The Sunrise Islands

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The Sunrise Islands
Forum: none
Population: 7 nations
Delegate: Cookesland (in funtion only)
Founder: ----Kenny----
Info: NSEconomy RC XML


The Twilight Islands consist of one major island in the west (Aegolia), and many smaller ones to the east (the Cookborough archipelago, North Moon Island, The Cooke Islands.


Bodies of Water


  • The Kingdom River - The longest river in the region, it starts at Lake Naika in Cookesland and then flows south to form several international borders before empting itself in the Gulf of Kennyopolis.
  • Esparo River - The river that also starts out in Lake Naika but flows through Coricas before empting into The Vincero Lagoon.


  • Lake Naika - The Largest lake in The Twilight Islands, it is located in Northern Cookesland, and is also known as the mother of all rivers. The Lake is the holy place of the Yestarian Church.

Seas and the likes of

  • The Bight of Ariana - a very large channel that separates North Moon Island from Aegolia. It is very often used to transport goods between the eastern and western islands.
  • The Vincero Lagoon - Also known as The Sea of Cookborough, The Vincero Lagoon is located between Cookesland and Cookborough.
  • The Gulf of Kennyopolis - A gulf that is the end of the Kingdom river and has stormy weather quite often.

List of Nations

Flag Nation Member of
----Kenny---- Twilight Union
NewAnna.jpg Anna Rox Ur Sox Twilight Union
Aurania-Shifre Twilight Union, UN
cookborough.jpg Cookborough Twilight Union
Cookesland Twilight Union
northmoonisland.jpg North Moon Island Twilight Union, UN
thcook_islandsv2.jpg The Cooke Islands None
Yokaria Twilight Union