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Flag of Nasuti
Motto: Appicce lu compiuter.
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Region Catholic
Capital Stronghold of Nasuti
Official Language(s) Italian, Lancianese
Leader His Catholic Majesty Prince Cris I
Population 622 milion
Currency Lira del Camerlengo 
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Principato Romano Cattolico di Nasuti

Principato Romano Cattolico di Nasuti

The Roman Catholic Princedom of Nasuti

Short name: Nasuti

Nation's adjectival form: Nasutere / Nasutian

Noun for persons from this nation: Nasutere / Nasutian

Currency: Lira del Camerlengo

Government Type: Constitutional Princedom with separation of powers: legislative to the Senate of the Faithful; executive to the hereditary Prince; justice to the Gathering for the Law of the Laymen.

Capital City: Stronghold of Nasuti

Head of State: His Catholic Majesty Prince Cris I

Head of Government: His Catholic Majesty Prince Cris I (Vice is Bishop or Cardinal named from the Pope; the prince names part of the government according to the indications of the vow)

Other Important People:

- Queen Mother Maria and Grand Mother Carolina;

- Prince that renounced:

--- Raffaele I (now Distinguished Prince and Head of the Gathering for the Law of the Laymen chosen by the Prince);

--- Nicola II (now Distinguished Prince, Minister of the Insides and of the Defence chosen by the Prince);

- Countess Sara of Castle Frentan (elected Minister of the Treasury);

- Duke Aldo and Dukess Patricia of Gaeta (Advisors of the Prince for the foreign relationship, chosen by the Prince);

- Countess Azzurra of Feltrin (elected Minister for the Free Information);

- Countess Faby of Riegne (elected Minister for the Science, Technology, Reserch and Development);

- Supreme Commandant William Adama (Head of the Military Forces, for military merits);

- Bishop of the Frentan diocese (Chief of the Integrated Catholic Educational System: obligatory Jesuit school from 5 to 18 years and Catholic University; for not Catholic there is voluntary abstention from some disciplines, to replace with other choices from the Gathering for the Law of the Laymen).

Population: 622 million (expected 1 billion for yearend)

Major Ethnic Groups: 95% Italian (Nasuti), 2% German, 0.5% French, 2% English, 0.5% Polish

Official Langages/Other Languages: Italian/Lancianese

State Religion/Other Religions: 99% Roman Catholic 99%/Other 1%

Military Statistics:

10 Army Legion (I-X Legio: Leo, Ursus, Lupus, Taurus, Bison, Elephantus, Aspis, Tigris, Panthera, Equus), 10 Marine Legion (XI-XX Legio: Selachi, Fulguru, Manta, Sphyraenida, Delphinus, Octopus, Nautilus, Medusa, Caronte, Nemo), 10 Aviation and Aerospace Legion (XXI - XXX Legio: Aquila, Accipiter, Milvus, Bubo, Draco, Vultur, Corvus, Merula, Enterprise, Von Braun), lead by Supreme Commandant (the Supreme Commandant has a partial autonomy but obeys directly to the Prince). Each Legion is led by 1 General (Army) or Admiral (Marine) or Air Marshal (A&A) assisted by a number of junior officers and is divided into 10 Cohortes. Each Cohort is led by 1 Major or Lieutenant assisted by a number of junior officers consisting of 100 Centuries. Each Century consisting 50, 100 or 200 men and is led by a Centurio, assisted by a number of junior officers. Individual soldiers were referred to as: Milites (Army), Marines (Marine) or Air Legionarii (Aviation and Aerospace). Every citizen after 20th birthday is submitted annually to a period of 20 days of training that give back it in the "Reserve Corps for the Defence of the Homeland.”