of Tomorrow is currently the primary center for space travel & communication, inter-galactic trading, news, and more.


After decades of people exploring and building on the Moon, America of Tomorrow was finally founded by the Government of America in 2035 - or maybe it was 2053; well, sometime around then.

Pre-America of Tomorrow

Pre-A.T., more commonly referred to as the United States of America (before the founding of America of Tomorrow), has had much cultural and political impact on America of Tomorrow.

Important Pre-historical Dates

Sometime 2007: Nike removed its famous slogan "Just do it" to instead display the Nike swoosh, because the noticeable laziness throughout America caused citizens to more easily remember the swoosh than remember and repeat the words.

Sometime 2006: KFC changed its name from "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to just "KFC" after the incline of illiteracy in America at the time.

Sometime 2005ish: Google went 1337.

Geography & Climate

America of Tomorrow is located somewhere in the general direction of Earth's moon.

There are no seasons as of yet, although someday A.T. will be constructing climate control for personal homes and some public areas.

People & Culture

Most people are obese and much over 30, or well under 20, although currently A.T.'s best scientists are undergoing top-secret experiments and research related to the theories of age control/reversal, weight control and more.

Population: Not too large

Gender ratio:
General: 0.8 male(s)/female
Lazy: 2.5 male(s)/female
Tired: 1.06 male(s)/female
Inconsiderate: 1.4 male(s)/female
Wimpy: 3.0 male(s)/female

Pop Culture

The main form of entertainment, education, and even a major part of businesses in A.T. is virtual reality systems. It appeals to all ages and is a very big part of people’s daily lives.

Government & Economy

The A.T. government works closely with business and the media. The nation promotes private ownership, individual initiative, and competition.

Government type: "Representative Democracy"
Economy system: Mixed economy (leaning towards Capitalism)
Average income tax rate: 0-5%

The Laws

These cannot and should NOT be changed, as they protect the nation and are the fundamental responsibilities of both the government and the people to protect, regulate and follow.

- There may be NO "cruel and unusual punishment"
- Slavery is NOT allowed
- No monopolies
- There must be a separation of church & state
- Freedom of speech/press must be guaranteed to the people of A.T. with the #1 rule to always follow the policy of owner of the medium being used
- The government always has the power to declare and make war, raise an army and navy, regulate commerce, borrow money and other goods, and admit new states
- The use of interstate compacts is required before any extreme violence takes place
- There may be NO vandalism, threats, flaming, urging of others to commit crimes

National Rights

Just about everything that can be shared, taken, or borrowed in America of Tomorrow requires a fee/price to use or own, including rights. These are:

- The right to protect privacy
- The right to trial
- The right to vote
- The right to advertise
- The right to education

Wealth and Poverty

Really - i's not that big of a gab between the rich and the poor, so there is not much to write in this section.

The Flag

The icon (known today as "flag") of America of Tomorrow is that of an old compact disk (which is America’s current main method of storing information for easy physical, rather than digital, means of transportation and storage), and is proudly sponsored by PepsiCo. It was designed to be displayed so that it is always shown with the white-on-blue stars on the left and the red-and-white stripes on the right. A.T. uses holograms to display the icon in public, but its information can only be found in Government computers and sold/displayed on the Internet.

The old flag of America of Tomorrow was created only for display in developing nations with less advanced technology, and is very rarely in use in America of Tomorrow and other advanced nations.

Communications & Transportation

The major communication method is the Internet. Next comes cell phone/MP3 players, and then, rarely, corporate telephones. Instant Messaging systems built into the mind are still in the BETA stage and are expected to be released and safe to use within six years. If you are still reading this article, please let us know why (and how you haven't been bored out of your mind yet) by leaving a comment on the Talk page.

Generally, the citizens of America of Tomorrow use public transportation, such as monorails and taxis. Local & regional airports are currently under construction. For broader transportation, limited only to the high-class citizens of this awesome nation, America of Tomorrow offers a few space stations to space travelers and curious, rich tourists.

Top-secret development of teleportation devices is currently in the works. The main benefit of teleportation is for fast trading in businesses, and possibly transportation of people.

There have also been rumors of "time travel" experiments taking place, but its developers have not confirmed this to the A.T. Government.

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