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Flag of Hataria
Motto: Long live the Empire
Region Xanadou
Capital Hataropolis
Official Language(s) Japanese, Native Languages
Leader Emperor Barbarossa II
Currency Ruta 
NS Sunset XML

Hatarian History

In 1200 BC, Hataria was composed of a group of tribes, the largest of the tribes being the Hatar, followed by the Tenhos, Jin-Jin, Ryou (a Sea-faring tribe) and Asakuras.

Hataria is Hatarian for "Land of the Moon", "Hatar" meaning "Moon". It is said in Hatarian myth that the Hatarians came to Earth from the Moon.

120,000 BC: At that time, the land that was to be Hataria was ruled by the Lupai, a race of anthropomorphic wolves. Living in peace, the Lupai felt safe. In 9000 BC, humans came and took over, raping Lupai females. Soon, the race that appeared was a new species, Homo lupuis. The Hatarians came to be in 5983 BC.

Though Hataria was named for the Hatar tribe, it was the Asakuras that ruled Hataria by AD 200. The Asakuras, called "The Horsemen of the North", captured the city of Hatari (modern Hataropoils) and then proceeded to conquer the rest of Hataria.

The Ryou, living on the Black Islands, invaded Hataria in AD 1107, captured the coast and pushed the Asakuras into northern Hataria.

An event that occured in the year AD 1230 changed Hataria forever. A lost Japanese ship found its way to Hataria. The Hatarians had developed gunpowder by 678 BC, but the Japanese language was new to the native Hatarians. Japanese soon came to be the main language of Hataria, since they never developed a written language.

Little changed by 1940, aside from the large population growth in Tangalee and Hataropolis, Hataria was not involved in any fighting during World War II, but the Japanese did maintain a naval base in Hataria.

Hataria developed into a republic by 2004, but war soon hit Hataria. Whittier and its allies waged an extensive and destructive campaign. In addition to this large war, the Hatarian colony of Hatarian Mammalia fell into rebellion; Hatarian rule of Hatarian Mammalia soon ended. Hataria was shortly conquered and divided by the nations of Canan, ITD and DPUO.

A Hatarian rebellion through out the puppet governments installed by Canan and DPUO, but ITD still maintained control of the western sections of Hataria till 2006.

Hataria was molded into an imperial republic, and was first ruled by Emperor Barbarossa I, a member of the Asakura tribe. Barbarossa I wished to form a world empire, but wars that erupted with the Parthians and Nikolaos the Great ended his plans of global domination, then the colony of Maidia fell into rebellion.

The Nueve Italian Civil War was Hataria's one victory, and gave Hataria a new enemy, the Roman Republic.

Barbarossa was assasinated in 2005, apparently by a Roman assassin. Serena of the Calvria Provence, Barbarossa's younger sister, assumed the throne and resumed building an empire. A terrorist attack by Very Small Island instigated another war that same year, a war that Hataria won.

In 2006, The Questarric Majesty's Imperial Superpower of the United Kingdom of Questers attacked Hataria with nuclear weapons and destroyed Hataropolis, killing the Empress Serena. This nearly resulted in civil war, but the two opposing sides signed for peace.

Ryu no Shogun War

Main article(s): Ryu no Shogun War

Under the rule of Empress Neherenia and Grand Shogun Nadia Le Havere, Hataria soon started expanding its military. It soon was tested when an event started that would be the greatest war ever.

Around the time of the Corporate Wars (The GASN and their Allies vs Blackhelm, Griffencrest Corporation, and the Corparate Alliance) The nation of Demon 666 soon declared that it would aid Griffencrest and its allies, that was seen by Hataria as a threat to its Empire and after talking it out with her generals, Neherenia decided to attack Demon 666 invading Manchuria and conquering Japan, bringing that nation into the Hatarian Empire.

Soon, Demon 666 struck back, forcing the Hatarians to retreat from the Manchurian front and causing a pause in the war.

At that point, Hatarian troubles elsewhere caused Hataria to retreat, leaving Japan to the Imperial forces. There was a ceasefire, and relations between the two sides are continually tense, as there has been no formal peace treaty.

End of the Imperial Republic era

The end for Hataria's overseas Empire came when Neherenia was defeated in Seoul, Korea in The Ryu no Jo'o War, with the Empire falling apart, the One Day Civil War or The Battle of Tangalee with Princess Galaxia and Prince Skulltor killing each other in the Battle. The Ten'oh Tribe and the Ryous and the Imperial Navy ended the battle by crushing the two armies in battle.

The Nakagishima era and The Questarian Blockade War

Questers soon came back with its old tricks by blockading Hataria, but it couldn't stop Barbarossa II becoming Emperor, ending The Del Lunaria Era. The Nakagishimas soon took power as nations began aiding Hataria and ordering Questers to end the illegal blockade.

Hatarian wildlife

Hataria's wildlife is most odd and exotic. The national animal, the wolf, runs free in the woods of southern Hataria and the Hatarian steppes of the north. only one dinosaur is alive in Hataria; Allosaurus is the top hunter of the mastodons and mammoths of the steppes.

The largest animal in Hataria is the hatarophant, Mammothus Hatarius. It is used as a war elephant for the nomads of the steppe.

Other animals are saber-toothed cats, deer, horses, woolly rhinoceroses, foxes, the Giant Death Mountain Thunderbird, mastodons, mammoths,Spinosaurus and the Hatarian saltwater crocodile.

Sharks of Hataria

Even though it is in the region of Xanadou, the seas of Hataria are filled with Sharks. Protected by The Ryou Tribe of Hataria's Black Islands and by Hatarian law, the Sharks are worshipped by The Ryous as gods, The Hatarian Sea Goddess, Umi no Jo'o, is said to have been born of a human woman that was raped by Kahnai, the shark god who was later murdered by Yami-Hime's son, Darkkhan.

The Main Shark in Hatarian Waters is the thrasher shark. Whale sharks also come to Hataria.

Hatarian rulers

House of Del Lunaria

  • Constantine
  • Barbarossa I
  • Serena the Great
  • Neherenia the Conqueror

The Nakagishima Dynasty

  • Barbarossa II

Recent developments

Russell Nakagishima of the Hatarian royalty has recently announced his stunt he is planning on his show, "Foightin' round the world." He plans to fist fight one of the endangered dinosaurs until he is mauled or the beast is defeated. This announcment came in a series of thick whiskey-breathed drunken slurs as he had just finished thrashing several senior citizens and members of a gay pride parade. The transcript is as follows:

Reporter: Hello Russell! Can you tell us of your plans for your next fight?

Russell: Oye.......why dont ya mind your own business ya scrotum!

Reporter: Erm sir im with the press....


An on camera beating of the young woman followed.