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Officialflag USSC.PNG
Flag of Cooperzton
Motto: Pro Populus Non Nex
Region Communist Socialist Alliance
Capital Cooperzton City
Official Language(s) English(official); French(official); Spanish
Leader Prime Minister Joseph Ryan Conland (NEA)
Population 16 million
Currency Ours 
NS Sunset XML

The United Socialist States of Cooperzton is a small, socially progressive nation, notable for its burgeoning Black Bear population. Its cynical population of 16 million are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.


  • Prime Minister
National Seal of the USSC.
The Prime Minister is the highest political office in the nation and is the head of the Administrative Department. Three potential Prime Minister's are chosen at the beginning of the current Prime Mister's term by the current Prime Minister, when the current Prime Minister resigns or dies, one of the three nominated candidates will be voted upon by the Administrative Members. The current Prime Minister is Joseph Ryan Conland. The Prime Minister serves as the official head of state and wields the executive and legislative powers of the nation. The Prime Minister serves a life term.
  • The Administrative Department

The Administrative Department consist of the Prime Minister, currently Joseph Ryan Conland, and 10 Administrative Members, whom serve until the prime minister by whom they were nominated dies or resigns from office.The only way to become and Administrative member is to obtain a the Prime Minister's nomination. The Administrative Department has come under fire by the press in recent years for it's involvement with the suspected secret police force within the Conland Domestic Intelligence Administration or more commonly referred to as CDIA. Several of the CDIA's agents have been hired as hit men by undercover cops, the agency covers these claims up by stating that they are for "training purposes."

  • The Administrative Department Members

Rank Name Position Term Political Party
AD-10 Joseph R. Conland Prime Minister 1992 - NEA
AD-9 Matthew P. Spitzer Deputy Prime Minister 1992 - NEA
AD-7 Jason D. Coldwell Administrative Member/Defense 1992 - NEA
AD-7 Harriet S. Greogory Administrative Member/Education 1998 - GCC
AD-7 Robert R. Johnson III Administrative Member/Education 1992 - 1998 (death) NEA
AD-3 Jeffrey G. Maxwell Administrative Member/Welfare 1992 - NEA
AD-7 Michel M. Debré Administrative Member/Treasury 1992 - NEA
AD-8 Maxwell S. Stockburry Administrative Member/Justice 1992 - NEA
AD-2 Scott P. Allan Administrative Member/Public Works 1992 - NEA
AD-3 John M. Goods Administrative Member/Commerce 1992 - NEA
AD-2 Seat Currently Empty Administrative Member/Environment
AD-2 Rosen P. Burgtris Administrative Member/Environment 1992 - 2002 (death) BCG
AD-9 Samual J. Hixon Administrative Member/Foreign Policy 1992 - NEA
AD-1 Catholic Archbishop Thomas Summers Administrative Member/Spirituality 2007 - No Affiliation

  • The High Court of The United Socialist States of Cooperzton

Name Title Political Party
Maxwell S. Stockburry Supreme Justice NEA
Johnathan H. Brown Justice GCC
Robert C. Mason Justice GCC

Political Parties

  • NEA (North Eastern Alliance) Socialist Party

The NEA is the political party which dominates the one-party political system. Its more prominent members include Prime Minister Joseph R. Conland, General Matthew P. Spitzer, and Maxwell S. Stockburry. It's platform consist of the promotion of education and general welfare for the nation. NEA is currently the dominate political party within cooperzton.

  • Betterment of Cooperzton Green Party (BCG)

The BCG is a liberal green party which is mainly aimed towards helping to improve the environment. Under the administration of Conland though, few BCG members have been able to obtain an Administrative Member seat. Although there is bitter disagreements between the BCG radicals and the NEA radicals, the two political party seem to get along fairly well.

  • Greater Cooperzton Coalition (GCC)

The GCC is a socialist party aimed at making education available to all in the USSC. Although few members of GCC have gained an Administrative Seat, 2 High court Justices are members of GCC and have helped to pass legislation in cooperation with the Administrative Department.

Legal System

The USSC's legal system consists of civil and criminal court branches, with courts at the local, state, and national levels. There is also the Stockburry Court (Named for the current acting Supreme Justice Maxwell S. Stockburry) that acts as the supreme court of the land, with the power to interpret the USSC's Constitution and override lower courts' decisions. Under USSC law, citizens and non-citizens alike are not entitled to a trial and can be jailed or sentenced at the Prime Minister's or the Administrative Member's discretion. Although this is true, citizens retain their right if they are arrested by a local police station or for a minor offense.

  • Law Enforcement

Conland Domestic Intelligence Administration (CDIA) - the force responsible for national law enforcement. This force works in coordination with the Administrative Department. The force is known for its brutal and sometimes inhumane actions which are all justified by their motto which states, "Operor Quis Postulo Futurus" which is latin for "Do What Needs To Be."

Bureau de Règlement International (BRI) - the police force which is responsible for the regulation of customs and immigration and emigration to the United Soviet States of Cooperzton. Due to Cooperzton very open borders, regulation is hard and there is over 1 million suspected illegal immigrants within the nation if not more.

Municipal and State law enforcement forces - Each state maintains its own police force, which handles basic law enforcement concerns within the state. Some large cities in the USSC also have their own police forces such as the Cooperzton City Police Force (CCPF).

Administrative District Watch Force (ADW) - the police force which protects the Administrative District and the city of Cooperzton. The force currently is the best in the nation in comparison to other city and state police.

  • Government Spending (As of 6/16/2007)

Gross Domestic Product (Official): $71,338,770,561
GDP Per Capita (Official): $8,917
Income Tax Rate: 23%
Government Income (% of GDP): 28.6%
Private Consumption: $52,164,502,580
Government Budget: $19,174,267,981
Administration (37%): $6,526,920,821
Welfare (15%): $2,646,048,981
Healthcare (0%): $0
Education (15%): $2,646,048,981
Religion and Spirituality (15%): $2,646,048,981
Defence (0%): $0
Law and Order (0%): $0
Commerce (19%): $3,351,662,043
Public Transport (0%): $0
Environment (0%): $0
Social Equality (0%): $0
Government Waste (8%): $1,533,941,439


Exchange Rate: 1 Ours(CND) = $0.48(USD)
Worker Enthusiasm: 74%
Government Efficiency: 92%
Consumer Confidence: 72%
Unemployment: 20.89%
Population Growth Rate: 73.13%
Literacy: 100%
Nation Age: 1 Days

Education and Research

More funding is currently being considered by the Administrative Department, The policy which would substantially increase funding for the Sciences, Math, and other potentially useful subjects and educational programs. The policy would create the For The Future campaign which would also give money to helping spread education into inner city children.