American Privateer (PMT)

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This is the web page for the PMT version of The American Privateer. For the FT version, please go to The American Privateer.

The United States of
American Privateer (PMT)
Flag of American Privateer (PMT)
National motto: E Pluribus Unum
National anthem: Star-Spangled Banner
Region Empire of the Five States
Capital Tortuga City
Largest City Tortuga City
Population 2.183
Suffrage All Citizens
Official Language(s) English, Ur language
Secretary of War
Secretary of Defense
Constitutional Republic
Jason Daniels

Moon Landing

July 4, 1776
January 8, 1987
Currency Dollar (APD)
Time Zone GMT +4
• Summer (DST) GMT +4
Internet TLD .tap
Calling Code +4
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Fruit
 • Flower

Sea Eagle
Tiger Lily
Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian NS Tracker XML




Land Area 2,973,590 sq km
Sea Area 9475,524 sq km
Coastline 21,103 km


Upland plains in north, rolling hills in Shiloh, desert along eastern coast, tropical forests in west, mountains in north.
Highest Point 7,265 m
Lowest Point 0 m


Droughts in East, flash floods, monsoon storms, severe thunderstorms, earthquakes in North


The climate of The American Privateer is classified as Tropical Monsoon, with cooler temperate weather in the mountains of the North.


During the monsoon season, The American Privateer receives several feet of rain in the first few months.


Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is led by the President, the Vice-President, and his cabinet.


The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of The American Privateer. The President is the sole commander, and is in charge of deployment. However, to deploy, he must gain the approval of the Congress. The President is also the Chief Executive, and is responsible for: Enforcing Federal Laws, Treaties and Court Rulings, Developing Federal Policies, Preparing the National Budget, and Appointing Federal Officials. The President of The American Privateer is also the director of Foreign Policy, and is in charge of treaties and the Diplomatic Corps.


The Cabinet of the President is as follows: Secretary of State: The Secretary of State is in charge of Foreign Affairs. Secretary of the Treasury: The Secretary of the Treasury is in charge of the monetary technology that binds The American Privateer together. Secretary of War: The Secretary of War is in charge of Military Readiness, and is the de facto head of the TAP'ian Armed Forces. Attorney General: The Attorney General is the Chief Lawyer of The American Privateer, and is in charge of heading up the Defense of The American Privateer in case of a suit against it, or the Prosecution, should The American Privateer file suit against a foreign state. Secretary of Agriculture: The Secretary of Agriculture is in charge of enforcing the Safety Protocols that are placed upon the growth and sale of Agricultural Products. Secretary of the Interior: The Secretary of the Interior is the head of the Interior Department, and is charged with protecting the National Parks, National Forests, and National Wildlife Preserves. Secretary of Homeland Security: The Secretary of Homeland Security is in charge of protecting the Physical and Cyber Assets of The American Privateer. Secretary of Transportation: The Secretary of Transportation is in charge of the nations highways, Interstates, rails, and waterways. Secretary of Energy: The Secretary of Energy is in charge of the nation's energy grid.

Legislative Branch


The Senate of The American Privateer is made up of three Senators from the seven states of The American Privateer. Each one serves for six years, with a two year difference between elections. The Senators are elected as the representatives of the State Governments.

House of Representatives

The House of Representatives are made up of the representatives of the seven states of The American Privateer. They each represent 250,000 people or so, and each state is guaranteed at least two Representatives.


All members of the population are eligible for suffrage, with no age restrictions.


To be able to vote, a prospective citizen must pass a Civics Test with a 75% or above to vote. There are two hundred questions on the test, each designed to test the applicants qualifications. Every second presidential election, the citizen needs to re-take the test, which updates with the climate of Current Events.

Government Buildings

The Pillar

The Pillar is the Military Command Headquarters of The American Privateer. Located within the mountains under Shiloh, The pillar is a large cylindrical facility that extends down 34 Sub-Levels, with 15 Levels above ground.

Situation Control

The bottom two levels are combined in Situation Control. The room is built ampitheatre style, with a large screen covering the western wall, with many smaller screens surrounding it. The main screen shows the position of TAP'ian assets in relation to the rest of the world, while the sub-screens can show whatever is needed by the Secretary of Defense. In the two deck seating section of the ampitheatre, there are hundreds of desks for Combat Controllers, Hackers, and Support staff.

Cyber-Security Room

The Cyber-Security Room is a large, 7 story room that surrounds a large super computer known as "The Vault." This computer is actually made up of seven 2 Tb Diamond RAM DDR4 system, allowing it to move at breakneck speeds. Hackers are placed in large VR Boxes that allow them to met and defeat security systems as if they where playing a Puzle Game.

The Vault

The Vault is a 35 Terrabyte Hard drived computer with seven parralel 2 Tb RAM DDR4. Inside, in a specially locked area is what are known as The Hounds, specialised viruses that are able to attack enemy computers while leaving Defense Mainframes alone. The Hounds are used to try and institute Firesales, detroying the infrastructure of the enemy networks

Deep Space Command

Deep Space Command is responsible for coor-dinating the combined Space Assets of TAP. The section for this is five stories, with three of them dedicated to the actuall coor-dination and control of the Space Systems.


The Intel Department is located in seven stories of the building, with much of it being used for a large, six story supercomputer designed to hack and process all communications that go through the internet. However, those not that are not military in purpose are ignored, as the system looks for key words and phrases.

Air Control

Air Controll is a three story building that mirrors Situation Control, bu is more specialised for the Air Power.

Naval Control

Naval Control is a two story room that mirrors Situation control

Ground Control

Ground Control is a large facility taking up seven floors. It mirrors the Situation Control room.


the Reception Facility is two stories, with the first floor, being the Ground Level is designed as actuall reception, while the second floor, Sub-Story 1, is designed for security purposes.


The top 14 levels are used for support offices that deal with Logistics and other Support Facilities.

Shiloh Mountain

Located in Tortuga City, Shiloh Mountain is the Presidential Manor, and posses a series of seven sub-levels buried fifty feet underground. It is a large facility with many of the rooms built into the mountain.

Drake Building

The Drake Building, also known as the capitol, is the meeting place for the Congress of The American Privateer. The Drake Building is built on a hill on the opposite side of Tortuga City from Shiloh Mountain.

Embassy Row

Located on the street running from Shiloh Mountain to the Drake Building sits Embassy Row. While it is not 100% embassies, the vast majority of buildings located on Embassy Row are, in fact, Embassies.

John Paul Jones Naval Base

John Paul Jones Naval Base is located in the state of Lakota, across the Great Sea from New Portland. It is the main Naval base for the majority of the fleet.


The American Privateer is made up of seven states, Tortuga, Na Nex Sa, Lakota, New Virginia, Shiloh, Orleans, and York.


The Most populous state, Tortuga sits on the southern shore of the Great Sea. The Capital of Tortuga is New Tortuga City, and is both the Capital of The American Privateer and the largest city in the nation.
Seven miles to the south sits the city of New Portland, which serves as the Nation's Primary Port City. 75% of the water traffic is moved through this city.


1 billion people live in Tortuga's cities, and are represented by 4,000 members of the House of Representatives.

Na Nex Sa

Na Nex Sa is one of the least populated states, and one of the largest. Here, Hydroponic Towers dot the state, and grow most of the Nation's food and Algae Bio-Fuels. Grains are also grown in this state, and take up a large amount of land. It takes up the majority of the inland plains. It is also the only state that is completely land-locked.


17 million people live in Na Nex Sa, and they are represented by 68 members of the House of Representatives.


A northern state, Lakota is a mineral rich area, in which the vast majority, 87%, of the nation's mineral wealth is mined.


The population of Lakota is 112 million. They have 448 Representatives in the House.

New Virginia









The Architecture used by architects in TAP favors open doors and windows to encourage air movement. The buildings are built with high, vaulted roofs to help circulate air. Often, there is an Internal Chimmney that is blocked of on top to stimulate air circulation within buildings.

Homes often have large, open decks and patios, often stacked, to encourage the movement outdoors under large awnings.

Do to the sheer amount of rain, most homes are built on three foot tall pillars designed to help raise the houses above the floods that are associated with the monsoons. During the summer, this is a popular hang-out area within the house or business, do to the shade and breeze.


The clothing favored in TAP are large, baggy clothes in light colors.


Men often wear baggy pants and shallow necked shirts in whites, khakis, and tans. they also usually wear head gear that protects the head and neck from the sun.


Women usually wear dresses made from a single piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body several times.


In terms of footwear, most members of the population wear open toe, open heeled shoes to encourage air movement.


The most common accessory in The American Privateer is the Torc, a combination Air Conditioning/De-Humidifier that provides comfort to the person wearing it.

Winter/Mountain Wear

In the colder mountain areas of Lakota, all genders wear trousers and shirts designed to help keep the wearer warm in the higher, cooler areas.



Natality The birth rate for The American Privateer is 9%
Mortality Rate The Mortality Rate of The American Privateer is at 7%
Fertillity Rate The Fertillity rate is currently holding at 2.7%
Growth Rate The current Growth rate is 2%
Population Density The Population Density sits at 350 million people per mile
Urbanization 90% of the population live in the city
Life Expectancy &plusmn 95 years old
Calorie Intake 3,000 calories a day
Food Production The American Privateer is able to grow 110 percent of the food that it needs in a year
Infant Mortality The Infant mortality rate is currently at 1%
Medical Care The American Privateer currently sits with 300 persons per doctor
Hospital Infrastructure TAP has 100 persons per hospital bed
Telephones There are around 5,000 phones per 1,000 people
Literacy Literacy currently sits at 99%
Books Published 20,000 titles/year
Newspapers The number of Newspapers Published each year sits at 700
Elementary Enrollment 100% of the potential population
High School Enrollment 85% of the potential population
University Enrollment 50% of the potential population
Student Teacher Ratio The Student-Teacher Ratio in The American Privateer sits at 10:1
Scientists The numb of Sceintists and Technicians per 1,000,000 currently sits at 4,572
Work Force The work force currently sits at 300,000,000 persons

Age Structure

0-14 42.5%
15-64 52.4%
+65 5.1%
Median Age 21.3


Christian 72.4%
Judaism 13.9%
Hinduism 13%
Other .7%



Cultivated Land 1,750,000 sq kilometers or 175,000 hectares.
Percent Cultivated 50%
Irrigated Land 500,000 sq km
Irrigated-Cultivated 28%


Harveters/Threshers 1,250
Tractors 5,000
Mechanical Milking Machines 100,000
Pesticides 25,000 tons


Wheat 105 Million Tons (3,500 kg/hectare)
Barley 16 Million Tons (3,000 kg/hectare)
Corn 200 Million Tons (7,000 kg/hectare)
Oats 20 Billion Tons (2,500 kg/hectare)
Rice 200 Million Tons (4,000 kg/hectare)
Millet 5 Million Tons (3,000 kg/hectare)
Sorghum 10 Million Tons (3,500 kg/hectare)

Seeds & Oil Plants

Oil Seeds 10 Million Tons
Oil Palm 150 Thousand Tons
Soy Beans 10 Million Tons
Cotton Seeds 10 Million Tons
Peanuts 12 Million Tons
Rapeseeds 2.5 Million Tons
Sunflower Seeds 4 Million Tons
Olives 400 Thousand Tons


Tomatoes 15 Million Tons
Cabbages 6 Million Tons


Almonds 300 Thousand Tons
Walnuts 250 Thousand Tons


Oranges 20 Million Tons
Lemons 1.75 Thousand Tons
Apples 15 Million Tons
Pears 1 Million Tons
Grapes 8.5 Million Tons
Peaches & Nectarines 2 Million Tons
Plums 150 Thousand Tons
Bananas & Plantains 7.5 Thousand Tons
Pineapples 500 Thousand Tons
Mangoes 2 Million Tons


Vegetable Fibers 1 Million Tons (1,000 kg/hectare)
Cotton Lint 5 Million Tons
Flax Fiber 75 Thousand Tons (4,000 kg/hectare)
Sisal 500 Tons of Sisal (1,300 kg/hectare)
Jute Fibers 1 Million Tons (1,500 kg/hectare)

Other Plants

Coffee 500 Thousand Tons (1,000 kg/hectare)
Tea 750 Thousand Tons (2,000 kg/hectare)
Cocoa 1 Million Tons (500 kg/hectare)
Sugar Cane 80 Million Tons (60 kg/hectare)
Sugar Beets 25 Million Tons (40 kg/hectare)
Legumes 2 Million Tons (2,000 kg/hectare)
Forage Crops 150 Million Tons

Woody Plants

Lumber 500 Million Cubic Meters
Forrested Area 2,500 sq km
Ratio Forrested .7%
Natural Rubber 1 Million Tons


Cattle 275 Million Head
Sheep & Goats 250 Million Head
Pigs 60 Million Head
Poultry 3.5 Billion Poultry
Milk 75 Million Tons
Butter 750 Thousand Tons
Cheese 3.5 Million Tons
Eggs 16 Million Tons
Meat 55 Million Tons
Honey 150 Thousand Tons
Wool 750 Thousand Tons
Animal Hides 1 Million Tons
Fish 5 Million Tons




Bauxite 7 Million Tons
Cadmium 350 Tons
Zinc 100 Thousand Tons
Copper 55 Thousand Tons
Chromite 850 Thousand Tons
Iron Ore 75 Million Tons
Manganese 1.5 Million Tons
Gold 5 Tons
Silver 100 Tons
Lead 17.5 Thousand Tons
Siliceous Sand 1.5 Million Tons
Attapulgite 30 Thousand Tons
Bentonite 5 Thousand Tons
Kaolin Clay 750 Tons
Stromium 5 Thousand Tons
Feldspar 75 Thousand Tons
Flourite 25 Thousand Tons
Phosphates 850 Thousand Tons
Graphite 65 Thousand Tons
Magnesite 300 Thousand Tons
Natural Stone 3 Million Tons
Talc, Pyrophyllite, Steatite 700 Thousand Tons
Titanium 300 Thousand Tons
Gypsum 3 Million Tons
Coal 300 Million Toe
Salt 1.04 Million Tons


Antimony 5 Thousand Tons
Tin 30 Thousand Tons
Nickel 40 Thousand Tons
Molybdenum 20 Thousand Tons
Diamonds 20 Million Carats (Synthetic)
Diatonite 15 Thousand Tons
Potash 50 Thousand Tons
Sodium Sulfate 120 Thousand (Synthetic), 20 Thousand (Natural) Tons
Salt 5 Million Tons

Energy Production

Total Production 1,750,000 kWh
Geo-Thermal Power 60%
Nuclear Power 15%
Tidal/River Power 25%
Consumption 1,600,000 kWh


Roads 1.75 Million km
Paved Roads 95%
Cargo Traffic by Road 500 Billion Tons
Cars 1,641,000,000
Rails 95,000 km
'Rail Cargo 1 Million Tons/Sq km
Rail Traffic 750 Thousand Persons/sq km
Merchant Marine 3.5 Thousand Ships with +100 Ton Displacement
Airports 15 Airports with regular National/International flights




Infantry Weapons

The Infantry in The American Privateer are armed with the following weapons
Standard Infantry Rifle The SIR for The American Privateer is the M-37 NICW (Nanotech Individual Combat Weapon). It uses a combination of a 48 round 7.62mm Incendiary Glaser Rifle and a 40mm HE Flechette Grenade Launcher. The rifle has an HUD system built in that links up with the Oracle Nanocolonies inside the soldier to provide them with a Bio-Sensor and a Mechincal Sensor. In every squad, four men are armed with an NICW that also possess an M-26 Underslung Shotgun, which can hold 5 12 ga. Shotgun Shells
Squad Automatic Weapon The SAW of the TAP'ian Armed Forces is the H&K MG4, which fires 5.56mm Incendiary Glaser Rounds at around 850 rounds per minute.
Grenade Launcher the main Grenade Launcher of the TAP'ian Armed Forces is the M-47 Stryker, a Belt-Fed Automatic Grenade Launcher that can fire around 225 40mm HE FLechette rounds per minute.
Heavy Machine Gun the HMG of The American Privateer is the M-312, a belt fed 12.7mm Incendiary Glaser Machine Gun, the M-312 is capable of firing at 260 rounds per minute.
Secondary Heavy Machine Gun' The 2HMG is the MS-36, a twin set of 36 Barrel Metal Storm MG's, which is capble of firing 2,000,000 9mm rounds per minute.
Anti-Tank Guided Missile the ATGM used by the TAP'ian ground forces is the Israeli built Rafael Spike-MR, a Medium Range (up to 2,500m) Tandem Shaped Charge, which is a fully Fire-and-Forget Guided Missile.
Mortars The Primary mortar used by TAP'ian Infantry is the M-244 60mm Mortar Launcher, which can fire High Explosive, White Phosphorous, CS Gas, Illumination, and Flechette Mortars with either M935 Impact Fuses, or M375 Variable Fuses. It has a trained 20 round per minute sustained rate of fire.
Fragmentation Grenade The standard Frag Grenade is the M-24A3 Stick Grenade. It is capable of extending the range of a Grenade by 5 meters.
Flash Bang Grenade The standard Flash Bang is the M-41 Flash Bang, the standard Flash Bang of the US Army.
Bayonet Though Unlikely to be used, the increasing amounts of Urban Warfare has made the use of a bayonet a possibility again. As such, the TAP'ian armed forces are armed with the 7" M-7 Sword Bayonet, which also doubles as an All Purpose Tool.

Infantry Equipment

Entrenching Tool E-2 Folding Shovel is a 6" wide shovel that is used for digging, sawing, cutting wood, or close combat.
Canteen when in combat, the TAP'ian armed forces carry 100-oz CamelBaks.
Body Armor The Body Armor used by The American Privateer is a Level VI Dragon Skin Body Armor, which can stop most bullets used by the armed forces of other nations.
Gas Mask The gas mask used is the M50 JSGPM, a Paintball Mask Style protective mask.
First Aid Kit The first aid kits used by the TAP'ian Medical Corps is the M-34 Comprehensive Medical Kit, along with the Herb Kit, which contains a book of herbs that can be used for medical purposes, as well as the means to prepare them.
Sleeping Gear The armed forces use the IMS-Plus Modular Sleeping System.
BDU The Battle Dress Unifrom used by the TAP'ian armed forces is a Digital-Camouflage Tiger Stripe in 7-Color Urban, 9 Color Desert, 6 Color Forest, 3 Color Whites, and 5 Color Plains.
Load Bearing The Molle is the current load bearing device used by TAP'ian armed forces.
Professional Radio The professional radio of the TAP'ian armed forces is the Walk-About M-305, a 305 mile radio with 217 channels and 37 scrambler codes. It is the size of a small novel, and it is capable of linking up with Communication's Satellites to extend the range world-wide.
Night Vision The TAPian ground forces use a specialised form of nightvision that are about the sivze of a pair of small binoculars. Combinng FLIR with fifth generation nightvision. This allows them to have superb night vision capabilites.
Binoculars the Binoculars used by TAP are a combination Elctro-Optical, Rangefinding with a high resolution Digital/Infra-Red Camera. When connected to the M-305, images can be relayed instantly to Command or to The Pillar for instant on-the-ground Intel.
Microphone Headset The headset used by TAP'ian armed forces posses the combination of 3-OLED Lights and a video camera, allowing for video communication and lighting with a hands-free system.

Infantry Units

21,209 Infantry Battalions

  • 1 Anti-Tank Company (69 Men, 16 APC's, 12 Rafael Spikes)
  • 1 Headquarters Company (356 Men, 27 APC's, 6 120mm Mortars)
  • 4 Infantry Companies
    • 1 Headquarters Section (12 Men, 2 APC's)
    • 3 Infantry Platoons
      • 1 Headquarters (6 Men, 1 APC, 3 Rafael Spikes)
      • 3 Infantry Squads (9 Men, 1 APC, 2 MG's, 1 AGL, 2 Under Slung Shotguns)

497 Marine Brigades

  • 1 Anti-Tank Company (69 Men, 16 APC's, 12 Rafael Spikes)
  • 1 Headquarters Company (356 Men, 27 APC's, 6 120mm Mortars)
  • 3 Marine Battalions
    • 1 Anti-Tank Company (69 Men, 16 APC's, 12 Rafael Spikes)
    • 1 Headquarters Company (356 Men, 27 APC's, 6 120mm Mortars)
    • 4 Marine Companies
      • 1 Headquarters Section (12 Men, 2 APC's)
      • 3 Marine Platoons
        • 1 Headquarters (6 Men, 1 APC, 3 Rafael Spikes)
        • 3 Marine Squads (9 Men, 1 APC, 2 MG's, 1 AGL, 2 Under Slung Shotguns)

62,228 Special Forces Platoons

  • 1 Headquarters/Safehouse Squad (9 men, 3 M-49 AGL)
  • 1 Electronic Warfare Squad (9 Men)
  • 1 Strike Squad (12 Men[3 Sniper Rifles, 7 Demolition Sets])
  • 1 Shock Team (6 Men, 3 Rafael Spikes, 3 FIN-92 Stingers)



The TAP'ian armed forces use the new M1A4 Abrams Tank, which has had it's 120mm Cannon Replaced with a 120mm Coil Gun, which fires Ferrous Carbide, or Shredder, rounds. the Co-Axial M240 is replaced with an M-47 AGL, the Pintle Mounted Ms40 is replaced with an MS-36. The M-2 is replaced with an M-312 MG.

M-27 Mammoth Heavy Tank is a twin barreled 150mm Railgun system with 4 FIN-92 Stinger Missile Tubes for Anti-Aircraft purposes. The tank also possess two sets of twined M-47 AGL's for close-in fire support. Due to its shear size, smaller vehicles, such as dune-buggies or cars, can be run over by an M-27 that is moving fast enough.


APC The APC used by The American Privateer is a modified version ofthe M2 Bradley, known as the M2A7. IT posses a 25mm Coil Gun that fires Shredder Rounds, with the Co-Axial M204 replacd with a M-49 AGL. The TOW launchers have been replaced with two Rafael Spike ATGMs. It can carry 12 passengers, allowing an entire squad to be transported at once.
LAV The TAP'ian LAV is the Grizzly, a wheeled vehicle with a rounded bottom, the Grizzly is designed to be able to withstand and deflect the blast from mines or IED's. The Grizzly used by TAP'ian forces is specially modified in the following ways. The Ringmount has been modified to hold a M-49 AGL between the twin sections of the MS-35, and is controlled a remote video system. It also posses six gunports, through which the rifle and grenade launcher of the M-36 can be fired. The Grizzly can haul 8 passengers.
Mobile AA The Mobile AA used by TAP'ian Forces is the M6 Linebacker, a version of the M2 Bradley that switches out the twin Spkie Launchers with four FIM-92 Stinger Missiles.
Tank Hunter For Anti-Tank purposes, a modified version of the Grizzly is used. This one carries four Spikes in place of the MS-36, and usually carries Anti-Tank troopers.

Tank Units

879 Tank Divisions (432 Tanks ea., 379,728 tanks total)

  • 3 Brigades (144 Tanks ea.)
    • 3 Battalion (48 Tanks ea.)
      • 3 Companies (16 Tanks ea.)
        • 4 Plattoons (4 Tanks ea.)


The Artillery used by The American Privateer is the Phoenix Dynamics M204, a self propelled 155mm Gatling Gun that can fire 48 rounds per minute.

Artillery Units

1,956 Artillery Battalions

  • 18 M204 Mobile Gatling Artillery Cannons


M813A1 5-Ton Truck The M813A1 5-Ton Truck can carry 10,000 pounds of cargo off-road.
MT-LBU Mobile Command Center
Expeditionary Ambulatory Vehicle The EAV is a large, fast amphibious vehicle that can support 9 persons.
62,228 CH-54 Tarhe A Sky-Crane helicopter that can carry 9 Metric Tons
37,336 C-130 Hercules A large short-runway cargo plane that can carry 92 Passengers, 64 Airborne Troopers, 74 Wounded, or 20 Metric Tons
46,671 V-22 Ospreys This combination Helicopter-Aircraft that can carry 24 Passengers, 32 Airborne, or 4.5 Metric Tons
31,114 MH-53 Pave Lows This large helicopter gunship can carry 38 Passengers in its hold
62,228 KC-767 Sky Tanker A large re-fueling aircraft, the KC-767 can carry 72 Metric Tons of fuel

Air Support

Attack Helicopters

9,499 AH-3 Viper Strike Teams (8 Vipers per Strike Team)
4,749 AH-64 Cobra Hunter Teams (8 Cobras per Hunter Team)

Attack Aircraft

3,166 A-17 Warhawk Squadrons
6,332 AO-11L Bronco Squadrons



(155,475)Combat Airship Hyperion Comabt Airships
(362,775)Defense Airship Spartan Class Fleet Defense Blimps
(6)Carrier Airship The Carrier Airship used is the Phoenix Dynamics Trojan II Class Carrier Airship, which can carry 20 Fighters. For defensive purposes, it also possess 6 CIWS MS-36, 18 FIM-92 Stingers, 1 THEL ABL, 12 AIM-120 AMRAAM, and 9 AIM-54 Pheonix Missiles in 3 Launchers.
(466,425)Bomber Airship Mako Class Airship Bomber


F-22 The F-22 Raptor is the primary Air-Superiority Fighter of The American Privateer.
F-35 The F-35 Lightning II is the primary carrier fighter of The American Privateer.
F-44 The F-44 Interceptor is the primary interceptor of the TAP'ian Navy and Air Force.


136,040 F-44 Interceptor Squadrons
272,080 F-22 Raptor Squadrons

Attack Aircraft

A-17 Warhawks
AO-11L Broncos
AC-130 Hercules Gunships


136,040 Warhawk Squadrons
272,080 Bronco Squadrons 251,152 AC-130 Gunships


B-3 The B-3 Nighrider is the standard bomber of the TAP'ian Air Force. It is even stealthier than the B-2, and has a lower IR and Sonic signature.
B-50 Super Eagles


408,122 B-3 Nightrider Wings 408,122 B-50 Super Eagle Wings


Attack Helicopters

AH-3 Vipers
AH-17 Predator


408,122 AH-3 Viper Strike Teams

Cargo & Tankers

46,863 C-130's
78,105 CH-54's
78,105 KC-767's
78,105 C-17's
58,579 C-16's

Electronic Warfare

10,650 E-8 STARS
10,187 E-3 AWACS
58,579 EA-6 Prowler

Recon Aircraft

21,310 P-3 Orions
78,105 R-3 Black Mantas


Surface Fleet


(4) Ultra Class BattleCarrier: The Ultra Class BattleCarrier carries 34 F-44 Interceptors, 60 F-35 Lightning II's, 8 AH-3 Vipers, 2 V-22 Ospreys, and 12 E-1 Diamond's. In terms of Defensive Armaments, the Ultra Class carries 12 20" Coilguns, 4 16" Cannons, 1 6" Coilgun, 6 30mm Phoenix CIWS, 8 700mm Torpedo Tubes, 20 cell VLS for Harpoon Missiles, 32 Cell VLS for SA-101 SAM's, 60 Cell VLS for Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.
(2) Atlantis Class Trimaran: The Atlantis Class Trimaran carries 24 F-44 Interceptors, 48 F-35 Lightning II's, 10 S-3's, 6 V-22 Ospreys, and 4 E-1 Diamonds. It carries 6 4-Barreled 30" guns, 8 4" Rail Guns, 4 4-Barreled 8" Railguns, 8 2-Barreled 6" Railguns, 40 Torpedoe Tubes (20 Mk 48 Torpedoes ea.), 35 Falcon SAM Launchers (8 Missiles per Loader), 100 VLS Cells (Tomahawks), 60 Guardian Turrets, 40 Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
(6) Poseidon Class Carrier Sub: The Carrier Subs carry 24 F-35 Lightning II's and a single V-22 Osprey. It also posses 2 Torpedoe Tubes (6 Mk 48 Torpedoes ea.), 6 Guardian Turrets.
(16) Slicer Class Mini-Sub: The Slicer carries 12 F-35 Lightning II's, and 8 V-22 Ospreys. It also possess 8 Firestorm Missile Launchers, 4 Torpedo Tubes (20 Mk 48 Torpedoes ea.), 2 6-inch railguns, 6 Mk 15 CIWS, 4 AMCCG, 2 VLS Tubes (Tomahawk), 1 HLS Tube, 5 Guardian Turrets.


(2) Norad Class Battleships: Norad Class Battleship carries 30 aircraft, 12 F-35 Lightning II's, 12 AH-3 Vipers, and 6 V-22 Ospreys. In terms of Armaments, the Norad carries
(5) Bismarck Class Battleships: The Bismarck carries 8 380mm Cannons, 12 150mm Cannons, 16 105mm Cannons, 16 37mm Cannons, 12 20mm Cannons, 8 Quadruple 20mm Cannons.


(14) Stingray Class Guided Missile Cruiser:


(10)Daring Class Destroyers
(20)Kashin Class Destroyers
(29)Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers


(15)Brandenburg Class Frigates
(15)Godaveri Class Frigates


(50) Sariwon Class Corvettes
(60) Po Hang Class Corvettes

Patrol Craft

(210) Cyclone Class Patrol Craft


(51)Shark Class Submarine Carrier: The Shark Class carries six forward facing torpedo tubes, and eight ballistic missile silos. It also carries 12 S-271 Stealth Submarines.
(696)S-271 Stealth Submarines: The S-271 is a specially designed stealth attack sub that possess twin forward facing torpedo tubes.

Coast Guard

(57) Hamilton Class Heavy Endurance Cutters
(39) Famous Class Medium Endurance Cutters
(48) Reliance Class Medium Endurance Cutters
(486) Messiah Class Motor Life Boat

Logistics Vessels

35 Ammunition Ships
64 Provisional Storage Vessels
10 Combat Stores Ships
24 Destroyer Tenders
14 Submarine Tenders
323 Dry Cargo Vessels

  • 37 General Cargo Vessels
  • 113 Bulk Cargo Vessels
  • 173 Roll-On, Roll-Off Cargo Vessels

38 Vehicle Cargo Ships
33 General Stores Ships
204 Fleet Replenishment Oilers
86 Gasoline Tankers
73 Oil Transports
76 Floating Barracks
19 Artillery Transports
23 Repair Ships
20 Engine Repair Vessels
398 Landing Craft Assault

Misc. Support Vessels

20 Hospital Ships
10 Crane Ships
7 Large Auxilliary Floating Dry-Docks
14 Medium Auxilliary Floating Dry-Docks
21 Small Auxilliary Floating Dry-Docks
24 Missile Range Instrumentation Vessels
4 Communication Relay Vessels
23 Ocean Surveillance Ships
16 Radar Picket Ships
37 Ocean Surveying Vessels
7 Cable Repair Ships
4 Distillery Ships

Aerial Wing

Space Based

The TAP'ian space resources are serviced by the Tortuga Space Elevator. It can move up to 300 passengers or 200 tons of cargo into space in a period of seven days.
In times of emergency, an Eneergia Rocket, hauling a pair of Space Shuttles can be lifted off to supply a space station or lift satellites into Geo-Synchronous orbit over the equator.

Space Stations

Orbital Command The Cheyene Class Orbital Command Post sits atop the Tortuga Space Elevator, and is the HQ of the TAP'ian Armed Forces.
Orbital Labs The Orbital labs used by TAP are a set of three pin-wheels in which varying degrees of gravity, ranging from 3 G's to none can b created for running various experiments and manufacturing various electronics.

Orbital Weapons

Rods from God The Osprey class Space Weapons Platform is a large space station that drops tungsten rods from space with the speed and size to destroy a city. However, TAP'ian laws prevent their use against urban targets while civilians are still in proximity. Media:Example.ogg


Air Defense

Surface-to-Air Defenses


The Surface-Air-Missile batteries used by The American Privateer is the AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile Launcher. This gives the AA Capabilite of The American PRivateer a 112 mi Protection zone from enemy air craft.

Anti-Aircraft Artillery

For AAA purposes, American Privateer Technicians have built a combined 120mm Cannon/4 Barrel 30mm Cannon that has an Auto-Loading system built in for continuous firing.

Laser Systems

Tactical High Energy Laser

The THEL is a system that puts massive amounts of high-energy light into an object to try and fry the target. It can be used against both Surface and Air Targets.

Advanced Tactical Laser

A smaller beamed laser, the ATL is used for pin-point targeting of the same targets.

Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems

The Anti-Ballistic Missile System used by TAP is made up of the THAAD and the ABL System.


THAAD, or the Tactical High Altitude Area Defense system, is an ABM system that has a 95% accuracy. It "Kills" the enemy missile by ramming into it, using pure kinetic force to destroy the incoming missile.

Airborne Laser

TAP has various ABL's, each one mounted on the various Combat Airships used by The American Privateer.

Naval Defense

Naval Platforms

Sea Sentinel The Sea Sentinel is a platform placed out in the ocean at 14 miles out. These platforms use RFID to inspect containers and ships to determine wether or not they have been tampered with, or contain radioactive, chemical, or biological contents. Those found suspicious are then removed by a Sea Handler, which places them in a specialised bunker where they are vacuum sealed and detonated. Those believed to be possesing Nuclear Weapons are placed in a large flooded chamber and detonated. The Platforms also possess large numbers of UAV's that can be used to fire Hellfire Missiles at enemy vessels. Also, they are able to support 12 of the new one-man Stealth Submarines that can be used to help protect the ocean borders of The American Privateer. They are staggered at 1 mile intervals, and communicate with those to either side of themselves. They also posses AH-3 Viper Helicopters to support the UAV's in combat.

Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles

Harpoon Missiles

The Harpoon Missile provides protection out to 315 km.

Anti-Ship Artillery

16" Artillery

TAP'ian naval bases posses 3 barrel 16" Cannons to give maximum stopping power

8" Artillery

The naval bases also posses 8" artillery for close-in stopping power


Key Hole

The American Privateer possess 4 KeyHole 15 Satelites, which possess image resolution of 1 cm, meaning that they can make out detail on objects 1 cm or larger. The pictures taken are done in both black and white and color, and the satellites can take stills and video in radar imaging, infrared, visual, and X-Ray Imaging. The KeyHoles have a ground visual range extending over a quarter of the Earth's surface, and have been in placed Geosynchronous Orbit over the 0,0 and 90,0 points, providing maximum coverage over the planet. Only the farthest northern and southern sections of the planet are invisible to the KeyHoles.

Star Ear

The Star Ear is a set of 12 large Wire-tracing satellites that intercept and copy all wireless signals as they fly through the air. The Star Ear then traces them to their location, and deletes the signal automatically if it is not being sent to a place considered hostile to The American Privateer. Even then, it requires a Court Order to open up the signal file located therein.


The Euradan Positioning System is a set of 72 satellites that are accurate to 5 or 6m. They provide six overlapping signals for any location at any point in time. During war, the constellation is modified to make sure that eight or nine overlapping signals are provided. The EPS provide signals not in Latitude and Longitude, but based on the Euradan Mercator.