Grey Sea States

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The Grey Sea States is a NationStates region.

Grey Sea States
Forum: [1]
Population: 8 nations
Delegate: Euleos, Xirya(acting)
Founder: Kaldei
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Founded around the wild and life-giving Grey Sea, the Nations that surround the Grey Sea have developed differently and independently. Their Egos collide and their militaries grunt at each other across the community trade center, the great Grey Sea.



The first nation to arise in the Grey Sea States was Kaldei, followed by its sister nation of Ileou. Soon after, the nations of Corzia, Britvia, and Euleos. Kiravian settlers made several attempts to colonize the Grey Sea Coast, finally producing the nation of Xirya.

Ancient History

During the ancient era of the GSS, the Eulean Empire dominated most of Dorias. Under Eulean rule, the areas that would become Amaratsu, Xirya, and Candálóba were united under a single government. Dorian traders looked beyond the vast ocean for gems, spices, and lumber. Some even reached distant port cities like Tolôn. Ileou and Kaldei were wealthy feudal kingdoms. The area that was to become Amaratsu had yet to attain unified government. but was ruled as a province of the Eulean Empire. Xirya was only a collection of small settlements along the coast.

Post-Eulean Era

After the decline of The Eulean Empire, Dorias became a chaotic battleground. The clans of Amaratsu fought each other for dominance, Britvia and Corzia united and attepted to rebuild parts of the old Empire. Kaldei quickly assumed regional superiority. Xiryan settlers became engaged with Mancei, a rival colonial power, for control of South Dorias. A number of Xiryan settlements failed or were abandoned during this time. Euleos, meanwhile, was undergoing a reform to constitutionalism, as well as other changes, and prospering in the arts and finance. On the other side of the Grey Sea, Ileou began seizing more territory and became the most influential entity on Runkirr.

Dorian Renaissance

Near the dissolution of the Britvio-Corzian Empire, Dorian societies began to return to their original prosperity. Euleos was flourishing, Amaratsu had been unified under the Tokugawa dynasty, Kaldei gained foriegn influence, and Ileou established trade and commercial concerns. Xirya had long since been forsaken, save for the town, and later city-state of Canava. The Dorians rebuilt and secured their nice in the inter-regional world.

Modern Events

Many nations swelled the regional population for a short period of time, though most departed to regions like the Black Mist Federation, and one to Forest. The loss of UN nations led to the fall of Ileou from the Delegate position,(Although the nation ceased to exist a trid later.). An unknown and foriegn nation, Galiza, captured the delegateship. This rule was toppled when the Xirya Colony joined the United Nations and endorsed the long-time resident, Britvia, to the position. The new delegate was not active for long, and Euleos was elected to the office.


GSS consists of two continents, Dorias, and Runkirr, surrounding the eponymous Grey Sea. The Gresy sea is divided into a South and North Grey Sea. Surrounding the region is a yet unnamed ocean.


Runkirr is mainly a low-lying plain, covered in numerous forests and wetlands. In contrast, Dorias is mountainous, split by the Diori Mountains and several rivers. Mountain vegetation occupies the range, but vegetation varies by area. Southeast Dorias is blanketed in Marine and Temperate Conifer forests, while the subtropical south is home to tall grasslands.

Human & Political Geography

Humans have been living in various portions of the GSS for centuries, and have evolved independantly, creating unique and diverse cultures. Dorias is the more populous landmass, home to Euleos, the oldest continuous society in the region, Amaratsu, a powerful warrior culture, and high-tech Xirya, a colony of distant Kirav. Kaldei, the founder, also resides on Dorias, but is in deep isolationism, and no contact has been made in recent years.

Across the sea, Runkirr is empty in comparison. The nation of Ileou occupies terriory in the East. The only other inhabitants are some 300 Xiryan colonists on the Grey Sea coast, and seasonal Xiryan fishinng settlements on the Far Coast.