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Flag of Sinisland
Motto: Long Life to the Duc
No Map Available
Region Rineu
Capital Sinisland
Official Language(s) English, Spanish, Sinislôn
Leader Duc James III of Sinisland
Alexander Vitesse, Prime Minister
Population 310 million
Currency Ducals, United Rin 
NS Sunset XML

The Grand Duchy of Sinisland is a Nation located in the Region of Rineu, located in an Island, at the center of the Continental mass of Rineu, that has made the Nation progress in economies and politics.


Sinisland is named after it's territory, because it is located at a cape. Explorers named it Sinisland, S for the river that crosses the Capital, the Seine-Neuf, -inis, extracted from the latin word "Finis", that means "End".


Discovered by dutch explorers, this became the new economical center for the expansionist policy that the King James Mildereij the Great was promoting. Small, with productive lands and an excellent port, this made the nation an economical power in the Region.

The natives didn't resisted to fight against the dutch, they knew that, as other cultures, they would be crushed, and they prefered to work with them. Soon, the natives mixed with the dutch. The Sinislôn, the language of the natives,started to decay, but the Sinislandian Albert Gerritson tried to make this language resurge, and he founded the Sinislandian Academy of Letters, that is the one who preserves this language.

Wilhelm, son of King James, made Sinisland his home. Prince Wilhelm was in love with the nation, and decided to convince his father, to give it the status of the Grand Duchy. The King accepted and on June 2 of 1823, Sinisland became a Grand Duchy.

Prince Wilhelm made a new dinasty and established a new government, presided by him, with a Parliament and a Prime Minister, who will the Chief of Government. Unfortunately, Prince Wilhelm died in 1853. His son, James I of Sinisland, followed his father as the Duc of Sinisland and governed until 1903, dying a week after his 50th year in the government. James the II came into the throne in 1905 and ruled over the nation when he was 19 years old. With 102 years, James the II died in 1988, the longest monarch in Sinisland. His son, Andrew, ruled until 1997. when he was killed by terrorists during a visit to Gairinthia, a province in the South of the Duchy. James the III, his son, got in the throne when he was 16 in 1998 and has governed the Nation wisely since then.

Sinisland and Rineu

Sinisland joined Rineu in April 19th, 2007

Offices that Sinisland hold in Rineu

Assembly Member

Cabinet Member (Minister of Education and Culture)

Leader of the Rineu Liberal Tolerance Party

Chairman of the Academy of Rineu

