Foreign Affairs of Brutland and Norden

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This article is about the Foreign Affairs of Brutland and Norden. It is divided into the following sections:


Most Nord-Brutlandese venture rarely outside their islands, and so the government felt that there was little need for establishing overseas relations. Its regional affairs are handled by a single ambassador, Kyle Irvine Lambourne, and its external relations by its United Nations ambassador.

However, the present government is interested in pursuing relations with other countries, after joining several international events and organizations and also having some business interests abroad.

The Nord-Brutlandese Government is presently embarking on redeveloping a section of the capital to serve as the hub for future embassies. The Foreign Ministry is also looking for countries willing to establish relations with the Kingdom.

United Nations

Brutland and Norden was active in the UN until some clerical error forced the Nord-Brutlandese UN delegation to go home. On May 13, 2007, the country is a UN member again, and the delegation is back at the office.


Countries where Brutland and Norden has an embassy

Countries with embassies in Brutland and Norden

Diplomatic Staff

Carina Talchimio-Spicolli ~ Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden to the United Nations
Capt. Bruno Morcone ~ Military attaché for the Nord-Brutlandese delegation to the UN
Comm. Kyle Irvine Lambourne ~ Ambassador to The South Pacific
Gisela Trossefini
Daniela Caralli
Stefano di Lampicaria
Bianca LaMarche
Ferrando Alba

External Links