Ordo Drakul

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Holy Empire of Ordo Drakul
Flag of Ordo Drakul
"Deus Vult"
Official Language(s) Magyar, German(used in government), Latin (used by the church).
Region The Pub
Population 6,000,000+
Founded August 2007
Capital Unknown
 - Head of Government
 - Controlling Party

Voivode Bruno Tepescu (Bruno I)
Order of the Dragon
 - Total
 - % water

National Animal filthy hippie
Currency 9mm round
Anthem "The Way You Like It" by Adema
ISO Nation Code Unknown
Internet TLD Unknown
Phone Code Unknown
Currency Code Unknown
UN Status Non-Member
Stats: Drakul NSEconomy Drakul Pipian Drakul XML

The Holy Empire of Ordo Drakul was established by the Byzantine Empire-when the Emperor Basil II fought Tsar Samuel of the Bulgars, the Emperor was poisoned, and his catamite assumed control of the Imperial Forces, penning up Tsar Samuel's warriors and blinding them all, leaving one man in a hundred with one eye to lead his brothers home. This action earned Basil II the title "the Bulgar-slayer", and the catamite was awarded a governorship over the lands that now comprise the Empire. Ordo Drakul remained an Imperial Province until the Fourth Crusade, when it became briefly independant for a century or so when it still considered itself an Imperial Province, albeit one loyal to the exiled Imperial Family instead of the Frankish Kingdom. When Byzantium fell to the Turks, the voivode of Ordo Drakul swore oaths of loyalty to the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, who formed the Order of the Dragon, an order of monk-knights who maintained order and governance. The nation was traded between the Ottoman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Kingdom of Hungary for many years, ultimately ending up in the Austrian Empire until it's collapse after World War I. By this time, the Order of the Dragon had become the military and police forces in the country. The Voivode of Ordo Drakul is also hereditary Grand Master of the Order, and commands it's military and police with absolute power. There is a Parliament, it's members meeting over secure Internet channels, who propose laws the voivode either accepts or rejects. The Order of the Dragon maintains the office of Voivode, who rules the country. Trials are held by a locally elected magistrate and a jury drawn from either the electorate, for citizens, the nobility, for noble defendants, or the Order itself for those members of the Order who break the Ordo Drakul's laws. Most citizens will receive community service sentances or fine-foreigners will receive fines and exile, while nobles and the Order face the death penalty, their heightened status bringing heightened responsibility in the eyes of the nation. Trials may be waived at the discretion of the voivode, who routinely executes government officials accused of crimes. Ordo Drakul is a very libertarian state, cherishing personal freedom above all else, and requiring it's leaders live up to a higher standard than it's populace. Most politicians have taken vows as members of a monastic order or the Order of the Dragon itself, and the courts have ruled the lynching of public officials to be protected free speech. The citizans of Ordo Drakul enjoy a standard of living comparable with Europe, with a government devoted to it's duties and bound by midevial oaths of fealty and respect.