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Federated Socialist Republic of Jannteuvvel
Sozialé Väärté Republik ko Jannteuvvel (Jannteuvvan)
Federaatio Sosialisti Tasavalta -lta Jannteuvvel (Finnish)
National flag

"The People's Strength! The State's Glory!"

Region Eastern Europe
Capital Mághonnau
Five largest cities Mághonnau, Kaell, Droshök, Treblintzburg, Reuvann
 - Official
 - Other

Jannteuvvan, Finnish

Romanian, Swedish, and Yiddish spoken by minorities.

 - Heer Vuuhaer
 - Governing Party
Communist State
Andrej Vátton
Jannteuvvan People's Party (JPP)
 - Foundation of Monarchy
 - Proclaimation of Republic
 -"Great Revitalization"

February 4th, 1922
May 18th, 2005
Population 20,130,000
National animal
Large Scandinavian Seagull
Currency J-Mark (JMRK)
 - United Nations
 - Other

Internet TLD .jt
Jannteuuvvel Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian NS Tracker XML

Federated Socialist Republic of Jannteuvvel is a Communist State in Scandinavia. Despite its location in this area, it has had close ties with Eastern Europe throughout its history, and is therefore usually associated with states and nations in Eastern Europe.

Jannteuvvel is one of only a handful Communist states in Eastern Europe, along with allies Kazistonia and Krasnayaorsk. Recently, Jannteuvvel headlined forming a new defense pact for Communist and Socialist nations in Eastern Europe. As a result, the "Socialist Defense Pact", or the SDP was formed in January 2007.

Jannteuvvel was involved in the Nikolaykrainian War from November 2006 until April 2007, where the nation faced off against Capitalist forces from Malorek and Novistrana. Despite several initial advances, Jannteuvvan and Krasayan forces were swamped by the sheer number of enemy troops, and as such, were forced to sign the Saratov Accords in April.



Jannteuvvel is run exclusively by the current Heer Vuuher, and fifteen ministers. These individuals make up what is known as the Haemmen Kounzaelle (Upper Council). The Upper Council's members are selected by the Heer Vuuhaer. In reality, the Heer Vuuhaer holds absolute power. While he makes the decisions, the Upper Council smooths them out and implements them. The current Upper Council is headed by the Heer Vuuhaer Andrej Vátton.

Foreign Affairs

Jannteuvvel's relations with it's Eastern European nations are generally tense. Being one of the few remaining Communist states in the region, Jannteuvvel has frequently been the target of propaganda attacks, as well as being blamed for insurgencies. After founding the Socialist Defense Pact, or SDP in January 2007, the country received threats of war from various sources, including the Empire of Marsden, Red East, and Vexia. Despite being almost universally despised by the right-wing and fascist nations, Jannteuvvel maintains a very close friendship with Kazistonia and Krasnayaorsk, as well as friendly relations with the Hellenic Confederation and the Union of Power. In the last few months, tensions have flared up with the Empire of Marsden in the form of a naval skirmish in the Baltic, the Red East over the annexation of Tuurtaland, and more recently Lensi-Etala over the treatment of ethnic Finns within Jannteuvvel.



The standing army of Jannteuvvel numbers over 960,000, as a result of compulsary military service from 17 onwards. Led by Defense Minister Jörg Nettelsman, the "Jannteuvvel Liberation Forces" contain several elite divisions, manned by veterans of the "Great Revitalization" of May 2005. The military boasts multi-culturalism in its ranks, including those of Romanian, Finnish, Hungarian, and German descent in higher ranking positions. The airforce, "Jannteuvvel People's Air Defense Force", is currently going under massive re-organization, as part of new policies implemented by the Communist government. The navy, "Jannteuvvel People's Naval Defense Force", contains several ships, and even boasts an Aircraft Carrier.