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The Empire of Aurono
Come together as one people!
Flag of Aurono
Official Language Auric
Capital Aurona
Head of State Princess Momoko Aurelia
Population 215 Million (2007 census)
Founding Protectorate of Imperial Japan in 1945
Government Type Constitutional Monarchy
National Animal Auron Hawk
Currency Aurum
National Map
Naval Craft Classification IAS (Imperial Auron Ship)
Internet TLD
Calling Code
Major Religions Islam, Buddhism

The Empire of Aurono is a country occupying a large land mass on the continent (region) of Sudeki. Over time, many other nations settled around Aurono on Sudeki.


After World War I, american soldiers returning from Europe brought with them the spanish flu, which rapidly deteriorated the health situation in the United States. The desease rapidly spred westwards, breaking away the integrity and powrr of the americna states. In Europe, Nazi Germany rose as a major power, further threatening the american society. Soon, German Zeppelins and fighter jets were patrolling the skies above the atlantic and only the brave deeds of the american Home Guard held them at bay. The american states broke up into competing territories. Air piracy was becoming common. But by the 1930's there was another problem arising: Imperial Japan began expanding over the pacific. Without the US to check their expansion, they began to conquer first China, then Southeast Asia, moving deeply into India, then Australia. Finally, the moved into the mainland United States. Unit 731 had succesfuly developed a vaccine against the spanish flu (at the expense of hundreds of POWs in China), which allowed them to keep safe from the desease and promise those who joined them, safety. The new Japanese colony in USA was called "Sudeki", derived from the Japanese word "suteki", which means "wonderful", "Wonderful land" often being implied in names given to America in Asia. The remains of the US Army gathered refugees from all the former United States, and, under japanese payroll and direction, established the nation of Aurono, as a territory of Emperor Hirohito. The new Imperial Government organized the country, and amercian culture was assimilated into asian culture and vice versa. Soon, Aurono was being governed not by the Japanese Emperor, but by the Prince, who was given the title Prince of Aurono (much like the title and function of Prince of Wales in Great Britain). Up untill 1970 all ruling Princes had been male. But Empress Kasumi gave birth to only one boy and one girl, Princess Yoko. Yoko, at the age of 16, fell in love with a young US Navy officer of british, indian and native american descent, Willian Khan Marshal, and the country was before a decision. As royal advisor William Jackson puts it: The Japanese Court was upon the decision of wether allowing a princess, not a prince, to rule the colony of Aurono or to allow Yoko to marry an American / Indian, allowing an American to enter the highest ranks of political system, and even the royal family, both options of which would hace required an extent of unconventionality the Tenno was not ready to. In the end, the marriage of Yoko and William was accepted after an oracle had been questioned, but under the condition that their offspring was never to rule Imperial Japan itself. Thus came the final split between the Imperial Japanese and Auronic royal families. This slightly removed the strict isolationism Aurono had clung unto towards the rest of the USA, which had reorganized, and the western world in general. Yoko gave birth to a daughter, Momoko, however, William and Momoko were both assassinated during a visit to Los Alamos, and only Momoko, who was 8 at that time, survived, because she had the flu and had to rest in bed in the palace. It has been supposed that the assassination was either carried out by the fundamentalist right-wing conservative Black Dragon Society from the Japanese motherland, which sees itself as the guardian of tradition and morality in Imperial Japan and the nation's various overseas colonies and was very unhappy with the decision to allow the couple to marry. Other speculations have included the assassination was carried out by Amercian Freedom Fighters, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or even by orders of Yoko's borther, Emperor Seito, who would otherwise have ruled Japan and Aurono, or by his daughter Kisuna, who had longed for the rule of Aurono for a long time. The assassin was found to be a BattleAndroid, but the backgrounds of the attack were never unveilled. This left Momoko as the official ruler of the nation, however, when she was old enough to take the throne, she had to struggle hard against the various factions and intriguants at the royal court.


Culture in Aurono is very varied. While the court and the upper classes of society are all still somewhat traditionalist and cling to the concept of a supreme japanese culture that should not be mingled with western corruption and immorality, though this has lessened a bit during William's and Momoko's reign, the lower classes of society and especially the youth celebrate a wild mix of American and Asian culture. Especially the youth has found Japanese youth culture. The expansion of the Japanese Empire into Eastern Asia and India has brought with it vast migration flows between the occupied nations. A substantial number of muslims from Indonesia, Myanmar and other southeast asian nations and Hindus from India went into the US and founded communities, while many people from the US converted to Shinto, Hinduism and Buddhism, so that Islam and Buddhism prevail as the two most significant religious groups in Aurono. There are no religious clashes, and theologists have even created a hybrid theory from japanese Zen Buddhism and Sunni Islam, called Zensunni.

While the spanish flu, even more than the war, diminished the population, population numbers have since recovered, and a rapidly growing population lives in Aurono.

In order for the overall Japanese territories to remain independant upon resource imports, resource consumption is forcibly scaled down in Aurono by orders of the Tenno in Japan. Perhaps, this is also done out of fear of a strong, independant Aurono that could one day challenge the motherland. Most fossile fuels and metal ores go to the Home islands, and transportation and industry is somewhat out-dated in Aurono. In Aurono, you are more likely to go by bike, horse carriage or steam trains than by the much applauded Monorail that connects the cities in Japan, Upper class members often own one of the rarely-seen 1920's-style cars and in some cities, public transport systems operate. On your way through the country, you are more likely to see almost medieval types of agriculture on the vast american plains that were incorporated into Aurono, rather than heavy industry (with exception of mining). Many industrial towns had also remained out of Japanese reach during the conquest.

Princess Momoko established the phrase "All should come together as one people!" as an official salutation in Aurono, which was later abrevated to the new national motto "All should come together as one people!" to emphasize on the importance of all races and communities of Aurono – and indeed the world – to work together for a better tomorrow.

Diplomatic Relationships

As founder of Sudeki, Aurono maintains good relationship with many other nations sharing japanese culture. The nation also maintains good relationship with the Xanadouian nation Kurona and Suvadive, the UN delegate of Middle East.