Second Cold War

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Arguably a Cold War has been in progress in The Spectrum since the founding of The Good Guys alliance during the Ediroth Conflict, various political conflicts and disagreements often being polarised with The Good Guys on one side and the various un-allied nations of The Spectrum on the other.

Declaration of a "Cold War"

In the early hours of the 10th of July 2007 the First Leader of Oldham Road, Lei Chaolan, declared a Cold War inspiring a great deal of mirth across the region, particularly in SATO nations. Oldham Road's justification was that the Unified Citizenship and Free Trade agreements between SATO nations were not in the regions best interests. Lei Chaolan also accused SATO of hurriedly manufacturing these articles to benefit themselves in the current international climate, wherein the soveriegnty of Adoggo was in question, despite the texts having been agreed on at the first SATO summit four months previous.

The cessation of trade between Oldham Road and the SATO nations of Sabrateur, Calumnius and I Know Better Than You was another source of humour among the involved SATO nations, as none were actively trading with Oldham Road to begin with and investment in Oldham Road was almost non-existant due to the tense political climate that had existed for the previous 9 months.

The New Age Alliance and the Chekgakistonia Quarantine

The founding of the New Age Alliance on the 13th of July 2007 marked a turning point in the Second Cold War as the focus of the war shifted from purely diplomatic and economic pressuring, to military maneuvering, as Calumnius now found itself with the hostile Oldham Road to the south and Chekgakistonia to it's north. In response to this, following discussions between the Grand Inquisitor of I Know Better Than You and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Forum of Calumnius, the Calumnius Merchant Navy deployed a blockading force to Chekgakistonia, establishing a 50 nautical mile exlcusion zone around the islands.

I Know Better Than You stationed three air-intercept squadrons on the north coast of the Calumnius mainland to support the embargo and operated a 60 nautical mile air exclusion zone around Chekgakistonia to screen the Calumnius Merchant Navy from attacks and prevent the importing of weapons to the island nation.

International Response

Within hours the governments of both Sherylannia and Oldham Road condemned the action, with Sherylannia threatening to fight their way through the quarantine line if necessary and Oldham Road issuing an ultimatum that the blockade be lifted by 18:00 on July 18th.

Dhatsun formaly stated it's neutrality at the beginning of the conflict but warned that any aggressive action taken against SATO nations would force it to side with Calumnius and I Know Better Than You.

The Master Diplomat of I Know Better Than You flew to 280 in the early hours of the morning of July 18th to attempt a reasonable and bloodless solution to the crisis. Lei Chaolan, was initially resistant to any form of negotiation while the quarantine line was in place. In private discussion Chaolan suggested various major concessions that he claimed he would almost certainly be able to draw from Chekgakistonia, in return for an immediate end to the quarantine, but the IKBTY delegation believed them to be unrealistic. As part of a proposed staged relaxation of the quarantine line, and as a show of good will, IKBTY offered to facilitate the repatriation of any Chekgakistonians stranded by the blockade.

The 18:00 deadline on July 18th passed without event and no statements were made for a further 48 hours concerning the crisis.