Province Types of the Kiravian Empire

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All of Kiravian territory is divided into provinces. What contstitues a province is decided based on geography, economics, military strategy, and human geography.


Colonies are countries that are settled or otherwise inhabited permanently by citizens of the Empire. Their citizens have full civil and political rights.Generally the indeginous population is nonexistant, negligible, or subdued. They are incorporated at a higher level than other provinces.

Most settlements in these areas are Kiravian-built, with Kiravian-style infrastrcture. Kiravians also try to improve the local enviornment throught reforestation. Colonies are formed for a number of reasons. Economic, Scientific, and Interior colonies are all founded. Sometimes, a province that begins as a lower-type province, like a Governate, will evolve into a colony. The Empire often plants entire cities of new settlers into an area to control access to its resources.

Colonization is the prime form of expansion for the Empire. It is preffered because it is more stable, productive, and culturally fertile than merely controlling areas.

Many colonies elect thier own governments legislatively, but are led by a Governor, like Kesta. Most colonies like Xirya and Evergreena are governed as a department of the Empire, rather than a semi-independant local authority.THese colonies still hold elections for offices, and the Governor can be recalled. The largest, earliest colonies, Karrakar for example, are governmentally independant but subject to Imperial rulings.

Allied Provinces

Allied Provinces are provinces that join the Empire voluntarily. Originally, an allied province is a nation-state, city-state, or other political entity that is admitted to the Empire after applying for membership. They continue to act more or less as independant nations, but lose their national identity in most cases. Some contribute to the Empire by providing services, and uniting with Kiravia on military campaigns.

Allied Provinces are allowed to retain their own leaders and government, but are subject to Imperial policy and must provide military service to the Empire. They also must drop trade restrictions with other allied provinces,

Compound Provinces

Compound Provinces, due to their mixed nature, have mixed governmental types. The colonial portions of a Compound Province are governed as a colony would. The other matters are handled as if by the authourity of a Governate, Conquerate, or Tributary.


A Governate is a province incorporated on a lower level than a colony. THe natives have many rights, and can vote in local elections. They cannot vote in Imperial elections.

Territories, Dependancies, & Posessions

Territories of the Empire have a low-level Provincial government, and cannot conduct diplomacy. The Empire is responsible for their defence. They differ from a dominion in that they are inhabited by Kiravians, and can vote in Imperial rulings. Dependancies are genrally small colonies without a governor. They have no home rule, and are soveriegn only in small, local, administrative matters. Posessions are provinces that are under Kiravian rule and, for the most part, under military occupation, or insignificant holdings that are used only as civil bases or are completely uninhabited. Both types of posessions are administered directly from Kartika.


Mandates are initially unstable or hostile areas annexed by the Empire to stabilize a region. They have no governor, but rather a Mandatory Administrator, who carries out the day-to-day tasks of government.


Protectorates are nations that Kirav operates for their own defence or development. Some small nations, generally those with resources and hostile neighbours, ask the Empire to become a protectorate. In other cases, the Empire may take an interest in protecting a culturally unique, or particularly amiable threataned nation. THey differ from Vassal States as they do not pay for protection. Kirav does not impede on the trade or resources of the protectorate. However, Kiravian authority does overrule local authority.

Trust Territories

Trust Territories are Kiravian-governed areas granted to the Empire by the U.N. Usually, they are newly independant, or recently disaster-stuck nations in need of aid. They are meant to be returned to home rule at a certain point, but the Empire tends to retain sovereignity.