WhaleCo Global LLC

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WhaleCo Global LLC
Flag of WhaleCo Global LLC
Government Type Partnership
Motto "Whale - It's What's For Dinner"
Currency New Yeldan Pound

WhaleCo Global LLC is a limited liability company formed in 2006 and headquartered in a 10,000-acre enclave in Antarctic Oasis, with additional offices and distribution centers located throughout the region. Originally formed as a private venture to allow the nations of Yelda, Omigodtheykilledkenny and Gruenberg to circumvent the UN whaling ban, WhaleCo has since expanded into other marine products markets and now has subsidiary companies in the fishing, dolphin harvesting and seal hunting/clubbing sectors. In April 2007, WhaleCo Global began accepting new partners in anticipation of expanded business.

Message From the Partners

WhaleCo Global was founded by Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, Manuelo Fernanda and Moltan Bausch in late 2006. Together with the transition of the times, WhaleCo has evolved from a company focused on whaling to our current position as a food company concentrating on commerce in marine products and food processing. In keeping with our mission "growing along with society as we contribute to a healthy and abundant lifestyle and diet" our entire group of companies will continue to strive to the utmost to keep the satisfaction and trust of our business partners and consumers by supplying safe and secured food. We look forward to a continuance of your support and cooperation.

Current Partners