Elizabeth Fletcher

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Elizabeth Fletcher
7 June 1981
Marital Status

Elizabeth Fletcher is a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary who has advocated and practiced violence for political ends. She was wanted as a terrorist in the Resurgent Dream until the political solution to the violence in Marlund in which she and most other low-level participants in political violence wre granted clemency. She is now a candidate for the [[Confederal Assembly for the Communist Party.

Fletcher became a radical while still a student at Granger High School in her home town of Carolina, Wintermore. She began her radical activism in peaceful protests for the environment, gay rights, and other relatively mainstream issues. However, in every movement she was involved in, Fletcher seemed to gravitate towards the most radical faction. She eventually joined the youth wing of the Revolutionary Communist Workers Party, DHKRD, the Danaan affiliate of the International Maoist Movement.

Fletcher spent several years year working for the Party in the Resurgent Dream. She carried out campaigns against alleged police brutality, a redistricting plan for local schools, and the war in Marlund. She then decided she wanted to do more. Fletcher left the Resurgent Dream to join the terrorist organization the National Democratic Revolutionary Army in Marlund in late 2005. Since that time, she has been involved in robberies, hijackings, disruptions of local government, theft, and extortion, but not yet murder.

Family heritage and early life

From an early age, Fletcher was interested in literature. She was an advanced student of literature in middle and high school although many who knew her claim that she had an overinflated sense of her own intelligence. By the time she was eighteen, she had read most, if not all, of the accepted "Great Books" and felt comfortable commenting critically upon literature and philosophy. She writes poetry to this day.

During her teenage years, Fletcher is widely believed to have had a relatively brief but intense homosexual relationship with fellow student Sarah Holbeck. Holbeck reportedly broke off the relationship because she considered Fletcher to be too dependent upon the opinions of others and not individualistic enough. Some have theorized that this personality trait might have led to her eventual embrace of Communism.

The Resurgent Dream

While Fletcher became a radical early in high school, her first encounter with members of the RCWP was in the local branch of a movement to free Mamo Abate. Abate was the leader of a radical left-wing and Pan-African group which had splintered off from the Carasian Orthodox Church. Abate had been declared a heretic by his former co-religionists and had been described as a dangerous radical by many politicians in his home city of Naoley. However, many others had described him as a voice for the poor and outcast. In 1991, Abate had been arrested for the rape and murder of Lady Catherine Sampson, the daughter of a local conservative political leader. While Abate was found guilty in court and all of his appeals to date have been denied, some claim that he was framed for his controversial political beliefs. Ever since his arrest, there has been a movement for Abate's release organized nationally.

The local organization for helping Abate was an umbrella organization. It was led by Theodor Hagiorgiu, a devoted member of the RCWP, but most of the other members were not communists of any sort. Elizabeth moved rapidly towards the most extreme elements of the group and, within a month of joining, was enrolled in the RCWP by Hagiorgiu.


Fletcher was originally sent to Marlund by the RCWP as a reporter for the party's official organ. However, once there, she joined the insurgent group the National Democratic Revolutionary Army. She was the first female of European extraction to enlist in the organization since its founding, shortly before the disastrous battle at Beyke.

Fletcher is known to have personally been a participant in dozens of low grade acts of insurgency. She has robbed local merchants and even ordinary citizens. She has extorted money and cooperation from people living in areas where the insurgency operates. She is also rumored to have sold drugs to finance insurgent activities. Significantly, she is not yet known to have personally killed anyone, although she has been in operations where people were killed.

Fletcher is known to have access to the highest authorities in the NDRA but is not believed to have any kind of command rank herself. She is widely rumored to be the lover of the organization's leader, Vespasian Hunter.