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Flag of DartaSoph
Motto: "Let him who deserves the palm of victory bear it"
No Map Available
Region Absolution
Capital Assor
Official Language(s) English, Sophian
Leader None, everybody in parliament is equal
Population 886,000,000
Currency South Oridian Credit 
NS Sunset XML

UNABSOLUTION.JPG The Collaberation of Darta Soph is a huge, socially progressive nation, notable for its compulsory vegetarianism. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 866 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality. It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of the Environment, Education, and Public Transport. The average income tax rate is 100%. Darta Soph's national animal is the cheetah, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the south oridian credit. Darta Soph of ranked 1st in the region for nicest citizens.

Darta Soph has no precise leader, it is run by a single party instead, where every member is equal. Darta Soph has 18 political parties, each with between 300 to 400 members. There are two main political groups called the first and second houses. The first house consists of the eighteen parties. The second house has 200 members, each voted in by the public. For a law to be passed it must be accept by both houses and a public referendum must be held. If the houses dond't agree, then they come together and debate and vote on the issue together. The referendum must be held after the two houses and has more power over them.

Darta Soph has an election every two (sometimes three since elections a never held in a leap year) years. Voting isn't compulsary, though 95% of the country vote anyway. Darta Soph has a preferential voting system, where citizens write the numbers 1-18 beside each party. All the parties with the number 1 on them will be counted. The one with the least votes gets scratched of the list. Then they recount the votes, they count the parties with number 1 on them, except for the party that was scratched, for which they count the second choice. This contunues through all the parties until there are only two remaining. The one with the highest amount of votes is the winner. This system ensures that most of the country has the party they want in power.

Darta Soph's major exports are glass, salt, platinium and brass. It's major inports are iron and wheat. It's main language is English, though Sophian, the countries original language, is commonly known. The majority of architectural influence is Egyptian, though there are slight traces of Greek.

Darta Soph is between the tropics. It's volcanic soil makes it easy to grow food and most of the country is covered with rainforest, in which forestations if prohibited. The landscape is also very mountanous, and most of it's cities lie in deep vallies, where it is cool and where there is always fresh spring water. Darta Soph's tallest mountain is Coli Man Mt., which is twenty-two thousand feet tall. One side of the mountain is almost perpandicular, yet on the other side large avalanches are not uncommon, and the whole side is exposed to high wind speeds. Also it is very difficult to get to the mountain since the two nearest towns are Normac and Crandor. The way from Normac is very steep uphill for a great disance, and some bits are so hard to walk on that it takes up an enourmous amount of strength. And once you pass that you have to trek across to the centre of the mountain range. The way from Crandor is also difficult since Crandor is built into Crandor Mountain, on the other side of the range. It is difficult to get down the mountain and to get to Coli Man Mt. you have to walk over mountains for a great distance. Helicopters fly to the mountain most of the time, but it is difficult because most of the mountains are too high for the helicopter to fly over, and the added distance it takes to go around the mountains use a lot of fuel