New York Jet Fanatics

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New York Jet Fanatics
Flag of New York Jet Fanatics
Region Alcatraz
Capital Meadowlands City
Official Language(s) Official Language: NFL Speak, Secondary Official Languages: English, Spanish, German.
Leader Head Coach Keith E. Guuchueb
Population 352 million and counting
Currency jet 
NS Sunset XML

The Pristine Forests of New York Jet Fanatics is a peaceful nation, located on the southeastern coast of Alcatraz, on the North Barrow Sea.


The Pristine Forests of New York Jet Fanatics is the U.N. delegate of the great region of Alcatraz. New York Jet Fanatics is officially classified, depending on which official category the U.N. would like to display for the current day, as a Liberal Democratic Socialist State, a Democratic Socialist State, a Civil Rights Lovefest, a Left-Wing Utopia, a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise, a New York Times Democracy, an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, or a Left-Leaning College State. Displeased with these U.N. inconsistencies, the Pristine Forests of New York Jet Fanatics prefers to call itself, simply, A Winning Team. The Government is concerned with the status of New York Jet Fanatics, and therefore it imposes a sensible, fair, and just method of providing important social programs. The government has set a list of priorities for public and private programs. The public programs offered are Education, Public Transportation, and Health Care. The government of New York Jet Fanatics believes that these programs are basic staples of life and should not be charged for. The government encourages a thriving, competitive private sector for the goods and services it feels are more luxurious, and not necessary for life, including automobile manufacturing, jewelry, and luxurious foods. The government also believes in the importance of the environment and is dedicated to its sustenance. The government is guided by our great Head Coach, Keith E. Guuchueb, who participates in each legislative meeting. Each of the 41 boroughs elects their governmental representative every 2 years. Each borough has 4 representatives. The boroughs are zoned so that the populations represented are virtually identical in number.


Meadowlands City

Meadowlands City is the capitol city of New York Jet Fanatics. It is located on the eastern Coast of New York Jet Fanatics, in the inlet of Kaashelinuur (So named for an explorer in the former Rogue Nation of Thoughtlessness) on the western coast of the Bay of Appadackus. Meadowlands' City is therefore perfectly positioned as a thriving port city, even though severe restrictions and endless inspections, which Head Coach Keith E. Guuchueb claims are absolutely necessary to prevent any harm from coming upon New York Jet Fanatics. Meadowlands City and its suburbs have an approximate population of 11.7 million.


Kashborough (kosh-BURH-owe) is located on the eastern coast of New York Jet Fanatics, south of Meadowlands City. Kashborough is a massive metropolis, containing an astounding population of 58.8 million, which includes a huge net of suburbs, which reaches as far north as Grayton Beach, as far south as Kennick, and as far west as Mount McCallach. A massive public transportation system, consisting mainly of undergrounds subways connects the entire region. Kashborough is a good tourist attraction; notable places include the Freegulf museum of sculpture, the Kashborough science festival and the New York Jet Fanatics museum of the mind.

Port Pennington

Five hundred years ago, Port Pennington was founded as a small port for ships that did not want to go all the way to Meadowlands City. It proved to be a successful endeavor, as it soon grew to be the great metropolis it is today. Port Pennington is known all throughout Alcatraz as being the most environmentally friendly city in the region. It upholds this ranking by enforcing strict rules on all things environmental. For example, all power collected in Pennington county is solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal. Pennington County also prohibits all cars that burn more than 20% of their energy in gasoline. It is a fishing community, as many small harbor towns are, except that in this case, it is a very large community of fishermen. Port Pennington has an approximate population of 5.2 million.


Namathton is a tiny city near the Gerritt Mountains. Namathton is a city where very few people want to live, because it is on the Northern Gerritt plateau, a very very high, and therefore a very cold place. As a result, rent is very cheap in Namathton, and many people who cannot afford to live on the Eastern coast, despite great efforts by the New York Jet Fanatics government to promote social welfare, move there. Namathton has an approximate population of 4.5 million.

Sack Exchange City

Sack Exchange City is a large city located in southern New York Jet Fanatics, on the Geebiff River. It is a notable city for its construction; it is essentially a long, narrow strip of four or five very urban, crosstown avenues about 20 miles long. For this reason, city is very easily navigable. There exists a very efficient public transportation system in Sack Exchange City, as it runs simply as three different subway lines which stop at different intervals along the avenues; it consists of a local line, an express line and a super-express line. It exists in the center avenue so that it is easily accessible from either the northern or southern side of the city. Sack Exchange City has an approximate population of 5.6 million.


Whitangren is a bustling metropolis located to the immediate north of the massive Mount Binnill. The people of Whitangren are a tremendous oddity. Whitangren has its own bizarre rules of culture and codes of conduct, which many people find to be extremely strange. Baramianism is noticeably prevalent in Whitangren, and this undoubtedly contributes to the widespread ideas that the population of Whitangren is mainly comprised of a bunch of raving lunatics. Whitangren is unusual in that it is nearly devoid of public transportation; people tend to walk or bicycle more often to get around. This is another one of the strange codes of conduct of the city. Whitangren has an approximate population of 4.6 million.


Connett is an uneventful city north of Meadowlands City on the western coast of the Bay of Appadackus. Connett is a meaningful city only for the reason that it is larger than the other cities around it in its region, which is really quite populous. Connett is a successful port city, but its location makes it convenient as a trading port only around the Bay of Appadackus, to the other cities in New York Jet Fanatics along the bay, including North Connett, Sinditta and Meadowlands City, in addition to international trade to Alcatraz Angel and the former location of Nevscrow. Connett has an approximate population of 3.8 million.


Gakkic is a tiny city in southern New York Jet Fanatics. It was of very little significance to anyone in New York Jet Fanatics before the city grew sufficiently to receive their own own professional New York Jet Fanatics Football League team. Historians are not entirely sure of when that happened, but evidence shows that it was probably sometime in the 22nd century. Since that time, the Gakkic Hedgehogs have won 71% of the NYJFFL championships. Gakkic has an approximate population of 700,000.