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Flag of Northford
Motto: "Together the Free liberate the Opposed"
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Haven
Capital Richmond
Official Language(s) Northfordian
Leader Alan Brookes
Population 2 Billion
Currency Northfordian Pound 
NS Sunset XML


Early History

Modern History

Civil War



The fleeing from Northford had many drastic effects upon the country, and none was more pronounced than it's effects upon the economy. Before the Civil disobedience, and the short, bloody civil war that followed it, Northford had a modern Economy with Services at it's core, followed by a large high technology manufacturing sector, specialising in Military Hardware. In the fleeing, many died in Northford (estimates put it somewhere around 200 million) and in the consequent refounding in Haven, large swaths of the Workforce changed their role.

At present, around 25% of the workforce is connected to the construtction industry. There have been many effects upon the Market due to this shift, however most pronounced were the manpower shortage in the traditionally labour-intensive industries, as well as in the Land Based aspect of the Northfordian Military.

While Construction plays a dominating role in the Northfordian Economy at the present there are also a number of other large industries, mostly dominated by Northfordian and International Plc's. Tradtionally capitalist, Northford continues to benifit from it's liberal agreeing to free-trade treaties with other nations, notably Praetonia, Questers and The Silver Sky. While Northford is no longer an active member of the Global Alliance of Soverign Nations (GASN), it continues healthy trade relations with a number of countries from the alliance, notably Cravan and Rosdivan.

After Construction the other main industries in Northford are:

[Insert list]

Northfordians like to spend their money in a number of ways. Since the constitutional agreement with Questers, many Northfordians have made small-scale investing in the Questarian Stock Market (known as 'Hobby-vesting' colloquially) for both profit and as a sign of national solidarity with the newly-realised Motherland. Favourite companies for Northfordians to invest in include Northern Steel and Coal as well as the famous John Brown and Co .

A favourite recreational activity of many Northfordians is going on Holiday., with many visiting Northford's Gramponia Beaches on the west coast, however many more adventurous citizrns are increasingly travelling abroad, to Questers, and other Commonwealth countries. In recent years, however, a favourite is TheSilverSkies artic ski resorts have been very popular with Northfordians, willing to bear long flight for such high quality piste's.



  • Ripon
  • Redbridge
  • Richmond


Foreign Relations


The Northfordian Navy:

The Commonwealth of Northford presently fields a number of fleets:

First Fleet, Commanded by [Questarian Admiral], Hon, Rear Admiral Colls [Northford].

Based at Ripon, on the Far-west cost of Northford, the First Fleet has a rather large role. Owing to the City of Ripons proximity to the Kahanistani Border, the city has extensive fortifications in the event of war, and at present, these fall under the control of the First Fleet. Hardware include a 2000 Missile ICCM Battery, several dozen 24 inch Naval Defence Guns as well as the the First Fleet Marine HQ; A large Barracks and training facility for the 300 000 strong Northfordian Marine Force. As well as this, the south of the city boarder runs parrallel with the rear line of the 'Closed Rim' Line, and as such the First Fleet also has control over a large amount of fixed artillery pieces, which are constantly readied in case of Kahanistani aggression.

The First Fleet mission is, like the Second Fleet (see below) about force projection: Providing the Northfordian and Questarian Governments with a battleready fleet to be used in a bluewater situation to neutralise enemy naval assets. This role requires a large core of BB's to provide the nessasary surface firepower, as well as a large ASW and AA net, backed up by a large carrier force, to provide the nessasary air support. Since this fleet is the most 'exposed', geographically, it is generally far more logistic-intensive in composition as well as generally being on a higher state of readiness than the other two fleets. For this reason, this is the fleet that will play the role in providing a Northfordian Taskforce in Hotspots around the world that are not within the region of Haven. In a leaked document, it was recently suggested that in any large scale war, this would be the first Questarian Force deployed, owing to it's small but versatile composition, and, unlike Questarian fleets, maintained at a high state of readyness.

At present, the Fleet is comanded by [Questarian Admiral], Hon, and Rear Admiral Colls (Northford). While the Admiral of the Fleet is Questarian, it should be noted it is, of course, that the fleet is under the control of the Northfordian Government. The present arrangement with the Crown Imperum of Questers is that during peacetime or on purely Northfordian verntures, the Fleet will be under the command of Admiral Colls. However, during the biannual joint Northfordian-Questarian defence games and, as well, during any war, the command of the Fleet would rest with [Questarian Admiral], and be under the joint control of both governments.

Second Fleet

Third Fleet

Northfordian Naval Air Arm

Northfordian Marine Forces

Northfordian Airforce

Northfordian Army

Small professional force, fielding 3 Corps: 1st Corps, 2nd Corps, 3rd Corps. Essentially to be used to provide Northford with well trained expeditionary forces in the even that Northford is ever drawn into a protracted land war overseas. Due to the expeditionary nature of the Northfordian Army, each corps is disproportionally large for its unit name. I.e, a Northfordian Corps typically consists of 75 000 troops (50 000+ logistics). At present the Northfordian army is 300 000 strong, with over half of that number being civilians working in the military affilliated support/logistics units. At present, the Northfordian Army is engaged in several missions, including Operation "Golden Dagger", a Joint Questarian Mission whereby Northford allows the Questarian Army to train in Northfords freshwater caves, while the Commonwealth recieves training on the Questarian made 30" and 15" Coastal Defence Batteries that are dotted along the Northfordian Coast in the larger Naval Bases.

The Largest mission the Northfordian Army is currently engaged in is "Ground Up", a humanitarian and infratstructure building mission in another member of the Questarian Commonwealth, Azaha. One problem Northford first had when it was rebuilding the country was severe lack of water. Initially this was solved by large tankerfuls of the stuff being delivered from Questers, however, eventually thousands of Reverse Osmosis facilities were constructed, in all the major cities as an integral part of the municiple system. Once, however, once Northford began to re-establish itself in it's new land, infrastructure was developed, resoviors were constructed and water management of Northford's Temperate enviroment was emplace there were, the initial Reverse Osmosis equipment was still working. In response to this, there were three options available. The first was to shut them down, which, consdiering the cost used for their initial installation was a gross waste of funs. Secondly, they could be used for water instead of the natural water resovior, and thirdly selling, or giving the water to another country.

In the end, an interesting agreement was made with the Azahan Government. In short, they would have get monthy tankers of water and army airlifts of Northfordian Food Surplusses in response for letting Northfordian Engineers develope Reverse Osmosis plants along the Azahan Coast, power generation facilities, and as well as allowing small numbers of Northfordian Special Forces train in the Azahan Deserts, since Northford effectively lacked arid enviroments. At present, there are 15 Water Tankers on the "Ground Up" (7 on route, f8 returning), 230 Northfordian Engineers on the coast developing reverse osmosis plants, and finally 70 members of the Northfordian Special Forces training in the Azahan Interior. As well as this, there are around 400 civilian members of the Armed Forces operating Army Runways around larger population centres, providing the people of Azaha with Northordian Food Surpluses.

Northfordian Coast Guard

Northfordian Militia

Contains over 50 million reserve personel at present, with just over 3 million active servicement. In short, the Militia is charged with 'Home Defence' of the country. At any one time, the militia contains around 3 million active troops, mostly charged with manning Northfordian AA defences in its cities, maintaining the numerous civil defence facilities and bolstering Regular Northfordian Army numbers during larger exercises. As well as this, it is the Militia that mans the numerous emplacements and fortifications along the Northfordian-Kahanistan Boarder

Northfordian Strategic Command

The Northfordian Strategic Command is the section of the Northfordian Military that controls the Northfordian Independant Nuclear Deterrent aswell as other long term Strategic Assets. The Core of the Strategic Command is the 15 ICBM Facilities located within the Lands of Northford at undisclosed locations. With each facility holding around 10 MIRV's, each with around 6 Warheads, the facilities are more than capable for ensuring that the Northfordian Deterrent is maintained.

As well as this the Northfordian Strategic Command also has other things under it's remit. One of these remits is that of Strategic Defence. To that end, Northford has a tripled pronged strategy: Detection, Warning, and Defence. Defence is the most lacking at the moment, with Northford lacking an effective SDS (Strategic Defence System). In the larger cities, the outskirts have CIWS missile defence systems built into the structures, for use in the event of a war, as do all Military installations, however barring these defences the nation lacks a coherent SDS. At present, the Strategic Command is investing in research (see below) into space based defence systems. The second Pillar of the Northfordian Strategic Command is Detection. For this, Northford uses dozens of large Ground based radar stations, hidden within Northford. These are largly to detect ICBM's. Linked to this is the Third Pillar: Warning. Once an incoming threat has been deteched, the Strategic Command is tasked with "Raising the Alarm". In practise this is done by alerting the Northfordian Government who will then raise the Civil Defence Alarms from there.

Interestingly, the Strategic Command is actually located within the Questatian Mainland,

The Strategic Command also is an active contributor to the Questarian Space Research Facility, donating around 200 Billion Universal Standard Dollars per year. This site is the main place that research into Space (including Space based weapons) takes place. Presently, Doctor Robbert Goddard leads the Northfordian Attaché, with a team of 5 other scientists, who specialise in Advance Polymer Science.

Northford-Kahanistan Boarder

N.B. All works in progress.