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Flag of Domas-Porada
Motto: "Non temetis messor"
Coming soon.
Region The Spectrum
Capital Temozarela
Official Language(s) English Latin
Leader unknown
Population 435 million (as of 13/3/07)
Currency pound 
NS Sunset XML

The Dominion of Domas-Porada is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its punitive income tax rates. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 435 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Education. The average income tax rate is 100%. A small but healthy private sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry.

Protests are prohibited from blocking traffic, sex offenders find themselves 'cut off' from any ability to repeat their crimes, people are now classified as male, female, or genderqueer, and an underground movement of cigarette smokers has sprung up in response to a government ban. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Domas-Porada's national animal is the Godzilla, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests. The people of Domas-Porada are all raised to be soldiers in the great army, schooled in subjects ranging from the several language courses to the killing techniques of their native country. Although most are allowed to be living out their own choices in jobs they must maintain their training and be always ready to fight.


It is believed in early Domas-Porada (around 1250 BC) that there were hundreds of distinct nomadic tribes in the low lands and that there was a peaceful Utopian society high in the mountains. The low lands were wild areas covered in jungles, forests and swamps. These forested areas were home to many fierce creatures including the feather bellied wolf, a huge predator around about 2.4 to 2.6 meters in length and estimated at around 225-530lbs. These creatures were revered as the ‘Guardians of the Holy Lands’ and were thought to be Demi-gods and were left alone by the tribes. Ancient documents also constantly make reference to a large reptilian creature, which is thought to be a member of the monitor lizard family (like the Komodo Dragons found in Dhatsun) or a giant type of marine iguana. There are those who speculate that these creatures could be dragons or a surviving type of dinosaur, these people are usually given the ‘Museum of National History Idiot Slap’ as well as the unofficial government ‘Arse Kicking For Wasting My Time’.

The Utopian society is believed to have been in a city-sized castle that was built on the sides of the highest mountain in The Spectrum, on the border between Domas-Porada and White-Rose. Those who attempted to climb the mountain (there is a dispute over the name with the nation of White-Rose, who know it by the name Mattengarde) have reported remains of this castle but there have been no successful attempts at investigating the claims. From has been interpreted from the documents that have been recently uncovered there was a monarchy based society run by a strange system of having three individuals being hailed as one king or ‘Lord’. This system seemed to work by having the ‘Father’ being in control of the military and economic decisions. The ‘Son’ seemed to decide all the education and civil rights issues and the ‘Holy Spirit’ was seemingly responsible for law and order and religion.

The tri-kings were revered as a god according to the documents, as a single benign divine being whom the three kings represented. The kings were celebrated as being wise, generous and kind, there seemed to be daily ceremonies in which songs and praise were offered to the ‘Lord’. The titles seem to remain constant, there are no record of any of the tri-kings names so it is believed that in an effort to appear divine in nature the monarchy line was continued in secret with the mother being picked from one of the higher classes or ‘angels’. The son (daughters were given back to the mothers) would then be raised in obscurity, being taught everything by the father until it was time for them to replace him. This happened with the ‘angels’ as well although gender was not an issue just as long as the name continued. The servants of the ‘angels’ were considered to be a part of the ‘angel’ himself or herself and as such given respect at all times.

In 1000 BC, the ‘Lord’ decided to colonise the lowlands and revealed to the ‘angels’ the result of his experiments with some of the tribes people from the low lands. Informing the ‘angels’ that these ‘creations’ would gain control of the new lands the tri-king was going to build and that a lot of their resources would go into its construction and maintenance. This provoked a rebellion headed by the suspected favourite of the tri-king, an ‘angel’ called Lucifer. It is suggested in the texts that Lucifer was already leading a movement which called into question the absolute power and obedience that the Tri-king had over his subjects but it was a mostly peaceful group which was speculating what life would be like without the Tri-king. This is idea is under much scrutiny and has caused violent arguments and divides among the historical community.

After the rebel angels were defeated and either killed, banished or escaped after the Great War which lasted for 5 years (it is referred to in the text as ‘The years that heaven was bathed in blood’), the rebels set out to pervert what the king had created in the lowlands and started recruiting soldiers for their army from the ‘creations’ of the Tri-king. The armies of the Tri-king returned to become once again in the favour of their leader/s, but when they returned they found that the Tri-king had placed his favour upon his ‘creations’ because the war lowered his opinion of his ‘angels’. The General of his armies, Temorazela, decided, after numerous attempts (for 10 more years) to gain the forgiveness or even acknowledgement from the Tri-king, to leave 'Heaven' with 12 of his fellow ‘angels’. During the 10 years Temorazela spent trying to communicate with the Tri-king, the ‘Holy Spirit’ was sent down to the Lowlands to ensure that the ‘creations’ knew that they must worship the Tri-king and spread his doctrine. He left the Lowlands 2 years before the departure of Temorazela.

During Temorazela's time in the Lowlands, he converted one of the great city states to worship him and his followers in place of the Tri-king. It was written in the document known as 'Ballad of a Fallen Angel' that this was an attempt to remove the Tri-kings' favour from his creations. But this resulted in the Tri-kings' wrath and Temorazela and his follwers were banished to the demolished city state, never to leave as punishment for their 'crimes' against the Tri-king.


Domas-Porada is located in the area know as the 'Toucan's Head' and makes up the lower jaw of the 'Toucan'. It is also noted that Domas-Porada has the tallest mountain in The Spectrum known to the locals as by a name that roughly translates to 'The Bridge to Heaven'. It is estimated to around 11,000m above sea level.


After the more than a Millennium of religious wars that swept across the country, the throne of Domas-Porada is now controlled by a 'reincarnation' of the great war leader and avatar of the god of Domas-Porada. All worship in the lands of Domas-Porada is dedicated the throne and the god who it represents. Any other religion is not tolerated, and those who ignore this rule are at the mercy of the law. In a public declaration it has been suggested that the avatar was going to think about a unspecified 'change' to the religion of the region.

Preceded by:
Leader of The Good Guys
Succeeded by: