Wensicia Hedikai

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Wensicia i Úmanya Etheliel carte Hedikai Héra Dorthonion
Date of Birth
40 Lairë 16 Corana in Atan (30 June 1956)
Place of Birth
Anoriath, Dorthonion
Political Afilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda

Wensicia went to school first to be a psychologist. But her understanding of the Tomanian mind was best served when her brother, Miklós Hedikai, asked her to become the Imperial Minister of Propaganda. She reluctantly agreed, however, she soon became enamored with her duties and has become one of Tomania’s best ministers and also the highest ranked woman in government.

Her tactics and understanding has proven very beneficial to the Marduuk regime. Her propaganda techniques have inspires fierce loyalty to both the crown and Marduuk. She was the one who set up telescreens in houses, large monitors on buildings, public loudspeakers on streets, and was the one who had music publicly played in cities and towns.

She married Navy admiral Orophin Arcamenel, however, she retained her maiden name, Hedikai, and has three children, one boy, Inglor, and two daughters, Itarildë and Vanarwen.

Fun Facts

  • Is a pescetarian
  • Every morning she drinks a class of warm milk with caramel
  • She is an armature ornithologist, and has a pet owl, raven, peacock, swan and several cockatiels


  • Here she is with her owl, Gwaihir, and the head of her personal security, Capt. Telmacil