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Bigtopia is a "nation" represented in various issues. Though there is no actual nation with the title, it is used as a generic label for immigrants or ethnic minorities. Because of this, different countries can decide how Bigtopians are represented in their nations.

Issues referencing Bigtopia

29: Minorities Demand Representation in TV Soaps: Bigtopians used as a humorous minority name, along with Liliputians, Marche Noirians, among others. If the option letting TV executives have their own way is chosen, the nation's profile page will read something to the effect of "the alarmingly racist show "Bigtopians Say the Darndest Things" is a hit". Some nations (see Zwangzug Broadcasting) have incorporated this into their culture.

55: Bigtopian Protesters Cry For Full Integration: Bigtopians request integration of the public school system. The "Bigtopians Rising Against Totalitarianist Scum" (BRATS) group is used as an extremist position.

190: Immigrants Import Homeland Rivalries: Maxtopia and North Bigtopia are warring nations with immigrants who continue the fighting in the affected nation's streets.

194: A Request For Military Aid: A "genocidal rampage" murders Bigtopians in a nearby yet anonymous nation.