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Flag of Tresmius
Motto: We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.
Region Star Trek
Capital Borg 9 Central
Official Language(s) Borg
Leader Tresmius
Population 1.489 billion
Currency Cybernetic Chip 
NS Sunset XML


The Borg Collective Of Tresmius is situated on a small planet in the delta quadrant, a member of the Region, Star Trek. The planet, Borg 9 (The borg have no use for names which aren't short and to the point) is full of mountains and lakes, which are mostly covered in borg defense structures.


Before the borg rules this small planet, it was massively populated by humanoids, then the borg invaded, and Assimilated all but a few (who escaped in a shuttle pod, their location is currently unknown) of the people. Under the rule of the all dominant Tresmius (a distant relative of The Borg Queen. Tresmius himself has never been seen in public, although no pictures have been seen of him, he is said to be one of few of the pure borg race, born a borg, he was never any other race. Before the borg conquered this planet, it was a member of the region One World Government.


The country is under the command of Tresmius and his Borg, who are under the command of the Borg Queen. This is one of few planets under Borg leadership to have negotiated with the federation, and to be peaceful to non-borg lifeforms passing by (because this planet is an experiment of the borg queen. It's aim is not to conquest, but to show her what it would be like to have a planet under her leadership, rather than just use spaceships. It has been successful in terms of economy so far, negotiations have even been made with Bill Gates (richest Lifeform in the universe) A former humanoid who was assimilated, and is interested in investing in the planet as well as buying companies and property there.

The Future

Things look very good for the future of Tresmius; the country is in a constant state of population and economic growth, and has immense military power, however, the borg queens plans, wishes, and what she could command, are unknown just as her mind is so myserious, so whether these hugely potent weapons will ever be used remains a mystery.

Nationstates Page

The Borg Collective of Tresmius is a massive, devout nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 1.489 billion are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt morass -- is mainly concerned with Defence, although Law & Order and Education are secondary priorities. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 11%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Automobile Manufacturing and Arms Manufacturing.

The streets are increasingly clogged with poverty-stricken beggars, urban high-volume mailers now receive their mail via chauffer-driven limousines, the government is cracking down on subversive groups, and shanty towns are forming in the suburbs of major cities. Crime is moderate. Tresmius's national animal is the Humanoid, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Cybernetic Chip.

Tresmius' Participation in Battles

This will be updated when and if Tresmius participates in invading any regions, or defends its current Mother Region.

Regional Rank records

May 11 2007 - UN delegate rank received June 11 2007 - UN delegate rank lost

Regional Moderator

The borg of Borg 9 Central were infuriated when it was revealed that the whole regional moderator scheme was in fact a hoax, a humans idea of a joke, the logic of which borg do not understand, but at the time the borg hive of Tresmius approved of the scheme.

Assimilation 'Victims'

Borg from Borg 9 Central have colonised and assimilated other cultures, the following nations are under Borg ownership: The Continuum Of Q Admiral Worf Star Trek7 If you wish to apply to be assimilated, please contact the nation of Tresmius on nationstates, and you will be added to this list,

and your people will be assimilated.