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Flag of Twafflonia
Motto: "Quiet! I am privatizing!"
Region Libertarian
Capital Twashington D.C.
Official Language(s) English
Population 1.716 billion
Currency Twafflonian IOU 
NS Sunset XML

The Milton Friedman Worshipers of Twafflonia is a massive, devout, safe, socially progressive nation in the region of Libertarian. It is notable for its compulsory military service, its complete absence of social welfare, and its barren, inhospitable landscape. According to a survey of July 31st, 2007, Twafflonia boasts a hard-nosed, hard-working population of 1.716 billion. Twafflonia's national animal is the free-range twaffle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Twafflonian IOU. The Twafflonian motto is "Quiet! I am privatizing!"

Twafflonia is a UN member with 12 endorsements. Its UN category is "Capitalist Paradise," and its Civil Rights are "Very Good," its Economy "Strong," and its Political Freedoms "Average."


Twafflonia is either ruled by a small, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which. There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded individuals juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Religion & Spirituality.


Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Book Publishing.


In Twafflonia, crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force.

Twafflonian Trivia

In Twafflonia:

  • There have been sightings of people walking around dressed in nothing but leopard-skin g-strings for 'religious reasons'
  • Record sales of 'child-whacking sticks' have been recorded
  • Military spending is on the increase
  • Ethnic minorities are often refused admission to some of the nation's best schools
  • A National Academy regulates grammar and usage
  • Travelers are often forcibly evicted by torch-bearing mobs
  • Citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns
  • Graffiti artists spend lengthy periods of time in jail

UN Activity

Twafflonia's ambassador to the Nation States United Nations is Mr. Biddulph Strathfield. Ambassador Strathfield argued against Resolution #218 (the "UN Labor Relations Act") and proposed a repeal of the resolution shortly after its passing.