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Flag of Kaminos
Motto: "We are the cloners, the chosen one. We keep the populace large enough for all stars to be seen."
[Behinde the Tingel Arm]
Region Deep Within The Outer Rim
Capital The post Aquatic city of Tipoca City
Official Language(s) Confedral Kaminonian
Leader His most honourable Prime Minister Lama SU
Population 12 million
Currency The Phenome 
NS Sunset XML

The Grand Purpose of Kaminos

The Kaminoans could well be regarded as the most knowledgeable species in the galaxy. They know the make genetic make up of almost every know species of the top of their heads. The feel that it is there duty to make sure that all the universe can be seen at once. Of course this is an impossible task for one man to achieve. The logical conclusion of this ancient and angelic race was to make more men to see this heavenly delight that they live in. The Kaminoans truly seek knowledge, and with knowledge comes power. A side effect they were willing to accept. However, with the demise of there close friends the Sith to the hands of the Jedi, it was clear things were about to change. The Kaminoans became a truly feared race. There knowlage and ability to produce infinite amounts of man power forced many to keep there distance and avoid confronation with the ancient ones. However, some saw the benefit of having an alliance with the most unholy of angels. After all they were a populace none the less. Some such as the remaining Sith saw an opportunity for there greatest ally to assist them in the hour of need. The Kaminoans entered into a never ending circle of materialistic trade for manpower. There knowlage allowed them to create clones of unspeakable power. There fate as the gods of war had been sealed.

They had broken the sanctity of war. No longer did one care about the loss of his men. For everyone that fell a thousand could be placed in his stead. The true era of the clone wars had begun. But many, even there allies new true fear.

Everyone could know fear. In theory the Kaminoans could become immortal. They had developed techniques that allowed knowledge to be transferred through the innate molecule of life. Through genes themselves. If a Kaminoan died his life bloody could be darined an placed in a new vessel. The power of immortality was born.

Most races thought this parculiar. The most angelic and hospitable of specices could in fact turning the antilife itself if they wished. The white skinned, giant angelic avatars could create an army of the gods that new nothing but loyalty to there masters. However, the Kaminos had no interest in this. The seeked knowledge nothing more. Fortunately the geography of spaced changed the threads of fate.

The World of Kaminos was well beyond civilised space and soon they became forgotten as there eyes started to peer outward. All but the destined forgot about the white walkers. A mistake that some races never had the chance to learn from.

Indirectly of course.

The Geography of Kaminos

The geography of Kaminos is truly unique. Kaminos is a world truly made of water. If you were to scan the whole planet you would find no sign of land being there, or of land ever existing. Kaminos is a water World through and through. It comprised entirely of water, the molecule of life. The planet its held together by the massive amount of gravity generated about the planets axis of rotation. Kaminos however, does possess a planetry core, in a way. Its central core is made of ice. The gravity here is truly intense. The core is as at a temperature of 323 Kelvin (+50 Celsius). Yet the core is made of ice. The massive amount of pressure exerted upon the planet by the heroic weight of water represses the water into solid form. This was of particular use to the Kaminonians in the latter stages of their evolution. They had managed extrapolate way to exist in the core. The size of the planet is dictated by the molecule it is comprised of. The fact is the planet needs its central core to survive. Therefore it is made up of a volume that challenges a gas giant. That is the only way the liquid can be compressed to a solid state. Due to the way the core can so easily rotate in the fluidic region magnetic navigation is almost impossible. The geography of Kaminos also means that differant species exist at differant levels upon on this true water world. This is due to the various levels of pressure. Due to the nature of water, it shifts dramaticly over certain energy levels. You can descend for hundreds of feet upon end and find a steady increase in pressure that is minimal. However, you will eventually reach a bet of water where the pressure will increase by 5-10 ATM in a matter of feet. This has a massive effect on the ecology of Kaminos.

The Ecology of Kaminos

The pressure zones caused a massive variety of creatures to come into existence on this world. The closer to the core of ice you get the more crab like the naturally evolved creatures become. The outer reaches of the ocean ceiling exhibit a wide variety of prodminantly fish or fish like creatures. Crustation in the common sense are non existant on Kaminos. The deeper you descend you find oxygen uptake systems become far less efficient. Is is due to the fact more oxygen is avaliable. However, some species such as the Kaminoans have become direpicotonous. The Kaminoans and eel types respire from oxygen and nitrogen depending on what is avaliable.

The massive volumes of pressure by the core mean the dominant for of like are Caustodeotrophs. These are creature with in essence no skin. The possess and massive and complex exoskeleton and rarely over 3 meters in size. These are all soully oxygen breathers. There backs contain microscopic holes every 5 cm or so in which gaseous exchange can occur. Due to this factor they can assend to far from the core because they will not be able to take up enough oxygen.

The way in which these creature feed is truly horrific, they usually hold there breath and hurtal way from the core and use ravenous sets of jaws to disembowel the victims and consume them at hight pressure.